
Hello.......husband’s family of 5 brothers and sisters, Mom passed of stroke 3 months ago...shortly after lock down in their city. Dementia diagnosed 9 years before. Living with husband, still working, refusing to leave his self made business for her care.....2 siblings in town (we live out of town) swoop in. Do NOT reach out to ANY outside agencies...until forced to get some minimal help...insist on picking up all the pieces. Now there is so much anger, bitterness, resentment, and continued denial over Dad (91!!!) his grief, his needs......just a nasty, vicious cycle......material needs not an issue. We just returned from giving Dad 16 days at his house and trying to stay sane. How do I even ask a question.....? Still processing a hell of a 16 days and yet I still love my father in was just so sad...

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Welcome, Jenny

This is a great place to vent, rant, and get advice. Welcome to the club that no one wants to be a part of!😌

Hi Jenny - if you want to ask a question, post it under the Questions instead of Discussion that way you might get more replies.

Welcome to the group!!!

Taking care of elders is an exhausting task. So, vent away...

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