
Of late we are getting a whole ton of questions without any punctuation or capitalization. I guess this is some new fad?
Then, too, it would seem to me that most of those posting to AC are over the age of the newest fads, so I am having a difficult time wrapping my fingers around it. I am no longer going to even attempt any posts to us that have no punctuation.

I am starting to think that some of our questions are written by an A.I. algorithm that hasn't attended grammar school.
Alas. as the old Irish R.N. said to me, "Things change one coffin at a time." Somehow, while my back was turned, it was decided that punctuation is a waste of our valuable time.
All take care. I am certain I will return in a month's time in a much better mood!

Find Care & Housing
I have to agree. I think people are on cells. Even so, you need to punctuate and have paragraphs. Proofreading ur question would help. Not writing in 3rd party would help. Not "what if" but my Mom and I have this problem. (Me and Mom is gramatically incorrect)

I interpret no punctuation/run-on sentances as written by some having a bipolar or manic episode trying to problem solve something in a panic. Even if one used spoken word-to-text function it would most likely add punctuation. But if you talk too fast it would write garbled nonsense like what we often see.

Also lately new people not putting one thing in their profile. Frustrating.

Agree Geaton. Yes, they are all new, and I would say 20% of them respond in ANY way to anything said, or ever return again. It is all quite odd and strange, but then I am pleading too old to adjust!

Honestly, I just don't allow myself to expect that anyone will return to their post anytime soon as I assume many questions are posted in a crisis. If they do return to update, it's so incredibly informative.

I think a lot read them. It's hard and overwhelming, for some to reply. Caregivers are the giver, they are not used to asking for help. To have people, strangers carring about what happens to you, and your with a parent that could care less about your well-being, or have dementia, or in pain

Back years ago when I was looking for information I found many, many different forums and the thing that made AgingCare stand out was the fact that there were actually long threads with many answers and people were actually having conversations, almost no other forum was/is this way


LOL! I find it a bit annoying myself and very difficult to follow with no punctuation.
Have a great month off Alva!

Why punctuation matters.
Some people find inspiration in cooking their families and their dogs.

I get more annoyed that they don't fill out the profile. A few here and there, no problem, but I'm not seeing anyone doing it lately.

Language changes. It always has. The purpose of language is communication. In some ways, how you do it, as long as you can communicate, doesn't matter. In other ways I love our current language and using it according to the rules. I taught a lower level English at the college and it was a joy seeing the students start to grasp the principles.

My dd, who is approaching 60, is very "with it" in terms of technology, gaming etc. She told me that punctuation and spelling don't matter any more as long as the other person gets it. Abbreviations abound and work better on cell phones and ipads.

I'm OK with that as long as I have picked up enough jargon to understand. Mostly it's intuitive, I find. Late - L8. Cya - see you, thx - thanks. I love you - ♥

The new language forms are here to stay. May as well get used to them.

Language does change and slang terms go in and out of fashion. I find it amusing (when I'm not being annoyed) that many younger people I encounter on line like to disparage people who aren't writing the same way they are, completely oblivious to the fact that their lingo will go out of fashion too.

cw - I don't see this as slang, but in time we will know.

At 74, I cannot do without puncuation and paragraphs. My mind cannot adjust. And a comma used in the wrong place changes the whole meaning of the sentence.

You are right Golden, I was wandering off on my own tangent lol

Honestly, I think being dyslexic, it doesn't bother me much. I have an easier time understanding it than you guys. Kinda funny

Thx cw. You're allowed you know.

I don't worry too much about reading text without commas and paragraphs. I look at the context then usually get most of it. I think the spilling out of stories here is probably therapeutic for the writer, though it is better, in terms of getting good answers, if they are easily legible. Mind you, at times, my grammar nazi does rise up. 😉

And paragraphs, generally, if there are none in a long post, I give up mid-stream.

Enjoy your vaca!

I also still have problems deciphering everything as simple as DH to incomprehensible FILSOFRYAZ. As in, "my FILSOFRYAZ was admitted to the hospital yesterday and my SILVVV won't visit her."

You’ll be missed, Alva!

Have a wonderful sabbatical!

Yes, proper punctuation and spelling are good. As someone who likes to read a lot and loved English in school I have a hard time reading those run on posts that have no punctuation etc.

Lostinplace, there is a web site that tells all the abbreviation, I don't know it. But I don't know it hoping someone else puts it up for you . Sil is sister in law . DhH is dear husband. And OP is othere person, meaning the person from the original post.

Thanks CW I'm saving that this time!

Thank you! Very helpful IMHO :-)

As a former paid proofreader, the thing that gets me the most is when someone starts every word with a capital letter. My eyes can't take it! I let it go and move on the next post.

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Incorrect punctuation
will never be cute.

Let’s eat kids.
Let’s eat, kids.

Stop clubbing, baby seals
Stop clubbing baby seals

dear peggysue,

😉 this is my - seal - of disapproval.
it looks so seally with paragraphs and paragraphs, and no punctuation.
i don't want to seal with it. i don't want to - sea - it.

I noticed one post a few days ago that was one big long run on sentence. After reading a few lines I didn't bother.

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