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Girlsaylor.....I'm so sorry for all your'e being put through,especially in the pain your'e already in.It's just ridiculous how people that really need pain medicine are being treated because of young addicts just taking the drugs to get high.
I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow. Take care~

Girl, so sorry about all the pain you are experiencing. Be careful with that heating pad beneath you. I had one catch fire on me that way. Instructions on heating pads state not to have them beneath you. What a pain all that paperwork! Hope the appointment goes well.

Girlsaylor, I am so very sorry that you are in so much pain and I am sorry that the medical field has/is letting you down.

Could you possibly get your Rheumatologist call and talk to your other Dr? Rheumatologist could explain your situation. Sometimes it takes one Dr to talk to another Dr to get what you need. Drs will believe other Drs vs the pt. I don't know why or when Drs stop listening to their pts.

Just a thought!

glad...Thanks for the reminder about not putting the heating pad underneath you.
That mustv'e scared you silly when your's caught fire and I'm sorry that happened to you.

Lucky, that heating pad catching fire did scare the bejesus out of me. I was much younger then, in my 20's, scrambled up the stairs, I never moved so fast getting that smoldering pad outside!

Thanks for the reminder on the heating pad. But just how is one supposed to apply heat to the back and hips? Kinda difficult. Will try to do better on that.

Pain management appointment went okay, as far as the doctor goes. She confirmed, on checking feet and knees for feeling, reflexes, I most certainly do have diabetic peripheral neuropathy with definite nerve damage. She will be coordinating my neuropathy and pain medications with the surgeon.

The downside is that I could not fill the pain medication she prescribed, as my SilverScripts Drug Plan/CVS would only allow 7 days of the opioid medication. For a lifelong medical condition, birth defect, destroyed joints from arthritis. I can get the full prescription, up to the amount state law allows, at Publix, going self-pay, and using a discount coupon from GoodRX. And for less than a quarter of the CVS 7-day price with my drug plan. The downside is that the law prohibits transferring the opioid prescription out of CVS; new prescription required. I have called the Pain Management doctor and left a message explaining what is needed. She went by the original pharmacy information in their system, which I gave them when I first made the appointment, not knowing I wouldn’t be able to obtain the medication through my drug plan. The paperwork packet I took today, signed and dated, I had put Publix Pharmacy as my pharmacy. But the front office hadn’t entered it all manually into the system, yet, so the doctor used what was previously in the system. Hopefully since they have today’s signed paperwork in the office they will update my record, and she will phone in the prescription to Publix. She may need to revoke the CVS prescription, to stay within the law. Will leave that up to her. The phone message system indicated calls would be returned same day. I, of course, haven’t heard anything back, same day.
I had to give a urine specimen to be checked for anything naughty today, as expected. Will be required to do so at every single appointment, have my pills counted, treated like a stinking street addict. I pray for equivalent painful medical BS to be visited on lawmakers and doctors who have mistreated so many elderly with painful conditions so shabbily. You guys can pray for them if you so choose. I personally don’t have any use for abusers, especially those hiding behind a title or medical credentials. Addicts will still find some way to get a high. Always have.

Girlssaylor, so very sorry to hear about your pain. I pray you find a reasonable solution. I have never heard of people on pain medications no matter how strong having to be drug tested at doctors visists. I would guess that part of it is if they are going to prescribe some heavy duty drugs then they need to screen for whats on boards in order to avoid accidental OD.

Once in the ER a doctor ordered i think it was valium for a patient and after he got it he went in the bathroom and shot up and od'd in the hospital. Lots of paperwork and investigation. So maybe its for the best.

Suffering so long but now maybe things will get on point.

I hope everyone is in good spirit and lhealth.

I am not caught up and it seems ridiculous to say oh just stopping in when I write a long post.

The block party was nice. Sadly my mother did not come out. I was exhausted. I didnt even want to get up as usual on satuday but I had to get the meals on wheels for one thing and it was the day of the block party.

