
Thank you to all that responded with such helpful advice and insight. What I did by not responding to my neighbor was a bitter-sweet situation. She is sick and her computer is her only source of socialization because I don't see anyone coming to visit her.

If she hadn't approached me in such a malevolent manner with an accusation of having done something weeks ago that now her computer is not working, I would have helped out, but now I won't enter her apartment let alone fix her computer.

Thank you all for taking the time I really do appreciate each comment!

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I am sure your neighbor will find someone that will help her, I only hope that she dies not "abuse" the help as she did with you

So sorry Baffled. I know you want to really help her but you do need to draw the line at some point. Don't see how plugging it in did something to the computer. You were right in telling her to call in someone.

No good deed goes unpunished. That seems to be the message here, huh? So sorry you got put into this terrible position in the first place. Gives me the willies, personally. Glad to know you will be moving soon, that must be a relief!!

We are raised to help others but we aren't taught how to say no. It does seem that the ones we help, take advantage and its hard to back off.

This sight has been my life line, so much of the ins and outs of dealing with aging parents and neighbors are not normally thought of, at least not for me!

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