Anemia in the Elderly

  • Are You Eating Your ABCs?

    Specific vitamins can have a significant positive (or negative) impact on your health. Learn what each one does, how to spot a deficiency, and what foods you should add to your diet to make sure you're meeting your nutritional requirements.

  • Anemia in Seniors: What to Look for and How to Treat It

    Fatigue, weakness and irritability are considered “normal” symptoms of aging, but these red flags may actually point to a serious underlying condition. Be aware of these signs and others that warrant a trip to the doctor and some blood work.

  • Fingernails: 5 Signs That Point to Senior Health Problems

    The condition of a senior’s fingernails can indicate the presence of medical issues like heart disease, thyroid issues and malnutrition, which can be especially serious in elderly individuals.

  • 10 Worst Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

    When fighting cancer, many of the most effective treatments can be accompanied by debilitating side effects. Here's how caregivers can help.

  • Caregiver Remedies for Senior Foot Pain

    Arthritis, poor circulation, neuropathy, gout and plantar fasciitis can cause seniors to experience foot pain and discomfort. Experienced caregivers share their tips for managing foot pain, which can improve a senior’s mobility and quality of life.

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