I did some needed cleaning the day before. I have still yet to get to the freezer. I had seasoned some chicken and ribs and made potato salad the day before. I was wondering how to handle things with my mother, knowing I could not coook on grill and watch her at the same time. Ended up that she stayed upstairs and I took the grill in the backyard. Hey its a lot of work always has been and funny thing is most of the times in past years it was me by myself trying to make something good happen for everyone. So I didnt even come out until after 3pm when I finnished grilling . Then I went out visited a few neightbors did the group dances and had a few drinks. Towards the end my mother came to parlor floor. Now I am tired and my tail is cocked from a few cocktails but I was going to sit out with her for a few. Told her to come down she didnt and while I was putting everythging a way she came down crying "I cant go anywhere" She was on my sisters floor well the top floor all day. My mother and sister being narcissists I dont know if twisted told her to stay up there or not. But they have a lifetime of being cohorts and sometimes I think her and my sister are getting karma. I am by far no angel in any way shape or form.....
I find my self realizing my limits and how much it would take out of me to keep others happy like my mother. I have started to learn to put me first.

Anyways my mother very rarely cries and very rarely even says she is sad. I have only seen it twice once when she couldnt go to church and no one was picking her up or taking her and she was very very active. (Icalled the church with a few nice words) I dida lot of work for them also through my mother who helped found and start the church.

So seeing her open up like that in pain knowing who she was I boohooed with the gut again; But hopefully in the long run she will get an awesome homeattendant and we can get her dressed and dolled up and safe and take her out and do things. Right now she is in the same clothes my twisted had her in for doctor visit. its a struggle for me to get her to take off her clothes or bathe her and I feel wrong to force her. On top of that I am no longer as strong on my feet, my leg can give away any moment or I can agraate what ever it is by straining myself with my mother. Now if there was team work if only for her behalf it would be so much different. My twisted did not even come out. Nor did nephew stop by.

Meanwhile I was feeling like maybe I am depressed because i am so tired then I come to work to learn my client will be going to summer camp for 5 days so it could be a well needed break. I sent text to nephew saying same with daates and that I would let him know for sure when I get further info. I am waiting for him to respond with the regular nonsense.

Just learned, as I was waitng for bus, that you can stream live tv at usalive tv .net. Just sharing info. Its like all the shows live on all the networks.

As for the groin pain right leg still there. I wonder if its stress related. That very painful left foot pain is gone thank goodness and so far the knees are being good. Just the groin and it make my leg give out.

My therapist was telling me that there are some schools of thought that we get healing walking barefoot in the dirt and grass jWell a few days before block party me and my mother were out front ppulling weeds and stuff. I felt really good afterwards.

Rays of love and light and healing to all.

Golden, thanks I hope you are in a good place.

Glad, sorry to hear about DD. There were times in past I was afraid that my twisted had gotten to my son. Now she, cant use him so she doesnt deal with him.

For a long time DS had no idea and couldnt understand and I dont know how many times I gave into his pressure to get back with my sister.

I dont know you and DD realationship but sometime the enemy uses them to break us to. Make you think one thing when its not whats really going on.

What I have done and it helps is I have truly put twisted and nephew and anyone else in there league in God's Hands.

I find it so much better for me to accept that I cant make everything or anything right. Its so much easier for God too handle it. Because really its out of our hands anyway. Those narcissist twisteds are fooled into following the enemy and use every weakness and situation we have against us.

I think because I put on such a pretty stong front from pain all my life that my son has no idea of how weak, hurt and cast out I have been most of my life by my loved ones. and I think because I projected that strengh thats all he saw and maybe felt he didnbt need to pay me any attention.

I know its a little of track. But I can understand the undercurrent feelings you have and thank goodness that a higher power or more pressing situation caused you to avoid that particualar uncomfortable situation.
Goodnite to all

Sleep tight


I'm so, so sorry for the fact that you were upon the anniversary of your dear son's passing and the feelings I'm sure it dredges up.

