
My mom fell 3 months ago and broke 4 ribs.Then Nemonia follwed. She is 90 years old. After months of being seen by doctors and many test it has been deterrmined by the doctors that her pills should never be in her home and she probably overdosed on the vicoden. She had been recouping in my cousins apartment which has been a wonderful safe situation.
She hates it there and although she is close to us would rather move back into her home which is 20 minutes away. her anger grows daily and she says "Bily, I want my pilss and I want you to take me home right now!" Sometimes she is teary about it..She misses her home terribly.
We have brought many things over from her home make her most comfortable her bed favaroite chair and photos ect. Her home is 20 minutes from us (she lived alone over 37 years) .We have a 10 year old, we will not be able to care for her as well.My husband 65and I 55 are getting physically worn down and emotionally at wits end? She now says she thinks she is getting depressed(I think we are as well- our family is paying the price) At 90 she needs help with everything from making a up of coffee to sometimes lifting herself off the chair or toilet. She has the emergency button but is afraid to use it becaause she hate doctors and hospitals.
She will not allow any conservatorship or power of attorney and the state is watching closing threatening to take over as coservator if we don't. Mom doesn't believe it is possible.
Any input would be appreciated. SP

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I would find a good eldercare attorney in your area to help you with getting control over her medical decisions. If you have a county office on aging, they can give you contact info on other available resources. If she has a regular family doctor, I would ask them about getting her on a good anti-depressent medicine. It has made a HUGE difference in My Mother-in-law's attitude.

did you ever though about the residential care home? is a family setting eenviroment.

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