
Fear of getting older. someone asked or stated they are afraid of getting older this ageing will happen to all if you live long enough. People just need to get over this fear of ageing ,,,the only way to stay young is to die young......Getting older does not mean you have all bad health problems ..its to a given when you age this or that will happen.There are people older than you doing more than you if you look around you. Yes even in better health than young people. Consider how some elders even grandparents are caregivers for their children /grandchildren who have problems people think only elders get...So deal with getting older/ageing due ti there are only two options!!!! die young or age with grace.

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This must have been on your mind this morning. It may have been in response to a question I asked several months ago. None of us know what our future has in store for us. Many of us have seen what our futures may look like through tending our parents. If both parents had dementia, will we get it? If our parents became blind and deaf, will we? Tending parents with health problems give us a look at possibilities that are worrisome. I guess the best outlook is: if it happens, it happens, and I am going to live until then... as soon as my caregiving responsibilities are over.

Yes but live while caregiving ,,,ive been caregiving as 2009 to present and you canot wait til it over due to none of us young or old are pormised tomorrow even if its small bits of living please take it....i get out and perform singing for retirement centers/home but you also have younger staff and family who come and enjoy the joy of see there loved ones smile and sing if able...i see then even just clap hands or move there feet ,,,Please don't wait til caregiving responsibilities are over live now while caregiving some caregiver go before the person their caring for,,,,thank you

Yes but live while caregiving ,,,ive been caregiving as 2009 to present and you canot wait til it over due to none of us young or old are pormised tomorrow even if its small bits of living please take it....i get out and perform singing for retirement centers/home but you also have younger staff and family who come and enjoy the joy of see there loved ones smile and sing if able...i see then even just clap hands or move there feet ,,,Please don't wait til caregiving responsibilities are over live now while caregiving some caregiver go before the person their caring for,,,,thank you

reborn, this would be a good time to tell us a little about yourself and who you care for. I checked your profile, but there's nothing there yet.

i care for my father do all his meds and shots weigh ins vitals
charts ,doctor apps...24/7 .. work my volunteer singing and teach fitness at retirement homes at most its 30-45 min, also i teach at churches coed fitness so if i do these things its around his care and meds ....days iam unable to leave i learn how to make/upload videos with music on youtube ...practice windows movie maker ...practice my singing daily 15-45 min ...and how about other caregivers and you.

If you click on our user names, most of us have a little about who we're caring for and what they have been diagnosed with. I've been living with and caring for my parents for over 5 years now. My father died three years ago, so it is just my mother and me. She has an assortment of problems -- diabetes, spinal stenosis, and dementia. I am luckier than many, since I can leave my mother alone for 2-3 hours at a time without worry. Many people here have to be with their parent all the time or arrange to have someone to come in. I feel for them, since I would probably go crazy if I couldn't leave the house.

ive been reading geneology records from the early 1800's re , my county . infant and child deaths were off the charts as were deaths in the 20's and early 30's . drownings , gunshot deaths , alcohol overdoses , agriculture accidents , and a surprising number of deaths by lightning strikes .
dropsy , consumption , tuberculosis , freakin tennis elbow and swimmers ear ..
even today many of the people i was raised around have crappied off before 50 yrs old . i feel pretty fortunate to be healing from hepc and getting stronger every day at the age of 56 . if im alive 30 yrs from now all the dead should rightfully rise up from the ground and call BS in unison .

I would not say I'm afraid of getting older, not much I can do about that. But, I am concerned that I'm planning correctly for it. Will I have the financial resources etc.?
I definitely DO NOT want my son and his wife caring for me as I have done for my folks. I want to be put in a care facility when I can no longer stay in my own home. Once there if I'm on any meds, I want them all stopped.
Have I made this all clear to my son and his wife? Do I have it all legally written out correctly?
To reborn: I'm very happy that you have developed your ways to cope with the caregiving situation. But, your reality is not mine. I have always been an outdoor person (hiking, camping etc.) and this caregiving is like a prison and as my Mom becomes frailer the walls keep closing in. It used to be we could at least take a drive in the mountains but now Mom can no longer get in my Jeep. There is no joy in this situation except for the fact that Mom seems to be happy here at home with me and I'm glad knowing she's happy and well cared for.

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