
I was waylaid by head nurse at nh this am and in several hundred words that cant be proven , i was given a clear message . edna is competant enough to change mpoa legally , theyre tired of screwing with PIA and her belligerance , they want edna in their dementia ward because its more taylored to her sleep habits and needs and they want to see edna and i get in that little truck of mine and haul some a** . i could sense that this was coming from an entire management staff as opposed to one stray nurse . i will see my attorney first thing tomorrow morning and frankly i dont care what the process costs . i am totally flattered by their confidence in me and my attorney already knows me as an honest poa and experienced dementia caregiver . imo , there is no place for petty spite where the life and well being of an elder is concerned . nh ' s main peeves are pia refusing to even take a tour of or consider the dementia ward and how badly edna is being hurt by the curtailment of our truck rides . this isnt going to be pretty . pia will start shouting up the place and she'll either shut up the drama in front of her mother or theyll throw her out of the building . ive seen this coming for quite some time . i respect staff and relay ednas needs to them , pia argues with them based on nothing but her ( imo ) closed mind and retarded thought process .
trippy . slightly stressy . please wish me good luck on this .
in my mind still rings the words of APS . " were all linked "

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Good luck to you both! can;t wait to hear of more road trips!

edna vegetated in IL for 2 years sitting on a dilapidated couch and dying of depression . when my mom died i hooked edna up with a man and a set of wheels . she purely came to life . we both had a great time . i think now , that aps and nh just bided their time while pia built the case against herself . doc ordered pia to get her mother out of nh frequently . it hasnt happened . this nh is a regionally renowned rehab facility . they arent dummies by any means . they all personally love edna and they want to see her happy . they have my back if and when the attorney talks to them . that much was made clear this morning .

Excellent news Bob. I'm sure with you at the helm Edna's QOL will improve dramatically!

Give the PIA a run for her money. Good luck with getting the POA for Edna. You're one in a million and I love reading about your adventures with Edna!!

Wonderful news Capt. get Edna out fast before the weather changes. POA will just have to put up and shut up. No reason Edna should be punished because she birthed an idiot daughter

i used to get tickled at edna when wed go riding . i would feel her out to see what shed like to do . shed always firm up her chin and proclaim that we were going to do whatever we wanted to do . thats 180 degrees different from someone telling her what they think is best for her . edna had control of her life back . anyone who thinks that a child and a parent are destined to reverse rolls , i firmly disagree with you . if she wanted to light her farts id get her some matches is what im sayin ..

we are 4 wd . one of the funnest rides we ever took was in a white out blizzard . she loves that little truck and it was utter cruelty to have it yanked away from her .
i think i can win this battle with NH firmly at my back .
ive been sensing that this nurse had something complicated to discuss with me . normally they dont idly chit chat a lot but she has been trying to engage me for several days now .

All the luck in the world!

pia ' s sons will threaten to squash me again . i think if id stomp my foot theyd both s*it down their legs , thats what makes them almost comical .

Captain, wishing you the best of luck in getting the medical POA.... sounds like a win-win to me :)

If Edna can still understand the concept of allowing someone else to speak for her if/when she cannot speak for herself about medical care, I see no reason why she shouldn't be able to update her health care directive and make you her medical proxy. The her NH is behind you is a great bonus, but Edna has rights with or without them. Your lawyer will know just what to do.

i have sent my atty an email so he will know why im coming by in the am . now ill send one to nh alerting them that atty might be calling them . im a small businessperson , communication is my strong suit ..
i dont think pia even needs to know if her authority has become undermined . only if she catches us gone for a truck ride or suddenly finds her mother gellin in the dementia ward against her wishes . the dementia ward is set up more like a home as opposed to hallways , bright lights and sleeping rooms . they also accomodate a dementia patients knack for reversing their day / night patterns . nothing annoys me quicker than a dullard disputing the heartfelt recommendations of extremely skilled medical personnel . i offered to toss my sis out of the hospital for that kind of ignorance . " tossed " in a literal manner and from the third floor ..

i plan to present it to edna as " signing this ( medical advocacy ) form will give her control of her own life back " . if we want to leave nh for outings we will be able to do so . only today she joked about sneaking out of there with me . she knows somebody is messing with us and im slowly getting her to understand that its solely her daughters doings . she told her daughter over a year ago that she still loves her but " me and bobby are gonna do whatever we want " . she WILL stand up to her daughter when shes backed into a corner .

awhhhh... get em bobby! I never understood why they wouldn't let edna go our for rides from the get go? when a person gets that age, they should be allowed to enjoy life to it's fullest. Edna sounds like a very smart cookie, now with you legally in her corner, she will be a smart happy cookie!

no one would level with me as to the cause of the ride ban until today . nh walks such a thin line where family conflict is concerned that i feel sorry for them . they have to cope with occasional agitation from edna and they know from past experience that a little drive with me changes ednas entire outlook . when edna was in the same facility several months ago for physical and occupational rehab our rides were prescribed by staff and were considered so important that we were told to go at will and they would schedule around us . i think staff just got sick enough of this insanity by pia that they decided to stick their necks out and choose sides . one of my latest " comforts " for edna was attaching a carefully selected purse to one arm of her wheelchair so she could keep her trinkets close and rummage at will . it isnt hard to see what ive been up to with edna at any given time . ya just follow the trail of bright orange brick mason string .
im good for this patient and they love her so that makes us allies ..

PIA may go along with it if you word it that you are healthcare POA and she stays the financial POA. Get the blank forms at Office Max, have Edna sign them and the nurses can witness them. If PIA doesn't like that, tell her to find a Judge and spend thousands trying to change it.

i would agree with you pam except for the part about nurse witnesses . i think it was implied today that staff and corporation would like to be excluded from official imvolvement . nurse made it clear that they would attest to ednas capacity to form her own legal decisions which would have been the only stickler . id prefer to get my attorneys advice on the process because hes also an interim judge and has strong ties in the courts . i have two female friends both at home tomorrow if i need neutral witnesses or the attorney may just make it happen based on the recommendation of medical staff . pia and i are actually getting along ok but keeping edna incarcerated at this place based on a childish vendetta just isnt working with anyone involved . they all know what transpired . i was in contact with aps when relief stood me up and i lost my s*it on the family and went to see my grandkids . my story isnt ever going to change because its all factual . we all know its a pissing contest with edna being the victim . i also want to make sure im not putting myself in a position of financial responsibility . neither edna or pia have a dime to pilfer . i have a couple of dimes in the bolt jar but i also have about 50 k in equity lying out here . its worth paying atty 4 or 5 hundred bucks to protect myself .

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