
Share your strange dreams too, then I won't feel like this is unusual. And strange that I am actually remembering them. If we are lucky there is a dream interpreter among us.

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I sure spent a lot of energy last night trying to find tickets for a show. Yes I bought the tickets in a dream a few nights ago, yes I was searching for the tickets in my dreams as well.

I had 3 dreams last night that were very strange. The first one brought up people from way in my past. It was a stressful one and I also awoke with a migraine which frequently happens to me. I took migraine medication and managed to get back to sleep. I then had 2 more although less stressful ones.

Of course these are very difficult times. We just found out that our more solvent daughter lost her job. As she is 5 months pregnant with her second child it will be quite awhile before she might find another one especially now.

My husband is mainly a glass half empty type of person and these days the glass is practically dry. It is very wearing to hear the constant sighing. Before I could run out more often but there is nothing to run out to these days. He can be helpful in many ways but each small calamity becomes almost a tragedy. I just hope the world returns to even the smallest bit of normalcy soon.

River, what I find really weird is that I am remembering these dreams. That is not at all normal for me.

Many people are having strange dreams, insomnia is another problem just reported on the news, so I googled. There are reasons for it

I dreamt all about moisturizer the other night, seemingly all night long.

Barb, it always seems that way, doesn't it? Dream all night long, yet dreams are always very short, aren't they?

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