
Its not an accident that we suffer here, but there's redemption for those willing to be humble before God... '...For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek'. Rom 1:16
1Cor 15:1,3,4. 'Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;...
2 By which also ye are saved,....
3...that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures::
1thes 5:9. "For God has not appointed us 2 wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us..."
Rom 10:10 "...with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation".
Acts16:31."Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..."

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I am not a believer, and in 77 years, no matter the fox hole I was in at the time, including my own cancer, I have not for a second believed really in anything. I guess I believe in the budding of a leaf, of its fullness, of the beauty of its last colors as it withers away, and of its falling to nourish new life. As to the rest, I think I am possibly missing the gene.
I do, however, love to study world religions, and I love churches, especially the very old ones in Europe. I love the writings of Elaine Pagal. Her latest book on her thoughts on faith is lovely. She IS a believer, as well as a biblical scholar. And of Anne Lamott, another true believer. You have posted this under "depression" and I sure would recommend their books on faith to others.
I am fascinated by how much knowledge and history has been "saved" in bad times, through writings protected by various churches. And I find different beliefs absolutely fascinating, as well as different religious texts.
I think the comfort of faith is marvelous for those comforted by their faith, and am so happy for them that they have this comfort. I appreciate the prayers and good thoughts of friends who believe and celebrate faith in their own way.
Of all the things in life we might feel "shame over" I think faith would figure as one of the least of those things; unless a man tries to force his own faith onto another, there is as I see it never a reason for shame to enter in with faith.
I wish you the joy, the love, and the peace of your lord. We DO suffer here, but we know also great beauty, great joy, great peace. And I have seen these things in people beset by the most awful circumstances.


I am not sure what you are ranting about. I just read your profile about your mom’s death. I am so sorry. Sounds like she suffered towards the end. Is that what this is about or am I missing something?

I don’t blame your mom for not wanting feeding tubes. My mom doesn’t want them either. Nor do I if it’s near my time to go. Why prolong the agony with feeding tubes?

Still, you are entitled to your opinion for what you wish for yourself and I respect that. I also understand that you waited at home until she passed. That is a personal choice.

I stayed with my brother at hospice but my brothers couldn’t be there until just before the end. He died the second I left the room.

I knew he was ready to die and no one has the right to interfere with prolonging his death by allowing feeding tubes.

I know someone who overruled her father’s wishes to die without feeding tubes and ordered they be put in. She had medical power of attorney. Do you know how much longer he lasted? One stinking hour! That’s it. She regretted doing that and not respecting what her father wanted in his final hours of life.

Where does your faith come into play in this posting? I’m confused, I suppose. Maybe you could clarify for me. If you are comforted by your faith that is wonderful. If you are in a dry spell and are confused, you aren’t alone. Many have questions about their experiences.

Not all who believe are hypocrites. Some are true believers.

There are some who use a bible to beat others up with. Do people even take them seriously? I don’t.

You have never struck me as a hypocrite or someone who uses the Bible to hurt others, but more of a genuine, kind, caring individual. I wish you well and sorry that I couldn’t be of more help to you.

Tiger, I’m sorry that you are feeling so bad, and I hope that you soon realise that what is behind you, is over.

However, to give a different slant on your quotations, do you realise that only the first 3 Gospels actually talk about what Jesus did or said? Paul never met him alive, and Paul wrote most of the New Testament. Jesus spoke of “Our Father” as often as “My Father”, and yes he did expect the same fate as most of the older prophets. Jesus’ words in Mathew, the Sermon on the Mount, are the best things to hang onto. Pray for love, not remorse.

A very interesting "Gospel" is the Thomas Jefferson gospel. Long before we showed King James in "red" as when Jesus spoke, Mr. Jefferson made HIS own personal bible only the direct quotations by Jesus. It is easily googled.

I had ZERO idea from this post that her Mom had just passed. I am so very sorry. This is such pain, and I hope that, like me, her Mom will never truly leave her. I hear my Mom and see her in almost every facet of my life on a daily basis. A truly loved and loving presence. I hope the same for Tiger. I have no fear of death. I believe in love. That, quite simply, is the all of it, or at least the best of it.

Tiger, I am very sorry that your Mom has passed away. You took care of her for a long time and I’m sure watching her suffer at the end was so heartbreaking for you. Her wishes were honored and that is the best we can do for our loved ones. Let them leave this world the way they want to. You were there for your Mom for a long time and I’m sure it will take some time for you to work through the grief and loss. I wish you comfort and peace and I’m sending you some hugs.

Beautiful words, Margaret

Big Hug Tiger.
The most beautiful rant I have ever seen.

Faith is such a beautiful thing especially when maintained through the toughest of times.
By faith are ye saved through Grace.
Your rant is especially beautiful to me, because you are relying on your faith in the midst of your trials.
In doing so, you are a beautiful light, and a wonderful representation of the Love of Jesus.

You carry on Tiger, do not let anything or anyone come between you and Jesus. As tough as things get at times, we know HE will always be there, and HE will always bring us through, molding us and shaping us into the beauty that is HIM!


Tiger, I am sorry for the loss of your mother.

