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Well, as I figured, eight months ago when I viewed my bloodwork, my labs and urinalysis were all over the place, blood in urine. Called the doc, who sent me a letter, everything fine. Two months ago, labs again, blood in urine. I called again and once again asked specifically about the blood in urine. Among a lot of the blood tests out of normal range. Again. Her response, nothing to worry about.

Yesterday’s sample came back, blood in the urine. New doc says referring to urologist to figure out the cause. Told me she wasn’t going to leave things like that go. Seems I have found a good one. Referral already made to urologist this afternoon. Hopefully won’t take too long to get appointment with him.
We gotta keep the caregivers going!

This forum is really such a blessing. Reading through the posts, I feel like I'm not the bad, evil person, nor am I crazy (maybe on the road, but not there yet).

I made the trip to Mom's this past weekend. I took Monday off after she pestered me. "You were going to take off two days to take me to that doctor, and it wouldn't have helped anyways!" Fine. One day off.

So I call her a little over halfway through the drive, saying I was coming, when she could expect me, did she want me to pick up something to eat for her? She's already sobbing. I was like oh, nooooo. She has ants! And her toilet wasn't flushing 'right'. Ok, I'll take care of both. Still sobbing like someone died. She said oh it's awful (ants). I said it's ants, not the end of the world. "It is to me". Of course, it is. Drama mama. She'd not eaten anything, and didn't care if she ate anymore at all! Ok, well I'll see you in a little bit. It took everything in me not to turn the car around.

So I get there, and I had in the car with me a product I'd bought from Amazon, a part plunger and drain clearer for the toilet. Used that and the plunger in her bathroom. The water was a tad higher, and went down slower than normal, but it wasn't overflowing or anything major. It was normal within minutes.

.Over the course of the weekend, I saw one live ant. One. There were a couple of dead ones. Maybe four. I put out ant baits and made a homemade spray for her, and vacuumed.

She asked if I'd eaten. Nope. I knew she was itching for me to make her something. I then said I'll make whatever you want. I don't want anything. She was saying oh how it was raining, she wasn't going to church, didn't want to get wet. I ended up making her favorite soup, which wasn't what I wanted, and I think she knew that, but ehh.

I then went to church (had to pick one as she's been "church shopping"). Either she doesn't like priest, too much a/c, or too many kids. She said if I went to one, then I would be going by burger 1. Ok, so you want that. Got yelled at to get going as her friend always left by 3:50 (4:30 service). It's a 15 minute drive. Yeah I sat in the lot there, with the 6 other cars. Get burger 1, only to have her say she liked burger 2 better - all weekend long. Can't win.

Sat went fairly well. Sunday into the bowels of hell. She was irate at something I said. I had vacuumed and dusted about half of the house, then went outside to do yardwork (which I knew I'd be doing!). I used the wrong garbage bag, of course. I'd used a yard bag the time before only to be told she used the 'white bags'. So I used the white bag this time, only to be told no she keeps those for the kitchen. I told her I had a box in my car, she could have a couple.

She ranted about how no one gives her credit (for what she did). I asked what she wanted; she doesn't want anything now, but no one gives her credit. ??
Then how I wouldn't even discuss her plan for us to live together. She says now not to live together but to have close but separate quarters. I said ok tell me your plan now. Crickets. There was no discussion ever, and no plan.

I finished up everything that night, except to trim her nails. I looked up addresses on my laptop for her, then since she declined to respond to me re: toenails being trimmed, I read news stories online. I got yelled at how she got her work done first, then played. Yelling match ensued, as she pushed every one of my buttons. She then later got up in the middle of the night multiple times, being dramatic - ant watch 2019! Next morning, she said not going anywhere. We were going to brunch/shopping. She relented, like I knew she would. In an okay mood rest of the day, then good that evening. Good mood when she called me Tues afternoon, good that evening. Tonight - BAD. I'm evil, said nasty things to her. She's so caring to everyone, why doesn't anyone help her now? Muted phone. Thanks for letting me vent.

Well, it never rains but it pours.

I was relaxing a bit in the south, and notice came that the lawyer has received Grant of Probate for mother's estate. This triggered some phone calls and emails to her/my financial adviser and to my sis. Ok, good.

However, I am also dealing by phone calls and texts with my dd and her daughter (my granddaughter) and fam. who are in crisis. Dd and her son (my grandson) have (with my permission) moved into my house. Her hub is to deal with their daughter (my granddaughter) and it is not going. well. We are looking for additional resources - family counselling and more. Looks like I will have some company at home for a while.

