
Sometimes I feel so tired - of work, of caregiving, of family, of just life in general. It's the same thing over and over. Wake up at 615am, change dad's Depend, skip breakfast because I'm running late for work, I'm late again for work. Stress from work, headaches by noon time. Come home exhausted, aching, and no dinner. The minute I arrive, sis is gone. Dad wants this or that, and I still need to eat dinner - it's now around 630-700pm. I usually end up snapping at him because I'm HUNGRY, tired and hurting. But most of all - Irritable.

I turn to the TV to help me find laughter. Lately, it's the show "Sex sent me to the ER" that has made me laugh so much. It is just sooo funny! Irritating at times, but funny. By the time the show is over, I'm feeling so much better.

Sometimes, I come on wanting to share some funny stuff I read or saw on TV. And I have no where to share this with you all. I don't feel comfortable putting it on the YOU or the DYS or even Parents say Funniest Thing threads/discussions. Because it just doesn't 'fit' in those category.

So, I've decided, I'm going to do a discussion thread in which I or anyone else can freely come and share something that made them laugh or smile.

These are my favorites - that I watch/read over and over, when I feel so down.


1. Pepsi Maxx & Jeff Gordon presents: Test Drive 1 and Test Drive 2.
2. Dinosaur Pranks from Japan
3. Coffeeshop New York Carrie prank

1. Canadian Bank Thank You Automated Machine
2. West Jet xmas gift 2013

Dementia Community:
Google - CNN's World's Untold Stories: Dementia Village - YouTube
(This is sooo unique, int the Netherlands! I cannot vision this in the United States.)

This is what I wanted to share with you all. I hope at least one of these helped with your day. =)

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the guys i work around are just too somber . my kid and i used to laugh ourselves senseless at our own warpy thoughts . sadly i think its cause these guys are puffin on a weed pipe so much during the day that they dont have their wits about then or theyre trying too hard to act straight . nice guys but boring beyond belief ..

Just found Jacqueline Marcelle and ordered her book on Elder Rage. Based on her article in AC she takes a very humerous approach to her caregiving of early stage dementia parents. Very cheap on Amazon for a used copy 1 cent plus $3.99 shipping

I have the Elder Rage book but in paperback. I was planning to buy the e-book but it was way too expensive. I'm in the middle of reading a series. When done, I will make the time to read the Elder Rage. We can discuss it in our wall so as not to bore others. Hmmmm, we can recommend this book to the Book discussion thread and give our input.

I just discovered Modern Family reruns, and am loving it! I laugh out loud for 1/2 hour straight.

Cap, what you need us some of us out there working with you.... there would be a lot of laughing.... now consider most of us have bad backs and haven't exercised in years..... but I'm in..... the laughter seems all worth it !!!!

Some of the Strangest "hand luggage" items people have attempted to take on a plane (from ETN news):

1. A TURTLE IN A HAMBURGER. A Chinese man put his pet turtle inside a KFC hamburger to go with him to Beijing. At the xray machine when questioned about the odd-shaped burger, the man said, "This is not a turtle but just a hamburger."

2. A Weapon and Ammunition in his Son's Stuffed Toys.
An American father traveling with his 4 year old son, stuffed his taken apart gun and the ammo in the boy's rabbit, teddy bear and Mickey Mouse stuffed toys. Rhode Island TSA caught it in the xrays.

3. Tadpoles Inside the Mouth. A Korean woman leaving Guangzhou Chinese airport had a bottled water. The security told her to drink the liquid or throw it. She chose to drink it - except she didn't swallow it. So the security told her to spit it out. She was trying to smuggle the tadpoles out of the country.

4. Seven Snakes and Three Turtles in his Pants. - A man going from Miami to Brazil tried to smuggle these animals in nylon bags hidden in his pants.

5. A Corpse in a Wheelchair Pretending to be a Passenger.
2 German women (age 41 and 66) tried to board their relative's cadaver as a 3rd passenger from Liverpool John Lennon airport to Berlin. The dead man was wearing sunglasses. When questioned about him, they told security that he's sleeping.

6. A Crocodile in a Briefcase.
Jetcost airline. A passenger brought the crocodile in the carryon luggage. It escaped. The passengers totally panicked and fled away from it. This caused the plane to lose balance and crashed into a house during a flight from Kinshasa to Bandundu. The Only Survivor of the Let410 plane crash told what happened. Ironically, the crocodile survived the accident, but was immediately killed by the rescuers with a machete.