What a sweet story about your new little kitty and Pumpkin. So there's some jealousy going on? That is funny, and look at that! Could there be some cat dysfunction? HAAH!!

Well, you are braver than I am. That's wonderful you're willing to get on a horse.
I might be willing to do that provided it would be a slow horse. My husband loves horses, and we've been looking for a place to ride. Possibly in the near future we have planned a trip to his home country, Argentina. This is where he developed his love of horses, and I know I'll be put under some pressure to take a ride with him. So will have to work up my nerve.

I'm keeping you in my thoughts Golden,
Much Love & Light!

This is the new pain management protocol, dictated by states. Internists, rheumatologist, GPs, and surgeon’s are now sending patients in pain to pain management doctors. Even for baby doses of things like amitriptyline- no drugs for pain are safe from the new restrictions. Even we grandparents with crippling arthritis, disabled persons, we are all subjected to the same demeaning protocols. It protects the pain management doctors, the physicians in other disciplines, pharmacies, making sure we do not receive one single pill that hasn’t been documented and accounted for. As this horrible hot mess legislators have handed us, everybody is now subject to this, regardless how honest and upstanding the patient is. I have been advised I have to hand carry the paper prescription into the pharmacy, straight from hospital discharge day after total hip replacement, stand in line, and wait while pharmacist fills the prescription. No spouse or other relative is permitted to do this for the patient. All Patients, no matter how disabled, injured from severe auto accident, no matter how many hours long the surgery was, no matter how much anesthesia still in the body, has to get up off the bed, walk into the pharmacy, and sign for his own prescription. make it more interesting, you need to know which pharmacy you will use, as some will accept only electronic prescriptions, rendering your paper prescription for post-op pain meds disqualified if the pharmacy you go to will not accept the paper prescription. And this is the way doctors give post-op prescriptions. Walmart is now implementing the electronic prescription only policy, per GoodRX.

Duck, Google dirt as therapy, bacteria in dirt good for you.🌼🌸🌻🌿

I can't believe it. It was only 3 weeks last Monday, since mom's funeral and my sister already had my siblings and myself meet with a financial advisor about mom's living trust. Somehow I felt that this was too fast. She was the main caregiver for our mother is the named trustee in the trust.

Anyway, at this meeting there was discussion regarding financial matters around properties. The advisor made it a point to instruct my sister as to her fiduciary duties as a trustee. I thought it was interesting since he stressed that she needed to act responsibly and carry out trustee duties, and not as the sister. He also said something about not conducting matters driven by emotions. WOW!! That's all my sister does at times. She is efficient also, but the emotional aspect is at the forefront of everything!

It was so much information to absorb for me so soon after the passing of mother!
I've never actually read, nor had a real copy of the trust in front of me, so that I can go over it before such an important meeting. So that after the advisor said what he had to say.....he asked whether we had questions. I had one, but since I haven't read this document how can I have real questions!

I do understand my sister needed to inform agencies such as social security, the bank etc. of mothers passing right away. Anyway it's been a rather stressful few days after that. Now she's pushing to go talk to an attorney.

An added element to all of this is the fact that my husband just 2 wks. after the funeral, started to pressure me about my bringing up the inheritance to my sister
and already implying that I as the eldest in the family have every right to do so, etc. Oh that made me so angry the fact that he'd go there. It took everything out of me to answer very matter of factly that this would be done when my sister was ready to do this, since she is the one in charge. I thought this was so rude and super insensitive!

Much Love & Light!


Margaux, I am so sorry that your sisters urgency on settling your Mom's estate is causing you pain. Perhaps she is wanting you all to know that she is being responsible and taking her duties seriously. Also remember that the primary Caregiver sometimes has been slowly grieving the loss of the parent long before they ever pass away, and the distributions has been on her mind for quite some time, and who knows, maybe your Mom's wishes were for her to get on it straight away, so that you all could receive your inheritance in a timely fashion, and maybe she just wants to get er done, and be out from under it ASAP, but the fact that it was too soon and seemed insensitive to you is what truly matters, and for that I am sorry.

