
Before considering placement of your loved one, please read it. Somethings I already knew; others were shocking. In essence, the article claims that assisted living centers were originally designed to care for seniors who needed light assistance, but were otherwise in good health. To fill rooms the industry began to accept residents who needed more intensive care, however, most were ill-equipped to meet the medical needs of its charges.
I have often said that there isn't much "assistance" in assisted I know why...
Please take a minute to tread the article...Lilli

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THANK YOU for posting this link!
I hope it stays ... should be on a front page!

My father lived in a 'luxury" AL place that had some wonderful employees ~ yet when I spoke with his nieghbors & learned first hand how little "Assistance" was provided ... how much was hidden ,,,
& the extra charges that would appear on the monthly statement.

A valuable series "Seniors for Sale" was in the Seattle Times newpaper. I don't know how to post the link but it shows up on Google.
Not to frighten anyone when seeking care, just clues to watch for.


I understand that facilities are necessary for patients who have multiple, debilitating illnesses, severe dementia that makes them combative and harmful to others, or who are entirely imobile. I wonder, however, how many are placed at the convienence of the family members. When I was younger, I knew very few of my friend's grandparents who were living in NHs. They lived in their own homes or with family. In fact, it was disgraceful to put your family member in one.

Caregiving isn't many families are "sandwiched" or both husband and wife have to work. IMHO, the alternative of putting my Mom in an institution frightens me. I pray for the strength and resources to keep her at home forever.....Lilli

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