
This morning my dad passed away. My sister and I were unable to see him due to his wife’s restrictions. Although we contacted authorities and DCF, we were not suicidal enough to get him removed from his home. The authorities are concerned there was foul play but his wife is having him cremated tomorrow. I have requested a tox screen on him. I know he was on hospice and was dying but his wife of a few years has a lot to gain. I just want the truth. If you have any misgivings involving a loved one don’t wait to check it out. Take care of your loved ones and thank you everyone.

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I'm so sorry for this loss and the way it transpired. I hope eventually there is clarity and justice. May you receive peace in your hearts and comfort from his loving memories.

I'm just so very sorry. What a nightmare. I hope you find peace -- and justice.

I'm surprised she'd be allowed to cremate him if there were questions about his death. Call and ask the authorities what's up with that?

Oh SueBeebe
I am so sorry to hear of your fathers death. Such a sad situation. I hope you and your sister are able to find peace. Wishing you sweet memories of your dad in days to come.

I am sorry for your loss.

May The Lord lead, guide and direct you during this difficult time.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I’m sorry for your pain in this and now, the loss of your father. I wish you healing and peace

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this news. My condolences to you and your family. Sending you a big hug and a prayer you can get answers

Sue, if the authorities themselves are concerned with foul play you should inform them of all the wife's shenanigans, not least of which is the fact she wants him cremated immediately. She may have life insurance on him that needs to be hidden with the cremation, for instance.

As painful as this moment is, if there's any possibility she was involved in foul play, then let the authorities know as well as the coroner.

He was on hospice? Then, yes, there will be EXPECTED to be drugs in his system. Hospice is end of life care. His MD had to approve hospice. If he was mentally competent he had to also, and his POA and next of kin as well. He would have been medicated with Morphine and with other drugs as well to keep secretions low, to keep him comfortable and below the level of dreams. I am very sorry for your grief. I suggest grief counseling to help you toward healing. I am also very sorry for the dissension and disagreement between your Dad's wife and his children; that is always very difficult.

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