7. A Laser Sword from Star Wars.
TSA stopped the actor Peter Mayhew (played Chewbacca) just finished a ComicCon in Colorado was returning home to Texas. It caused a serious debate if it was a threat or not. Finally, American Airline Staff came to his rescue and managed to convince TSA that it was extremely unlikely that a famous actor would kidnap a plane armed with a light sword.

You know, I never thought that when bomb sniffing dogs are trained, that they use real bombs. Well, Duh! How else will they sniff out hidden bombs if the trainers don't use real bombs for training? So, the following article below was an eye opener.......

This was leaked into the news around July 2 of this year.

French police put a block of explosives at Marseille Airport in the freight section during training exercises- and forgot where they hid it, says a leaked report. The authorities have been searching for the perilous package for a week to no avail.

The deadly substance was hidden during exercises in which the local gendarmes were training police dogs to find explosives. However, the sniffer dogs didn’t seem to be trained well enough to find the substances. Neither were the officers, who forgot where they put no less than 100 grams of C-4 military explosives.

I've mentioned this before in the other threads. The Paris Transport Authority released this Etiquette Guide for using the Metro in Dec of last year. This is a translation from the French version.

Understand that the huge crossed out cigarette on the platform is not a work of contemporary art, but a ban on smoking.

Propose to help the person in the Bermuda shirt with a metro map in one hand and the other hand in their hair. It’s worth losing two minutes of your time for a good cause if only to hear the (foreign) passenger struggle to pronounce the metro stops “Trinite d’Estienne d’Orves or La Motte Piquet-Grenelle.

No-Nos: playing music too loudly through headphones. Loud phone conversations should also be avoided.

Resist the temptation to stare for a long time at beautiful women.

Holding back from starting a fight with someone who’s just stepped on your toes.

Hold the exit door for the person who follows you.

Handkerchief not just used to wave someone off with, but to sneeze into.

Take the bag of an old lady ... and she will give a smile at the top of the stairs.

Greet the engineer, especially if it is a man or a woman [But...what else could it be other than a man or a woman?]]

On hot days, it is best to keep your arms along your body like a penguin, and hold the pole at the bottom, not the top.

Don't confuse the metro with the bathroom, even if both have tiles on the walls.

This is one way of looking at your missing checked-in baggage - from British Airway's point of view...

Travellers are finding it hard to come to terms with baggage recovery in British Airways flight. The airway’s is misplacing luggage in various routes causing frustration, anguish and loss among British Airways passengers.

According to the British Airways , the problem began on Thursday of last week, 26.06.14 when a technical failure knocked out the baggage processing system at Heathrow Airport.

The airlines are advising people to carry their essential items in their hand luggage for precautionary measures.

The airline assures its ‘victims’ that their baggage is not lost; it has merely “missed its flight.”

looloo, I am also a big fan of "Modern Family", didn't discover them until I stumbled upon a late night rerun, now I can't get enough of the show. Also a huge fan of "Frasier" which gets me laughing so much :)

A few years ago, we use to get the "Red Green" show here in the States, it's an older Canadian comedy about a fellow named Red who can build anything out of junk in his garage... some of the short-takes in his show were priceless.

And how can I forget the BBC comedy "Keeping Up Appearances" with Hyacinth Bucket. Always good for a chuckle.

Google freeview "cat and budgie" advert it always make me laugh a cat singing to a bird its just brilliant!!

Book I love the dementia village concept and there is no reason something similar could/should not be done in the US. A whole new concept on aging in place which all would like to do. But is has completely different meaning to families of those with dementia. They do not recognize their place any longer, so the goal is to keep them in a safe environment where they can go about their lives as they think they should.

I found this on another forum on that is so good I had to share it, it's a retirement village in New Zealand that is singing to the song "Happy" wimp/usualretirement/ Also, watch for the guys on their outdoor scooters in the background, funny stuff.

Saw the 'Happy" video..... awesome.... thanks for sharing this..... might have to play this for Cujo and see if I can get her up dancing...... lol

chris rock . this always makes me laugh.