Still, there will be many layers of closing your Mom's estate and it is going to take some time, depending on how complex it is, so expect it to take at least 6 months to a year or more, so tell your hubby to settle down, it will happen when it happens.

I was lucky in the situation of our parents estate, it was pretty simple and there wasn't a huge amount to distribute. I am # 5 of 6, and my 2 brothers were co-executers and we left it to them to figure it all out. Our Dad had passed 14 months before Mom, and she passed on Labor Day 2004. Mom had made it clear to the brothers that she wanted the bulk of our inheritance to be distributed at Christmas time if possible, and any loose ends in the New Year (taxes returns and such), and that money she wanted us all to use towards a weekend away or a small trip if we could find a good deal. It so happened that our parents used to travel with an agent who put together Awesome and inexpensive travel packages and one of my sisters found one that fit the bill.

We, all 6 of us and our spouses flew from Seattle to LA where we stayed overnight in a beautiful hotel, then the next morning we boarded a Cruise Ship that was doing a boat reassignment (from Mexico to Alaska) so it was super cheap! The ship then stopped in San Francisco and then on up the Coast to Vancouver, BC, where it then began it's summer Cruise schedule for the Alaska runs.

It was Great, all 6 of us were fairly equal in the extensive care of our parents over their final few years, both of them had pretty harsh diagnosis, our Dad with PSP, and our Mom with Uterine Cancer and all the treatment and pain we all went through in caring for them, thankfully we are all very close and supportive of one another, so I couldn't be more grateful for that.

I only wish that so many of you had the support system that I had during that very emotional and stressful time, as our parents battled their horrible health problems.

Hopefully once things settle down and you are allowed your time to grieve your Mom, and a bit of time passes, you will then have the time to mend and strengthen any sibling relationships that need attention, as I have found that I need my brothers and sisters more than anything now a days.

All the money in the world can't bring our parents back, and it is nice (when possible) to receive a final gift from them to do something nice with, but it is sad when squabbles over inheritance brings out the worst in people.

I hope that things go smoothly for your sister and distributions are made that everyone is happy with. It is a huge job and very stressful if the estate isn't clear cut and people are chomping at the bit. It doesn't sound like it is this way in your family, but boy it does happen too often, and we hear so much about it here on the AC.

I know that things are very fresh and you are only beginning to grieve your Mom's passing, but try to give your sister the benefit of the doubt, and believe that she is trying to be upfront and honest, and to let you know that she is starting to work on things, and giving you the opportunity for input, this is probably keeping her up at night worrying, and remember that everyone grieves in their own way and at their own pace. ❤❤❤

Girlsaylor, look into this further. I am POA for my mom, and I can even get her Oxy from the pharmacy. It is a drug with only a paper scrip being accepted, and no partial refills accepted, so I have to get there on the exact day the last one expired, and pick it up. After several fiascos with a major pharmacy, I now deal with a small local one, and I have NO problems. Can your POA look into this? I am sorry you are having problems.

Yes, these nuisance situations requiring us to refill meds on a certain day, so as to not be labeled drug seeking, if we go to pharmacy two days early, or we are sick and run out of meds for a couple of days, are a huge problem. I will have to check how my POA reads. We need to update the core estate documents anyhow. I’ve just been too sick to do it the last couple of years. Now I’m retired, working through things I couldn’t get to for being sick myself. POA is a great backup idea.
I've now got the meds I was prescribed, the entire prescription. And I’m under care of pain management doctor who runs a practice in compliance with state law, so hopefully things will run smoothly from here on out, as far as meds goes. But will definitely look at the POAs we have to be sure they are written the way we want.
Not feeling well tonight. Nauseated, dizzy, feeling weak. Usually it’s low blood sugar when this feeling comes on. Not tonight. My pulse is way low, checked heart rate on my oximeter against my blood pressure cuff, as goth give heart rate. It’s been running in low fifties for a couple of hours. Normally runs somewhere around 84-86 when I’m at rest. If the bradycardia continues, I may need to consult with pain management to see if the Tramadol might be responsible.p for it.

