Diabetes in the Elderly

  • Electronic Health Records Lead to Better Care for People With Diabetes

    Electronic health records versus paper-based methods of record-keeping were put to the test with a group of diabetes patients seeking comprehensive medical care.

  • Diabetes, Hypertension Raise Glaucoma Risk

    Those with diabetes had a 35% greater risk for developing glaucoma than those without the disease; hypertension upped the risk by 17%.

  • Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Increased by Red Meat and Processed Meat

    A new study links increased risk of Type 2 diabetes to red and processed meats, and suggests healthier options.

  • Depression and Diabetes

    Many individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes simultaneously grapple with depression. For many, proper management of their mental health is key to the proper management of their physical disease.

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  • Type 2: The Most Common Form of Diabetes

    Type 2 is the most prevalent form of diabetes, and the one that impacts older people the most. It is often referred to as "sugar."

  • Do diabetes medications have to be taken at the same time every day?

    It's important to take your Diabetes medications at the same time every day. Consistency is key when treating this disease and maintaining health blood glucose levels.

  • Diabetic Exchange Diet

    This nutrition plan divides foods into 6 groups and uses exact serving sizes to help you eat the right amounts of each group daily in order to control your weight, blood sugar and cholesterol. Use this guide to get started.

  • Diabetes and Oral Health

    Diabetes and high blood glucose levels can lead to gum disease and peritonitis. Left untreated, these conditions cause teeth to fall out.

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  • Results of the Largest Diabetes Research Study

    The Diabetes Prevention Program studied whether either diet and exercise or the oral diabetes drug metformin could prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

  • Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies for Diabetes

    Here are some complementary or alternative medical therapies that can be used in treatment of diabetes.

  • Diabetes and Skin Care

    Diabetes can harm the skin in two ways: through fluid loss and nerve damage.

  • Diabetes and Foot Care

    The combination of nerve damage and poor circulation can cause serious foot problems for diabetics. Learn proper foot care techniques and tips for talking to your doctor that will help you put your best foot forward.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy Can Lead to Blindness

    Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in elderly adults.

  • 5 Ways to Control Diabetes

    These five principles will help caregivers manage their loved one's diabetes.

  • Caregiver Remedies for Senior Foot Pain

    Arthritis, poor circulation, neuropathy, gout and plantar fasciitis can cause seniors to experience foot pain and discomfort. Experienced caregivers share their tips for managing foot pain, which can improve a senior’s mobility and quality of life.

  • Adaptive Footwear: Finding Shoes for a Senior's Hard-to-Fit Feet

    Podiatric issues like arthritis, structural foot deformities and complications from diabetes can make it hard for seniors to find shoes that fit properly. Family caregivers offer tips for finding and affording orthopedic shoes and custom orthotics.

  • Caregiver Tips for Managing Swollen Feet and Ankles in Seniors

    Swollen extremities are common, especially during the heat of summer, but persistent swelling may point to a serious underlying condition. Experienced caregivers share their best tips for monitoring edema, reducing inflammation and improving circulation.

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  • Podiatrist vs. Pedicurist: Where to Go for Senior Foot Care

    Proper foot care is an important part of an elder’s overall health but deciding whether to go to a doctor’s office or a salon for these services can be confusing. Veteran caregivers offer their best advice on how to care for a senior’s feet.

  • Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s: Miracle Cure or Myth?

    In the absence of formal clinical trials, it's hard to say whether anecdotes touting the benefits of using coconut oil to minimize the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are rooted in fact or just the product of another health fad.

  • Two Surprising Types of Medication Cause the Majority of Senior Overdoses

    Research indicates that older adults are more likely to be hospitalized for adverse drug events related to the use of blood thinners or diabetes medications than they are to be harmed by more risky drugs like prescription painkillers.

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