FreqFlyer, I heard about this video when I was watching the morning news while changing dad’s pamper. I was suppose to google it when I came home from work. But I forgot about it until I saw your post. You even provided the link. I am sooo envious of them. They have some very good facilities there that covers almost everything. Did you notice that on the part when he was dancing in the movie theater, that on the screen was also him dancing? They really put a lot of effort into this. Some people in the background was moving to the music and some weren’t.

Captain – I never saw a Chris Rock video. That was sooo funny! My younger siblings would get a kick out of that one. Most likely they've seen it. When I have time, I’m going to check out the rest of his other videos. Thanks!

I love Chris Rock hes very funny!! Hes big here in Ireland!

You can google: "The most touching speech made by the bride's father to the groom."

or the link:

Captain, my older sis said that she laughed so hard. She needed it because she's drowning financially and now her health is being affected and she has no money to deal with it. Thanks, Captain!

Book, that speech brought tears to my eyes, a few chuckles, chewing tobacco and tractors?!

Have you seen the Dove's Real Beauty Sketches commercial? I don't ever recall seeing this on TV. As I watched it, I couldn't help thinking, "Wouldn't this be great if our caregiver's meeting brought him as a guest sketcher?" I would love to see in paper what I think of my face versus another person's viewpoint. One woman was so touched, that when I saw tears in her eyes, I felt tears in mine.

Google: Dove's Beauty Sketches.


Because the above made me feel so sad, I decided to close this day with a positive one.....

A Reddit user posted a photo of a poignant message that she found taped to the stall in a women's restroom at her university.

The user, chellylauren, wrote: "In a girls' bathroom stall at my university, girls have written about some of their most horrifying life experiences. This week, somebody replied."

The reply, written on notebook paper, is anonymous.

The reply in full:

To the girl who was raped: You are so strong. I cannot fathom the pain you must have gone through. The fact that you have the bravery to write it (even on a bathroom wall) gives me hope.

To the girl with eating disorders: I promise you, although I don't know you, you are beautiful, you deserve your health. You deserve freedom from that hell.
To the girl with the alcoholic father: I am so sorry for the agony it must cause. Again, such courage is remarkable you must be such a strong person to see such pain.

To the girl whose father died: Missing them never goes away. The ache of their absence never goes away. But the love they had, the memories you share surely must last. I am sure, out of the bottom of my heart, the people who have left you in this world are exceptionally proud of the person you are.

Everytime I see these walls, these confessions, I feel so blessed to know I have the priviledge of seeing them. Your moments, these secrets, are all precious even though they are sad. To all of you (including those I did not mention, and those who have not yet written)

- You are worthy.
- You are strong.
- You are brave.
- You are loved
- Somebody cares

Written below that, somebody penned a quick response: "To the person who wrote this, thank you."

Today is the first day I will be manning the office all by myself while my bosses are on vacation. So, I came home sooooo tired - mentally and physically tired. I cannot even think to post answers here. And too tired to read so much sufferings - too tired to guard my emotions.

So, I decided to re-watch some of my favorite Youtube videos. The first one I watched was the "katy perry Roar Lakewood competition" video. I'm just so fascinated as I watch this. Our schools are really small. I watch this video and in awe with all the extra curriculum clubs and sports. Badminton, cross country, basket ball, soccer, debate, frisbee, volleyball, looks like a foreign language class, tennis, gymnastic, drama, golf, bridge, football, swimming team (?) or canoeing (?) team.... All I can say is that the first time I saw those guys in their swimming wear, my eyes widened. I wondered why they were allowed to be videoed without clothes on. Only after maybe the 4th or 5th time, I finally realized - swimming team! {rolling my eyes} I'm just so fascinated that this school must have lots of money to support all these different clubs/sports. Amazing.


Then I went to my other favorite video. I guess because I'm feeling so tired, my guard was down. As I watched this video, I was smiling, laughing, felt so sad about the very sad young boy who looked soooo miserable - and that picture did a flashback of my memories of my 10 year old niece. She looked sooo much like him. Soooo miserable. I started crying as I watched this video. My niece was not a survivor. Now I know not to watch this video when I'm so tired.