And it is just a month since my niece took her life. Obviously, i am still grieving for her and, in the strange way that it is happening, for my mother who died 6 months ago.

My counselor just went on holiday for a month. I had an appointment with her today, but for various reasons couldn't keep it. Since I am staying down here I will see the financial adviser next week to sign some forms.

Hoping for life to settle down a little, but I don't see any of these things going away quickly.

Dancing in the rain. Cliche I know, but seems like the best alternative.

Well, I am continuing to catch hell from Mom (via phone). She said she cannot 'get over' some stuff I said during our last blow up. I told her how I felt, how she always made me feel inadequate and unsure of myself growing up. This was after she said I always assumed I was right, the smartest, the best. Not at all the case. I'm still terribly nervous in social instances, but I lie. She hurled some very nasty things at me, so I'm sure I did the same back (not a proud moment), but what I said was truthful.
So she called today, half crying. Her garbage wasn't picked up (local company is bad, she's not the only one who has had continual issues). I couldn't get the phone right away, so she left a message asking me to email or do something! Then ended with how she's been sick and ……...basically it's all my fault.
I did open a case with the city re: the garbage, sent a separate email, and posted on Facebook for her. I called her back. What really got her going was that her neighbor (who she doesn't like) put her garbage out late, and it was picked up when it was she who called in to say you missed mine. Then she goes into a story how her one friend, who is so easy going and friendly, is going away with her "wonderful DIL" to her son's home until after Labor Day. Now this woman just had her other son pass away suddenly, plus she is going blind. "See how others get treated. Those who have nice families!" Rant about how she doesn't eat right, is upset all the time, how her hands don't work (I tried to take her to that doctor and other doctors but she refuses).
I finally said ok, come live here. Phone went radio silent. Ok, fine then. I cannot do anything right by her. Nothing. I think I'm blocking her number for a while. I cleaned her entire house, offered to reorganize her closet (you cannot walk all the way to the back - so much stuff) and was refused, made her meals, did some trimming and weeding for her - and none of it was enough. I did tell her she had a whole inside of her - that no amount of thanks or gratitude could fill. She needs so much attention (reminds me of the character in Beaches - where the mother told her - I can't do this any more). I've told her I can't have around as she tries to control me. Oh no she does not! Then proceeded to tell me how she got her work done first, then played. She does stuff this way...….and I said that's a passive aggressive way of telling me what to do. We have to eat what she wants, do what she wants, and even watch the tv shows she wants. How is that not being controlling? She did it before at my own home. She rearranged furniture, put away décor and clothing (I'd been with a local theatre group - which she said I wouldn't have time for that since I had a home now), dug out a new garden area for me (didn't want it), replanted flowers I'd put out (because it looked better her way). If I were a few minutes later home from work, I'd be scolded like I was 10 years old. I remember telling a story about how a co-worker said I was so funny, I should've been a comedian. She said too bad you weren't a better housekeeper or could find a man. I slowly picked up my plate (eating dinner) and took it to the sink and began washing dishes, as the tears fell. She says now how we always got along when she'd come for a visit. No, I counted the days until she'd leave. She says I'm lying. No, I'm being truthful for once. She then will say how I begged her for help when I moved. Not true. Again, I lie. It's as if she's painted this alternate universe where we were close, and now she wonders why we're not. And I'm awful for speaking the truth. I don't know, maybe don't say anything, flatter her, and keep the peace? I'm at a loss. I don't think I can completely cut her off as the guilt runs strong. I've been sick myself off and on, I think from stress.
Thanks for letting me vent. Hugs to all.

Sissi, please read this:

Golden, it does not sound like probate is the normal course of action? Or is that something you requested? Having to communicate Sis, unpleasant.

My only thoughts on that front is to remain as transparent as you are comfortable with and or required by law, or trust. Here we are two years since mom passed. Trust requires biannual financial disclosure. And of course, that instruction hasn't been followed by ts2. She now wants to close out the estate, without reports, so of course I have asked for them again....

And family moving in to live with you? This would be very hard on me. It is wonderful when my kids visit me but I am always ready for them to go back home, too. Stay south as long as you can. Be good to you.

I so wanted to share somethings but had trouble posting comments?

Unable to post comments?

