
My two Sisters and I were here at the house with her when is left this earth to join our Daddy in Heaven. I'm sure they are having quiet the celebration. He passed three years ago from a six month battle with Leukemia. Mom was the love of his life. We kept her at home, just as he asked.  She was placed on Hospice on June 23.  Mom had dementia and stopped eating several months ago. She continued to drink a little up until a couple of days ago.  Mom was one strong woman. This group has helped me to prepare for our loss. Thank you all.

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Tmarie I am so sorry for your loss.

Tmarie, I am sorry for your loss. It's so hard losing your mother. She left in peace knowing she was loved.

Sorry for you loss. This day it probably the hardest .. after the day of the funeral.

Take time for yourself. Be good to yourself.

Very sorry for your loss. I hope you have peace and comfort in the days ahead.

Tmarie, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Knowing that Mom is now back with your Dad does put a smile on one's face.

That is how I viewed it when my Dad passed. Makes the grieving a bit easier.

Tmarie, I am sorry for your loss. Losing a mom is tough, I know. But you were there for her when it counted. I hope you can find peace in your memories of her and your dad.

God bless you and your sisters

Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. I went today and fixed Mom's hair and nails as I have done every week for the last three years. My heart is aching but I know Mom is now painfree and in the arms of her forever sweetheart. The next two days will be difficult but bareable surrounded by family and loved ones. Much love to all that have provided guidance and advice while on this caretaker journey.

So sorry for your loss Tmarie :(

I am sorry for your loss. This is a good place for you to be in that it helps. I am sure it was difficult for you to help prepare your mom but nice you were able to help her one last time as you have done for so long.

My deepest condolences and sympathies. I'm very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you during this difficult time.

Hugs Tmarie9, so sorry, peace

Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I recently lost my beloved mother, as well.
It sounds from your description that your mother passed away surrounded by love. It is a blessing to leave this world in a calm setting, surrounded by family. She was lucky to have you and your sisters...

TMarie9, so sorry to hear that you lost your Mom. I felt the same way when my own Mom died, just 14 months after losing our Dad, now nearly 14 years ago. Those whole 14 months, all she talked about was meeting our Dad up in Heaven (plus she gad been very sick with cancer, and on Hospice), and when that did happened, it was almost a relief, as they had been together since she was 16, nearly 60 years! She missed him so much! It's a great to think of them together at last and I hope that it brings you the same peace and joy as it did me. They are together once more! take care!

So sorry to hear of your loss. As you say, she is now with your dad and free from earthly bonds and pain.

Hope this knowledge will ease your mind at this time.

Dear Tmarie9,

Thinking of you during this difficult time. Please know we are all here for you. Sending you love and hugs.

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