
I know I whine about this a lot, but I am at my wits end. My Dad DOES NOT SLEEP consistently at night. Seriously, he's up almost every two hours ALL NIGHT. After begging for MONTHS (I hate the Veteran's Association by the way--worst care EVER) for something to help him sleep, the doctor FINALLY gave him Trazadone. He got WORSE!!!

I have tried Valerian Root and Melatonin. They put him to sleep, but he doesn't stay asleep. I went back to the doctor and he prescribed cyproheptadine, but SEVERAL online articles say it makes Dementia WORSE, so I did not give it to Daddy.

I have TWO jobs (Thanks to Caregiving, I LOST my cushy corporate job) and I need my rest. If he doesn't sleep, I don't sleep. I also have Lupus which has been exacerbated by the stress of caregiving and lack of rest.

Add that to the fact that he DEMANDS that we keep the Air Conditioning off (not a good idea in Carolina heat), I'm insanely uncomfortable at his home and have had sinus / headcold issues all summer long. PLEASE help!!!

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Tinyblu, it is not uncommon for elders not to sleep through the night. I am starting that pattern now, and I hate it because I still work.

See what your Dad drinks at dinner or after dinner, plus any snacks. Anything with caffeine or sweet will keep him wide eyed at night. I found if I have just a half a glass of Pepsi at dinner at 7pm, it will keep me up at night. Same with chocolate.

Yes, be careful about cyproheptadine.... but I did find a half a tablet [2mg] of Chora-tamatron [allergy medicine] does help me sleep.... but a full tablet will eventually keep me awake. My Mom [97] uses this medicine for allergies and knock on wood no memory issues as of yet.

Suggest to Dad that he might sleep better if he is buried under the blankets at bedtime with the air conditioning at 70 degrees. I don't know if this will work, at least you would feel better :)

We had good luck with remeron (mirtazapine), would the doctor consider switching to that? And last time I was at the pharmacy I noticed timed release melatonin, it might be worth a try. It seems as though finding the right drug or combination of them is really just a lot of trial and error, hopefully your doctor is up to the challenge.

My husband was perscribed remeron. It works very well for him. I would suggest the same to you Tinyblu.

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