Sissi - for things to get better between you and your mum you have to change first. As long as you continue to communicate with her as you have been, her abuse of you will continue. I do hope you do some detaching and distancing for the sake of your emotional health. There is no point in trying to explain things to her. She doesn't want to get it. She wants to complain to you. It might help you to read up about narcissistic mothers and children of narcissistic mothers. There is lots of information on that subject on the internet. She wants to be the center of your universe and is pretty successful at accomplishing that and it is not healthy for you.

glad - probate is necessary here in most cases other than for very small and simple estates. The banks and other financial institutions require it to allow the executor to deal with the estate. It is the normal route. Sis is very happy to be getting her hands on money so she is cooperating. I will hand over the money disbursement to the lawyer to stay at arm's length from it.

I am sorry you still do not have the reports from ts2. That is so wrong.

Re family moving in, we all are introverts and the house is large enough for everyone to have their space. I don't expect it will be long. Dd tends to change her mind abut things. Once they get family counselling going things should improve. We will go back north next week and I can always come south again if I want/need to.

Today is the day my nieces ashes will be scattered. Having some feelings about that to be sure. There is a large crowd in the hotel for a 50th anniversary celebration. They were noisy last night downstairs and the big dinner is tonight. If I can find a quiet time at the pool I will spend some time there. The hot tub does wonders for me.

Have a good one everyone. Do something good for you. We are survivors.

I am so sorry, know the grief is so hard for your niece. I’ve lost two siblings to suicide from poorly medicated bi-polar disorder, so I am right there with you. The one that stabs at my heart is my baby sister. Big hugs to you.

Thx girl. I am feeling it today.

Well,when it pours it pours harder.

Just got an email from one of my remaining long time friends. She is just out of hospital having had a heart attack. She and husband have been having increasing health issues over the last year or so. Frankly I don't expect that they will be around for too many more years..

Had a long phone call with dd and it looks like she will need to be away from home longer than she originally thought. We will figure it out.

The pool filled up before I got into it so I am heading for a long soak in the bathtub.

Hi all. I hope you are all treating yourselves good and are in good spirit and health. Happy Summer!

I am not updated but since Thursday I have been itching to post events. This forum has been a refuge for me in my turmoil. Just being able to share events takes a strain off.

Well, This sinus issue is killing me with pain at night. I did the nasal rinse one night and it relieved pain just enough for the pain and sleep med to kick in. I had an old bottle of tylenol with codiene so I took that too.

Anyways I woke up late thursday found my mother downstairs, put something in her stomach and then proceeded to take my shower. Well! she almost pushed me in closing the door behind her and when I tried to open door she held strong. For some reason my train of thought didnt take me to anger or resentment to lack of privacy. Although she sreamed bloody murder when I open door while she was on toilet. So finally I get in and here she comes. The whole time I am showering I am talking to her telling her she should take one too and get in with me and that we were going to have spaghetti and meat balls today, wondering what she is doing and why she is so intent holding door closed telling me to hurry up as I am drying off and peeking out the door. I thought is was funny eventually.

Well as I walk out I learn the men are there to work but what they are doing I have no idea. I saw front door open and twisted talking to a man with work bags. He nodded greeting. But how did my mother know I have know idea but she was protecting me! I thought that was amazing.

So I am clueless. I go get dressed and since my mother was upstairs I didnt stop in kitchen on my way out but I left my bank card so I had to go back in and decided to stop and get some water to walk with. I saw the water was turned off as I tried to melt ice. So I go to basement and find a pad lock. You could have fried and egg on my head to see that they were locking the basement. After I have found it flooded so many times or water leaking or pouring in. On top of that house is old and needs updated wiring so no airconditions and when I use the iron I have to use low setting and even then if I burst steam one time to many it flips the circuit and I have to go down and flip the switch. So I am fuming at the disegard, general respect and consideration and lack of common sense. I take the lock. and vow to break any other lock they put on. And if they want to know then I can state the obvious need for a key when this decision was made. Then I look in bathroom and see they had started working sink was out. Ok. So when I return they were calling my sister to come down to let them in and I waited with them while asking questions. I had shopping cart and they were carrying tools. So I learn they are fixing bathroom floor and beam I continue with questions with my sister between us with her back to me always facein phone. So I am getting =the guys number (business) maybe to do bathroom on my floor. I repeatedly as about beam and he says he is fixing it.