Google: BRAVE – University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital

my kid just introduced me to a comedian on youtube called the amazing racist i believe . ive got to check it out further . (my pc blew up a couple days ago ) .
at any rate , what little i saw of this fellows comedy bout tore me up . he was trying to offer free boat rides to africa to african americans on this clearly decrepit boat . i haveta go to work right now but you guys should check him out . his assistant was trying to entice passersby up the gangplank with watermellon , fried chicken , etc . there was nothing racist about his work , hes just busted the barrier thats been pissing me off for 30 yrs , the one that tells us what is and isnt funny .. political correctness i believe it was called ..
jake sez in another skit he picks up a load of mexicans at home depot to do construction work for him then hauls them straight across the street to an INS office . most of it is probably staged by actors of all races . cant wait to check it out further myself ..

good day everyone ..

This video was forwarded to me by an online friend. I was torn between laughing and worried that these elderly people would get hurt.

Google: dropbox why seniors break their hips


One more... I was on leave when 9/11 happened. I was able to watch the whole thing in the news, glued to the TV for hours. Since then, I've seen videos and shows about the airplane, the world trade center, and pentagon. I've seen the documentary from the firemen's point of view. The emergency workers viewpoint. This youtube below is now from the ships' viewpoint of it. I hope you all take the time to watch it. It really touched my heart. And made the hairs on my hand stand up. Such selfless people on this day of 9/11.

Google: BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience - YouTube


They evacuated 500,000 people from lower manhattan by boats in 9 hours!

This from the February Reader's Digest....

"I was visiting my mother one day, when she passed the candy dish full of chocolates and took one for herself.

"I thought your doctor told you to stop eating candy," I said.

"Oh, I don't have to listen to him anymore," she said.

"Why not?"

"He died."

A friend recommended that I watch this YouTube. At first, I thought it was so-so. The longer I watched, the more I started laughing. OMGoodness! I was laughing so hard and heartily - continuously - I couldn't breathe in! I started choking because I was laughing too much and couldn't breathe in air. Despite my upper chest hurting from the laughter and no air, I kept on laughing hard, until tears appeared. I forgot - that I can hit the pause button so that I can breathe again.

Ellen show: if you google... Andy and Amy's Haunted House

They also got another one: Andy and Amy's Haunted Ship Adventure.

Have to be careful about laughing too hard these days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rarely laugh that hard. When I do, it's very difficult to stop. Kind of scary, to be laughing uncontrollably and struggling to try to breathe in. What little air I breathed in, immediately went out from the laughing. Even 30 minutes after, my upper chest was still hurting. After watching more of Andy's videos, I just felt so sorry for him to be consistently picked to be the butt of Ellen's pranks. I didn't want to watch anymore of the other videos. Kind of reminded me of our old brothers pranks when we were growing up. After a while, it wasn't funny anymore.

One dark night in the small town of Woopwoop, W.A, a fire started
Inside the local sausage factory. In a blink the building was engulfed in flames. The alarm went out to all the fire departments for miles around.

When the first volunteer fire fighters appeared on the scene, the sausage company president rushed to the fire chief and said, 'All of our secret sausage recipes are in the vault in the center of the plant. They have to be saved, so I will donate $50,000 to the fire company that brings them out and delivers them to me.'

But the roaring flames held the firefighters off Soon more fire departments had to be called in because the situation became desperate. As the firemen arrived, the president shouted out that the offer to extricate the secret recipes was now $100,000 to the fire department that could save them.

Suddenly from up the road, a lone siren was heard as another fire truck came into sight. It was the fire engine of the nearby Baringa volunteer fire department composed mainly of Aboriginal firefighters over the age of 65.

To everyone's amazement, the little run-down fire engine, operated by these Aboriginal firefighters, passed the fire engines parked outside the plant, and drove straight into the middle of the inferno. Outside, the other firemen watched in amazement as the Aboriginal old timers jumped off and began to fight the fire as if they were fighting to save their own lives.. Within a short time, the Baringa old timers had extinguished the fire and saved the secret recipes.

The grateful sausage company president joyfully announced that for such a superhuman accomplishment he was raising the reward to $200,000, and walked over to personally thank each of the brave elderly Aboriginal firefighters.

A TV news crew rushed in after capturing the event on film. The 'on camera' reporter asked the Aboriginal fire chief, 'What are you going to do with all that money?'

'Well,' said Chief Billy Cokebottle, the 70-year-old fire chief, 'de first ting we gonnna do is fix dem brakes on dat f*rkin old truck, eh!"

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