
I am so overwhelmed and my mother is living with us and I have cared for her for a year. We had a horrible night last night and I am exhuasted but yet my kids still need me to be mom today. I am so tired.

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Like I said to the other person, maybe your mother should not be living with you. Your kids need you as a whole parent, not an exhausted parent. I, on the other hand, sympathize with you because I am overwhelmed as well. My mother and my husband have dementia and they are a handful. Mom doesn't live with me, PTL, but husband does and together they are overwhelming for me. Think about it, maybe find Mom new arrangements.

I am struggling with the same problem as you. Well soon....I feel my mom will have to move in with me, but we are two different people. She is very upset about her past and the opportunities she didnt get that I have and I am giving my children. Which in turn makes me feel guilty. I cant even get my hair cut and colored without her asking how much it cost and how lucky I am to be able to afford it and how she never has been able to do that!
My mom is only 65 years old but several years ago she was in the hospital and the discharge planner said she is very needy--I go places and the people feel sorry for me and tell me I am doing a good job with her but it is never enough for her!
She wants to move in and she never has spent the night at my house. She wants me to say it will all work out and really I hope it does but Im not sure and am afraid of what i am getting myself into. I have a 17 y/o daughter and 13 y/o son. my daughter says my mother abuses me and doesnt want to be around if she moves in. now i don’t want to loose the relationship with my daughter which is very good and she is right! i dont know what to do???

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