So saturday I come down and find lock on basement again I broke that 'mother' off. I am so offended and tired of the disregard acting like I am not there and so forth the usually. But here they are truly infringing on my rights. And I know that they are somehow resenting me for the work that is being done finally. I later find out from neighbor that nephew was all concerned the guys know him he is always working on his house pofessionally and N reached out to him. He said that the floor was going to cave in at any minute! So I am angry it took so long to respond to the issues and then to do so with malice against me.

I was so

Well this afternoon on way to work I find they have taken the cable box from tv so now my mother cant watch tv in kitchen.

My anger had me calling them 'B's as this weekend. I keep expecting decency and honor and reason. I feel like such a fool that I get worked up over the antics. Especially when there was a possiblility for a disaster.

Not to mention that the men working noticed the hostilty when I came in and found sister and nephew sitting on the sofa bed both heads in phone. I met some man coming out as I came in wonder who he was. He looking at me with hostility also. I am like WTF.

Thank God, my N finally saw the light and moved. A disaster was foiled. I was praying things held through until APS stepped in. I when I heard that it was more perilous than I thought it hurt and angered me.

I hope I live to see the day when this pompus, tyrannic ignorance is blocked, checked and ended.

You know I've often wondered what it looks like inside the mind of a malignant narcissist - how do they rationalize the cruel, often completely illogical things they do to others, and how is it they can spin things to convince themselves and others that they are the victims?

CW, I think their brains are wired differently. Trust me, I really don't get it either, but I am sure if you looked inside their head it would be scaring!

Golden, (((HUGS))),

cwillie, I often wonder the same thing.

Shell, I would be to scared to look inside what I see out side is to much already. But you are right the wiring is off.

I just wanted to vent. My brother and brother in law both told me I shouldn't be hiring any personal care nurses for my mom, since I quit my job to be her full time caregiver, so I should do all the work. I talked to her neuro doc today, who was appalled, saying she needs nurses at least 3 days a week not only for my respite but to stimulate mom. I get so frustrated with siblings that don't get it, yet will pounce when it comes time for an inheritance.

I just needee to vent for a minute.. It's been a long day of care giving and trying to get back in the swing of working again. I didn't realize how exhausting all of this would really be. And I'm angered at myself for allowing my mom to have so much control over me (mentally, emotionally). I keep trying to tell myself that one day she will be appreciative and to be patient with her because she has cancer. I'm constantly making excuses for her behavior and actions to myself! How crazy is that? But then I realise that I've made excuses for her to myself and everybody else all my life. Because I didnt ever want her to feel the way she has always made me feel.. Unloved, scared, pain, loneliness... The list could go on and on. But If I continue to let her have this hold over me, she will continue to sit back and watch me work myself into the ground as long as she is benefiting from it. I have no physical help from my "family". Their " Help " Consists of blowing up MY phone with text messages (not even calls) asking a thousand questions. Meanwhile, I'm actually TAKING CARE of her. And they would get pissed when I didn't have the time to respond to all of those questions 🙄 also, I have a sister that lives literally right around the corner from my moms. She's the least helpful of any of them. I have 4 aunts that live in the town right next to mine. It's about a 30 minutes drive at most. I'm so fed up with all of these "family" Members. Not one kept their word of helping with mom or being there for me. I'm hurt, I'm tired, and I'm struggling to cope well with any of it. Is it just care giving, Or am I a slave to my empathy for other people? P. S. Thank you for this thread 🙌

Caregivingash, your story is sad but very familiar on here. So many of us, caregivers and former caregivers can relate. It always seems to be that empathetic person in the family that bears the brunt of the load. But just remember when you are feeling stressed and resentful that you are the brave one, the kind one, and that karma exists and one day you'll get it all back.

And when you stop and think about it
You won't believe it's true
That all the love you've been giving
Has all been meant for you - Moody Blues.

So once again it is summer,, the happy season where my BIL and his wife go off on a happy vacation( or 4) and leave my 96 YO frail FIL home alone for a week or two,, with out giving us a heads up.. You have all heard this "Happy " story before.. LOL He has a gal who comes every other day for 4 hours.His legs are now "giving out".. twice in one day while we had him at the river house last week. And the week before he went to wind his Grandfather Clock and "passed out", bringing the clock down on himself. He says he yelled and yelled,, the happy couple were out by the pool having a frosty beverage and relaxing ( which they say FIL wanted, but has never used) He finally was able to crawl out from under it to the door... then they finally came in and "patched him up" I cant believe these people! Hubs went over today and took him out for lunch, and another friend is going Sat. Hubs has to get Mom tomorrow, so he can't stop by. We can't have FiL here, as we have levels and he is frailer than mom, and on O2 .As we are moms full time CGs, this puts us in a bad spot. I am at my wits end.. but what can we do? FIL refuses to take any action, he pays ALL the bills there, but insists they "take care of him" Yep,, lots of premade sandwitches in the fridge..all hard and nasty. every day..