While reading the Bible the other day, this verse really spoke to me and filled me with joy:

But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. Corinthians 2, 3:16-18

Freedom! Beholding! And being transformed from one degree of glory to another!

The wonder of it all!

And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.....John 1:14

I hear you, Tiger

Tree artist,

The Bible is indeed full of wisdom. One thing I have never done and determined to do is to read the Bible in chronological order. I admit that I get confused at times reading the Bible out of order. I end up not understanding things or feeling that there are too many contradictions. Any advice for me or anyone who is seeking peace, enlightenment or truth?

Good afternoon, NeedHelp,

I have found that switching from Old Testament to New Testament on alternate days helps me not to get bogged down. Or reading from New Testament in morning and Old Testament at night (or vice versa). I usually read just a little unless it is one of the historical books in the Old Testament which can be read much faster. Most of how I read the Bible is I guess what you would call “organic reading” in the secular world, whereby you read something slowly in order to thoroughly understand and “digest” it. I come to my Bible reading with a desire (placed there by the Holy Spirit) to know more about God. “Taste and see....” Psalm 34:8. Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. He knew that we all had ears, but that not all could or would hear Him. In John 10:27, He said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”. I mentioned the above Bible verses because the experience of reading the Bible is different for a believer than someone who reads it merely as a literary work, or for a class they took in comparative religions.

I have heard many people say to start with the Gospel of John in the New Testament. There is no right way to read the Bible as a believer. The only wrong way would be to not read it at all. Ask God to guide you. Whatever you do, don’t make it another chore in your long list of things to do. Approach it as an act of love toward the Living God. Jesus said, “It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”. Matthew 4:4. Jesus was quoting the written Old Testament, Deuteronomy 8:2-3. Let the Word of God be written in your heart and mind and soul.

Do I get confused? Oh, yes! There are so many wonderful online sources that you can use to help you in your Bible reading. netbible,org is great for that. It allows you to split your screen. On one side you can have your current Bible verses and on the other, notes, commentaries, and articles on them. Must you understand everything? No, though you can ask for wisdom. Jesus will meet you where you are.

The amazing thing about reading and rereading the Bible is that it is always fresh. I have read the Book of Corinthians 2 that I quoted from in the previous post, several times but never did it speak to me as much. Never before did I hear the message as I did on that day. This happens all the time. “Let him have ears....”.

Thanks, Treeartist.

That’s how I read it too. But I think to truly grasp the meaning, in it’s entirety, it’s important to read it in a chronological historical context. To read history as it happened. Know what I mean?

Treeartist- isn't God's word amazing in that however many times you read it, each time something new comes to light.
It's lovely
I really appreciated your post.
To read with understanding and a true desire for the Holy Spirit to reveal to you truth and light, and asking for wisdom and understanding, is a totally different experience than reading for recreation.
This is God's word, which is Jesus Christ, that is something beautifully powerful to all who want it.
Great is the mystery of Godliness.

I am sorry that you loss your mom and having a hard time. You will be in my prayers. It is better to suffer with Him by our sides than to not have Him at all.

What you wrote was breath taking. Thank you for sharing. You have His strength and His love. It is my belief that God uses are pain to show us not only who He is, but to show us who we are and to make us better. You will be in my thoughts.

The first book I ever read from the bible was Ruth it is just a beautiful story that spoke to me. About going in full and coming out empty and yet there is God making a way...a path. How someone comes into your life and when their role is finish they leave your life, but those who are loyal will never leave-no matter what. It is just a wonderful book! That is what spoke to me!

By the way, I am hanging in there. Thanks for asking. Hope you are doing well.

I’m hanging in there too. Thanks.

I don’t remember the first book that I read. I skip around. I would like to research how to read it in a historical chronological order. It would clarify exactly how things occurred.

The Bible in chronological order, by history:

Oooh, Thank you, send help! I appreciate it. I can start on my challenge. I have always wanted to read it in chronological order. Now I can 😊

I am guilty of reading my favorite parts over and over. Not something I want to stick with.

I am guilty of reading my favorite verses over and over and skipping around the bible as well.

My Bishop did a serom on the book of Ruth and assign us to read it and I just started going to that church so I read it.

There is some very good online bible study classes as well as online preachers. I use them when I need the word of God.

Here is one of my favorites:
"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now, it springs up: do you not
perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wastland."
(Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV)


I did read all of Isaiah in chapel a few years back. So much wisdom in that book. Very meaty book!

Job totally depressed me but many lessons in that book and some books just leave me lost!

I love proverbs and Psalms. Of course, the gospels are beautiful.

I don’t have a favorite apostle. My troubled brother who is now deceased always connected with anything Paul wrote.

The beginning of Genesis is so beautiful to me. I love learning the backstory of anything. The origin. Guess that’s why I rarely like sequels to movies as much as the original. There a a few exceptions, but overall. no.

I do respect Abraham a lot. His faith! I don’t know if I could ever have the amount of faith that he did.

I love the boldness if Jeremiah. All of us communicate with God in our own way, I suppose.

So many of us have struggled with faith, in the Old Testament and the New Testament we see their struggles and their faith, sometimes really sweet childlike faith.

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