GirlSaylor, I have never encounterd the problems you’ve described with Silver Scripts which is owned by CVS. I use my plan at local Hannaford Grocers. They are less expensive than CVS. I have also used my Silver Scripts at Walgreens.
My PCP, cardiologist and nephrologist prescribe all of my meds.

Margeaux, I am sorry that the meeting on the trust was too early for you and that hubby is so ready to get on with it. I think it would be better that way than what ts2 is doing. Two years later, still waiting for financial information that the trust instructed her to provide semi-annually. Received information six months after mom passed, then nothing until May this year. Still not complete, she is also required to provide tax returns as part of that disclosure.

I heard from the attorney a number of times, the last time a week and a half ago asking why I wanted to see the tax returns. Are you kidding me?! My reply, because it is required by the trust. Now crickets. So frustrating, I want this all done, finally. So, you gotta wonder what is she hiding? My mom would have been so disappointed in the way this has been managed and twisteds behavior for the past eight years. Gotta believe in karma.

So, Margeaux, go with the flow. I would have done as your sis, I was the caregiver and my grieving process was well along. It will help to alleviate problems down the road. Ts2 should have done the same, but everything has been so secret, not at all as she was instructed.

And then, in the information ts2 did provide, there is a monthly charge of $55.00 from my mom's accountant. Does that sound like it could be payroll for one person? Was she paying herself without court approval? Is this going to get ugly?

Margeaux, I am wishing you all the best as you go through all of this so soon.

Glad, I will check out google on dirt.

Girl, great you got your meds. These new changes makes things so complicated.

Sometimes there is not a lot of posting but I still feel as if I am not caught up and technically I am not,

The past few weeks have been good. What a difference the lack of ignorance and spite can make in ones life. I havent seen my twisted or twistneph. I did find shower head turned on me on sunday. I guess that was in response to my news that I would be going away on the 23 - 29th with my client to camp. or either APS sent out a notice and I didnt get it. Anyways shamefully when I find that shower head turned toward me its makes me feel good because I know I did something in someway shape or form that touched twisted hit a nerve.

So I got date for surgery during the second week of september and I have this long list of clearnace test to be done by then. So I have to get on top of things. I had just rescheduled my thyroid scan and biopsy from sept 19th which would have been a time I would be off because of the surgery. Well lotsof details I could go into.
I found flower pots moved and knocked around today after I told somefriends I would leave so books for her. She got the books on Sunday as she was waiting for me as I left for work. I left her and her boyfriend sitting on stoop. Whoever overheard me talking them saturday must ofthought I was going to leave something valuable and saw them sitting on stoop with nothing and I guess came back to check through pots. Took a whole tire pot off another tire. Itwas weird. Left me feeling funny. The enemy is so busy. Things calm downwith the family then a stranger overhears me telling someone i will leave something behind flower pots and do a topsy turvy investigation. I hope whoever it was doesnt keep coming back lookin. He did it today while I was sleep. To bad nephew didnt happen by when he was at work or maybe he did. I noticed a man looking at me as I spoke with the two friends in passing in the street.

Anyways I am a nervous wreck as usual about the trip and now the surgery I just learned of today. My client is sick andcongested andI hope she will be better before camp trip. She usually passes stuff on tous all but sofar so good.

To day was Sham's birthday. Everyday is a birthday in heaven. I spoke to the kids they were on their way to go to park to release balloons. The father is still having a hard time which is understandable. I know my aunt will send me video.

My son and family are well. I may have mentioned I dont think I will be going to Korea to visit this thanksgiving. they will be returning a few months after that Also I have the APS situation, If I dont get clearance for surgery that could be put off andpending again and then I have the thyroid situation to deal with so my plate is full.

I am haveing more anxiety attacks well increased because they had really slowed down.

Rays of love and peace and healing to all.