Hi everyone. So the day has finally come that my parents cannot live at home. Mom broke her hip 6 weeks ago and has been in rehab for a month. Dad went into the rehab with Mom under respite care. Dad is so dependent he can't/wont even blow his nose on his own. Mom's mobility is severely limited and her balance is terrible. They have her bed and chair alarmed because she insists she can walk around on her own and she keeps trying to get up.

Dads respite allotment has run out and Mom has been approved for 30 more days of rehab. Dad is going into another facility for now. My sister (POA) spent the last of their money to pay off my parents home. Sis also had all of Dads cash assets transferred to Mom this year so Dad would qualify for medicaid. The cash was spent on part time care giving. After paying off the house there is no money left, Dad is on Medicaid and Mom on Medicare. Unbeknownst to my parents Sis is insisting on a rush clean out of the house and putting it on the market "ASAP" as she puts it. Not sure how she is going to pull this off as Mom is still considered competent. My parents have no idea their life possessions and home are being sold as we speak.

Don't get me wrong, I am not upset that my parents are going to a facility I am upset that this did not happen in a better more timely way. The last time Mom went into the hospital with a fall I begged Sis to let us approach the subject and begin the process. I told her I did not want to be doing this under crisis conditions if we could avoid it. Mom would have hated it but she eventually does what Sis tells her to do and it would have happened. Sis of course demeaned my concerns and reminded me that she was POA not me.

Today Sis and I got into it. She made decisions I have concerns about without my input and expects me to step to. I told her if she wants my involvement we need to take time to communicate better and make sure we agree on the actions. This did not go over well with her and once again she told me she is the one making the decisions. She said a lot of other hateful things, one was to belittle me saying I have too many boundaries. I am done with trying to keep peace with my sister. I need to spend what energy I do have doing what I can to emotionally support my folks. And yes, I will be keeping my boundaries there as well!

I have not posted in so long I feel a little sheepish venting like this. Thank you for being here.

Ahhh, trying, it is so good to hear from you! Many have left, changes...

Vent and vent away, we all have been there. No such thing as too many boundaries. We all need them to try to remain sane or to gain our sanitym

Trying, I understand your concerns. Did your sister say why she hasn't discussed this with your parents beforehand? If your mom is still competent, I'd think she should be able to know what's going on with her house and finances. If it's a matter of having to sell the house in order to pay for her living expenses there in the facility, she would probably understand, even if it might be a bit painful for her.

It's my understanding that POA isn't in effect unless or until the person is no longer able to make decisions on their own. Sounds like the sale of the house is a decision that should be authorized by your mom. It's concerning that sis is being secretive about everything, and getting defensive when you ask questions.

I went through a situation with my own sister, whereby she transferred mom's house into her name after mom was declared to be incompetent, while a guardianship proceeding was in process whereby she and I were supposed to be mom's co-guardians. Turns out it was discovered by mom's attorney that my sister had withdrawn most of mom's savings too.

Not saying that's your case, but I would suggest that you both sit down with your parents and have a family meeting as to the finances and what their wishes are. They do have a right to know what is going on. And yes, definitely keep good boundaries as it can get messy.

Hugs, Trying.

What's your sister expecting you to do?
What of it would you normally be happy to do if she weren't being such a PITA right now?
What do you think would be best for your mother?

I agree that your sister can't empty and sell the house without your mother's agreement. On one level, it's a no brainer. But another level is: will your mother actually be relieved if sister takes it out of her hands and presents her with, in effect, a fait accompli? There can be an argument for ripping off the plaster, at least to the point where everything is in place and all your mother has to do is "confirm your order" and click.

I LOVE that "you've got too many boundaries" - ROFL!!! Too many = any that she personally finds inconvenient. You can't have too many boundaries as long as they don't get in her way!

How's your mother doing? I completely agree she's the best use for your energy.

Thank you all.

