
Yes I did.
I decided, I don’t like the funk I have been in.
Haven’t we all been in one.
COVID, election, you name it.

I had decided not to hand out Candy..........

WHAT??????? What the hell is wrong with me?

As a kid, it was the greatest holiday right next to .......

My kids loved it every year!!!!!

I decided, these kiddies need some happiness more than ever!

Put all my troubles aside, it’s time to create a little joy in October 2020.

So, I took off my *itch hat and am putting on my Witch hat, literally......:)

I am handing out candy tomorrow night.....

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I am so torn on this one, A. It is such a HUGE holiday in my neighborhood, with kids coming from everywhere to see the decorations in our closed off streets. I first saw the building we bout at Halloween, and it is my favorite holiday. That and Dia De Los Muertos. But I didn't decorate for the first time. I am afraid to encourage the congregating together. Seems my neighborhood is about one half and one half. You mask up good, and I don't mean a Halloween mask. Wish I could hand out candies with you. I love the costumes.

Good for you Arimethea. This has been a year to forget. But despite the anxiety it has created in almost all of us (me for sure), we can choose how we react to it. To hell with COVID (although I'm still taking precautions), the election and all the turmoil. I choose to consentrate on my family and mostly grandkids. That's what brings me pleasure. Congratulations on your choice to wear your witches hat!!

Good for you! I haven’t handed out candy in a couple of years, instead going out to eat and leaving a dark house. This year I decided that children have had enough taken away from them this year and childhood is valuable, so I bought ziploc snack sized bags and filled them with candy. We plan to toss them ever so gently to our trick or treaters. I’m even wearing my very tacky socks with Jack o lanterns on them!

Our state just went back into 'almost total' lockdown due to record high positive testing and that changed it all.

We were going to get together as a family tonight and carve pumpkins and have s very small gathering, now, not.

In fact, we've basically cancelled Thanksgiving and Christmas. Christmas will be a drive-by affair, which I already hate. One family has had covid and we're Ok to be with them, but not the other 10 grandkids.

Well, life isn't what we want it to be---but this too shall pass. I'm not looking forward to January which always has me in the dumps. I've got to find a service project to do!

At least I have hair this year! Last year's chemo hair was just beginning to come back by Halloween and I looked (and felt) absolutely horrible until March.

If Dh wants to lob candy at the few trick or treaters we get, he can do it. My heart is NOT in it!

We went out with family/grandkids. I'm in Michigan with high restrictions. Thankfully, most ppl just wanted normalcy. Lots of ppl out and lots of lights on. We have not missed a holiday or a family get together. Knock on wood, nobody we know has gotten it. Although, if it's a one and done, I'd rather just get it and get it over with. We travel a lot and refuse to let this hinder our lives any more than need be (But we are also under 70) I hope everyone can figure out safe ways to spend the holidays with family.

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