
He has a bowl of cereal at 6 a.m. which is when he gets up. At 11 a.m. he usually has a sandwich which he was fixing himself. Now since last week he is playing with the bread and eating the fillings with his fingers. At 4 p.m. he wants his dinner which he wants to be bacon and scrambled eggs. What can I do to get him to eat more and to stretch out meal times. He doesn't want any snacks and has cut down on the amount he is eating. He is losing weight.

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Can you try some things like pudding and jello maybe even a shake with ice cream and some protein powder. Small cheese cubes are nutritious and easy to eat. Does he have trouble swallowing or with certain textures? I think you will just have to try various things to see what works... take care and God bless...

Thanks for caring. He doesn't have trouble swallowing but he is sensitive to certain
textures (not liking how they feel in his mouth). He slowing is giving up most of the things he enjoyed, and I'm worried he isn't getting enough to eat.

I know this is a hard thing... we are used to feeding our loved ones. I would just try various things and offer him small amounts of things frequently. Some of the supplements such as ensure or boost are good if he will drink them. You could also try instant breakfast and make it with whole milk for more nutrition... take care...

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