Senior Driving

  • 20 Warning Signs an Elderly Driver Is No Longer Safe Behind the Wheel

    Driving helps older adults stay mobile and independent, but the risk of car accidents and injury increases with age. Look for these warning signs that it’s time for a senior to stop driving.

  • Should Someone With Dementia Be Driving?

    Although changes in a loved one’s abilities may not be readily apparent, dementia and driving are a dangerous mix. Use these tips to tackle the issue of unsafe driving with a dementia patient.

  • How to Discuss Unsafe Driving With a Senior

    Older adults who have become increasingly dangerous on the road are often in denial about their driving issues and the risks they pose to themselves and others. Use these seven tips for discussing unsafe driving with an aging parent.

  • Taking the Keys Away: What to Do If a Senior Won't Stop Driving

    Many family caregivers eventually realize that their aging loved ones are no longer fit to drive. If an elder refuses to stop driving and maintains that they’re still safe behind the wheel, you may need a backup plan for keeping them off the road.

  • Senior Health Issues That Impact Driving

    Age should never be the sole reason for taking away a person’s driving privileges, but a number of physical and mental health conditions, medications, and/or age-related health changes can seriously compromise a senior’s driving abilities.

  • Dementia: Witnessing Cognitive Decline

    What a terrible condition dementia is. It takes the brain of a bright, loving, proud, communicative individual and turns it into a fog of progressive cognitive decline.

  • Travel Tips to Help Seniors Get Through Airport Security Screening

    When traveling with a mobility aid, artificial joint, pacemaker, oxygen concentrator or liquid medications, use these insights from a TSA spokesperson to get through security checkpoints quickly and easily.

  • Tips for Caring for Someone With Alzheimer’s At Home

    Many families are committed to caring for Alzheimer’s patients at home for as long as possible. Incorporate these tips and strategies into your daily routine to ensure a safe and successful in-home care experience.

  • Senior Driving Top Tips: Transportation Options for Someone Who Can’t Drive

    The forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best suggestions for transportation alternatives for seniors who can no longer drive.

  • Caring for Aging Parents: How to Stop Elderly Parents from Driving

    We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips for preventing an elderly loved one from getting behind the wheel.

  • Senior Driving Top Tips: Discussing The Ability to Drive

    The forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips for broaching the subject of unsafe driving with an aging loved one.

  • Driving and Dementia

    Driving is a privilege, not a right. Many patients can and do drive in the early stages of dementia, however it is a progressive disease. It is imperative that caregivers watch for signs that clearly show their loved ones should no longer be driving.

  • An Affordable Alternative for Older Adults Who Can’t Drive

    Driving is synonymous with independence for seniors, but age-related changes can make hitting the road dangerous. Look beyond public transportation and taxis for options that can get your loved one where they want to go.

  • Why Doctors Don’t Like to Discuss Driving with Older Patients

    We look to doctors to address lifestyle factors that affect our loved ones’ health and safety, but driving cessation falls into a gray area for many physicians. Discover why MDs find this conversation so tricky and tips for successfully tacking the issue.

  • Does Your Family Member Need Driving Rehab?

    Families are often reluctant to act on a loved one’s bad driving since it can significantly limit their independence, but there is an option available that is less drastic than taking away the car keys.

  • To Drive or Not to Drive? That is the Question

    I'm almost 85, and have had a couple scary car crashes in the past few years. I've cut back dramatically on my driving, but I think it's time to look again.

  • The Dangers of Senior Drivers Staying on the Road

    Are elderly drivers really a hazard? Or does their experience make them safer drivers? When should a caregiver think about pulling the keys?

  • Charlie’s Driving Privileges

    Dementia and age related decline have impacted my husband's ability to drive. I'm dreading taking him to have his driver's license renewed. He only has to pass a vision test, but it's his coordination, reflexes and decision making that are the problem.

  • Keeping a Senior Driver Safe Behind the Wheel

    Research reveals a simple way to help keep an elderly driver safe. Old-fashioned physical activity, already lauded for bestowing a host of mind and body benefits, can also help aging adults maintain their driving independence.

  • The Hidden Cost of Keeping Elderly Drivers Off The Road

    Encouraging doctors to tell unsafe senior drivers to avoid driving can make for safer roads and safer seniors. But not being able to drive may increase rates of depression in the elderly.

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