
I found this article regarding not abandoning your parents. I guess it would be a good article for people who are too busy to speak their parents sometimes. So this reminds them.
But for those who are taking care of difficult parents, it only adds salt to the wound

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That article was clearly written by a clueless millennial. Just kidding! Well kind of. Clearly the writer lacks experience in the subject of caring for elder parents because the entire article assumes that everyone was raised by loving parents who did all of the things the writer is telling the reader to do. The article is nothing but a fluff piece. It lacks real substance and doesn’t tell us what we really need to know and it puts all responsibility on the child.

In a perfect world.

The one thing was honoring their wishes. Sometimes this could become impossible. They could want to stay in their own home for the rest of their lives. But their health makes this impossible.

I can find an argument for all of them. Stubborn parents who need to change but won't. Abusive parents. Parents that don't understand u can't give up ur entire life for. These questions are based on the parents were good parents. And life is not that cut and dry.

Yes Worried, I agree it was written by someone who has no idea.

She ends her blog with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: "'Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.' Let’s treat them like the treasures and works of art that they are." She fails to take into account that some old people are more like a Jackson Pollock than a Rembrandt.

"While we’re not legally obligated to house our parents when they get older, we definitely have a moral obligation to make sure they’re not homeless. If that means letting them live with us, so be it." Allow me to rephrase: Regardless of why your parent is homeless, suck it up and bring them into your home no ifs, ands or buts. Yeah, Ursula Herrera from Miami Beach, Florida, whatever.

Exactly. It's not like on TV where the elderly parent is living with them and everything is fine. Real life is messy. People are not aware until they are in it. By that time they are exhausted.
Find another way. There are resources to help with that

And the models who are in those TV commercials are like 55, not 85 peeing and pooping all over the place, refusing to shower or brush teeth, etc. etc. etc.

Wait until she has to deal with this issue, her tune will change.

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