Senior Mental Health

  • Healing Harmonies: Music Therapy for Seniors and Caregivers

    Music has been used for thousands of years to heal the body and soul. Learn the science behind the benefits of music therapy for seniors and find ideas for musical activities you can do at home.

  • Sources of a Senior's Bad Mood

    Discover 5 factors that can lead to a senior's bad mood. Learn how to deal with the constant complaints, criticisms and demands.

  • Veterans Can Receive Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Benefits

    Veterans who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are eligible for mental health benefits at no charge. In some cases, monetary benefits are provided, depending on the severity of the illness.

  • The Special Calendar Every Caregiver Should Keep

    Everyone has an emotional calendar that influences how they feel about and approach certain times of the year. Awareness of these connections can allow you to break negative emotional patterns and develop and promote positive ones.

  • Stop, Drop and Roll: How Caregivers Can Extinguish Negative Thoughts

    The longer you spend caring for someone, the more likely you are to experience negative emotions like resentment and caregiver guilt. Use this simple technique to help you prioritize positivity, self-care and flexibility on stressful days.

  • Physical and Mental Health Effects of Family Caregiving

    Providing care for a senior can be very rewarding, but without a balanced care plan and regular respite, family caregivers risk developing serious mental and physical health problems of their own.

  • Channel Your Inner Optimist to Overcome Caregiver Stress

    Cranky seniors, critical family members and financial strain can make it seem impossible for family caregivers to remain upbeat, but there are ways to maintain a positive outlook despite the challenges that come with caregiving.

  • A Caregiver’s Guide to the Oms and Asanas of Yoga

    Starting a yoga practice can help maintain the natural connections between your brain, body and breath. Begin your personal journey to achieving physical and mental balance.

  • Does Moving to a Nursing Home Cause Depression?

    For many seniors, moving to a nursing home can lead to depression. Family caregivers can help their loved ones integrate into their new environment by using a few simple strategies to keep their spirits up during the transition to senior housing.

  • Depression and Diabetes

    Many individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes simultaneously grapple with depression. For many, proper management of their mental health is key to the proper management of their physical disease.

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  • The Connection Between Pain and Depression

    Does pain cause depression, or does depression cause pain? Many research studies have been conducted to analyze the connection.

  • Suicide and the Elderly

    The risk of depression in the elderly increases with other illnesses and when ability to function becomes limited. Improving detection and treatment of depression is an important step in reducing suicide risk among older adults.

  • Is It Normal to Grieve Before Someone Dies?

    Grief doesn't just strike once a person dies. In fact, the grieving process can begin when a loved one is first diagnosed with a chronic condition or terminal illness. Learn how to recognize and cope with anticipatory grief.

  • The Power of Telling Family Stories

    Reminiscing is a vital part of healthy aging. Sharing stories and experiences is a powerful way to improve a senior’s self-esteem, reduce stress, and leave a legacy to younger generations.

  • The Greatest Gift: Make Yourself a Priority This Holiday Season

    To ensure this holiday season is both productive and enjoyable, be sure to prioritize self-care, keep your plans realistic and embrace quality time with those you love.

  • Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver: Part III

    After yet another setback with my father-in-law’s health, I was determined to go home and decompress. But, as I sat in my car, I began to wonder who this man I agreed to care for really was.

  • Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver: Part II

    I could tell that my father-in-law was off his medication, but to my surprise, his nurses had no idea. My frustration turned to anger as I tried to rectify this and other oversights in his care.

  • Learning to Live with Adversity Allowed me to Look Differently at Aging

    A life filled with ups and downs enable me to navigate Parkinson's, prostate cancer, and all the stuff that comes with being 84 with relative equanimity.

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