The other day Sis left a phone message that she had someone clearing out Mom and Dads cellar and garage and she wanted me to contact a colleague of mine, who owns an elder transition service, to clear out the house. I told her that we needed to begin a better system of communication before I got involved. I also said I wanted to be part of the decision making. None of this went over well and she texted me a tirade of admonishments and insults and made it perfectly clear that I had no say in her decisions. My response was to say she could not possibly expect me to work with her under those circumstances. Another tirade came back and that was that.

Mom has no clue yet as to what is going on. She thinks she is going home. Sis has already chosen a facility and begun the process of having them placed. We had agreed to check out the facility together but Sis went ahead without me. Her plan was to put them in a lower level assisted living unit together, where they would be without direct care over night and a good part of the day. Mom would continue on caring for Dad. Mom is in no condition to be Dads caregiver under any circumstances. This made me nervous and I said so. Sis dismissed my concerns as usual and said that was not up to me to say. She cut me out and went solo. One consolation, I doubt the AL will approve Sis's idea.

So, no my Mom has no clue that her things are being sold and she will be heartbroken. I hope my sister at least keeps a few things out for Mom to have at the new place.

All of this has to be done but not this way.

Trying, this concerns me. Is the POA standing or springing? Has sis obtained statements from docs of incapacity of mom and or dad? It sounds that is definitely not the case for mom. Mom still has rights and sis is trampling on them.

Would mom be able to change her POA? Not too soon, in my opinion. You know the twisteds had the same crazy idea that mom and L would share an assisted living apartment. Absurd! Thank goodness that there was a GCM watching out for Mom's and partially L's welfare that told twisteds no way in hell would L be able to provide the care mom needed. And they did not even include L in any part of their decision?! He was so terribly hurt when the GCM shared this piece of news with us.

I would call APS and let them do their assessment then they tell sis mom is competent and wants to come back home and does not have the ability to care for dad and that, no, she cannot share an apartment with dad.. Maybe when those assisted living costs double sis will see reason. A bull in a China shop.

I understand you may want to stay as far from this as possible, but these are too important of decisions to just let sis run amok. Mom gets her say too. Maybe the cost doubling with two separate living units will deter her? Would you consider talking with their doc? Or social worker where they are now. Your twisted is just as crazy as mine are!

Thanks Glad. You are right that Sis will freak when she finds out the cost. I suspect she is going to try and get them both into the same space but I don't think she realizes that the facility is going to require Dad have 24 hour care aside from Mom being there. That is going to cost an added fortune. and Sis is all about the money.

Someone told me that a realtor will not do anything without Moms consent. I'm hoping that will make Sis slow down and think. I can't even wrap my mind around reporting my sister, blood thicker than mud and all that. I hope it never comes to that.

Mom will never ditch Sis as POA. She truly believes that because my sister is a nurse practitioner she is keeping her and Dad alive. Plus, Sis finds fault with every medical professional and facility and she is vocal about this with my parents. She feeds my parents paranoia and they trust no one but her. Kind of creepy really.

I am backing away from my sister once again. On a good note Mom is recovering well from the hip fracture. I have been with her during therapy a number of times and they are pleased with her progress. She is one lucky lady. This is her second broken hip and still walking (with a walker of course!)

Trying, the Admissions team at the ALF will see Sis coming a mile off. I'm sure she's got lots of good moral reasons for her thinking - like "Mom won't like handing over" "it's good to support their independence" - but she'll be coming up against assessors who see families trying to sneak high-dependency elders in at a lower level day in, day out.

The rest of it - just grooooooaaaaaaannnn... Ugh.

I appreciate the question. It is important to make sure we are taking care of ourselves...

Just checking in here, hoping everybody has some grace in their lives today. I’ve tried to read what I’ve missed, please forgive, some days not a lot of time. I’m cooking dinner for hubs at the moment, timer about to go off...
No emergencies or crises here at the moment. I’m doing the dance, trying to get gastro to prescribe three months of maintenance meds at a time. Global shortage of bile acid sequestrants, so getting medication for my liver is dicey. Not as bad as what’s going on in the UK, but if I can get three month scripts, it will trigger my drug plan’s preferred pharmacy to order three months’ worth, and maybe it won’t get sold out from under me, like last time. And, there are different generic versions of the Cholestyramine, with sucrose, or with artificial sweetener. But even though we don’t get a choice on which one is cheaper, it’s unfair to dump a carb product on diabetics, especially those who aren’t yet on insulin, and must keep tight control of carbohydrates.

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