Sleep Tight!!!!

DDuck, let us know when surgery is scheduled. I’m sure we are all following the saga. Time to take care of you!

So, the last several days were horrific, very low heart rate. I discontinued the Lyrica, as my face swelled up as if I was on high dose of prednisone. And, I also stopped the Tramadol. I had just gotten titrated up to one every 8 hours. Never took three in 24 hours when I previously was prescribed Tramadol. It’s finally out of my system, and my heart rate is no longer depressed.

this meds situation does not bode well for me, with three upcoming joint replacements. Oxycodone isn’t going to work, nor hydrocodone, as they will depress my heart rate and lung function even more than Tramadol did. I am thinking to go to on Tramadol daily, few days, then call the pain management doctor to fill her in on the situation. Rather than waiting for the early September follow up appointment. That would give her time to prescribe me a trial of something else for pain, to see what I can tolerate, before they do the right hip mid-September. If that is how she wishes to proceed. Maybe gabapentin for the diabetic neuropathy might be less inclined to swell up my face so badly. And maybe Celexa. Will see what she says. I’m going to need something for pain post-op. Trying something else before I’m in post-op agony with a bad drug reaction seems something to discuss.

Just to keep things interesting, I had my urology new patient consult today. He was displeased that the internist I fired had been ignoring blood in urine for a year. Had same urinalysis result today. He was also displeased the urogynecologist I was sent to by the FL Medicare Advantage Plan Humana HMO never did a cat scan or cystoscope to rule out cancer, before doing weekly bladder installations, prescribing several different meds. Cancer was never investigated. Medical care in south FL was a cluster F***. My pulmy, and the gastro both pulled me in behind closed doors, told me what medical care I needed, tests, oxygen, and told me the HMO and PCP were refusing me care, despite the specialist’s Requests for specific needed testing and medications. They sent me to a quack neurologist to take me off the neuropathy meds, despite the fact she never laid her hands on me, nor ever consulted nor ordered a single X-ray.

So, the urologist is going to try and rush through the CAT Scan and cystoscope, get me surgical clearance, so the blood in the urine that will surely show up next week at pre-op testing can be explained suitably, to allow the hip replacement to go forward.

Oh my, my brain hurts!

Dang Girl, urine in blood for a year not addressed!!

I feel for you with the pain dilema and the affect on your systems. Please be careful. Make sure someone is following you professionally. Starting and stopping drugs can also have detrimental affects on your body.
I say go slow and add things one at a time so you can see the effects especialllyt if you are just starting them. I dont know if you were already on some of lthe meds but they each should be introduced in a way to monitor how you handle them.

I wish you all the best. It must be really hard on you living with this type of pain from so many issues for such a long time. Sometimes I can hardly bare the nawing pain that comes from turning in bed but at least I get some relief at times.

I hope you find a safe and effective combination.

Hang in there.

Rays of love and healing to all.

Good Nite

GirlS, so sorry health and meds are so difficult for you. Best wishes on all of it, you too Duck. So far, I am very fortunate in that regard, thank heavens.

Well, New homes can't all go smoothly. As landscape was nearly complete, had two driving storms in two days. Backfill on house collapsed, window well filled with about 12" or water, about nine frogs in there. 🐢🐊🐍🐸🐸🐸. Finger pointing between contractors. Determination? Hopefully, just the second storm, horizontal rain, absolutely pounding, about two inches over about 45 minutes. Day before three inches over about an hour. We will see.

Bless my contractor, he came over Friday when I sent him pictures. His dad, only 60, on hospice with less than two weeks. Dad passed yesterday, so young, but contractor came today to take care of bringing in dirt. One of those, like me. When mom passed I just continued to work, had to if I wanted to keep from going stir crazy. No time to wallow. Just had to get on with it. Mom was finally released as was contractor's dad, but he had been so sick, but so young.

Finally, got remainder of financial information. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, thank goodness. I am so ready to be done with it all!

And five inch hail about 60 miles east of here today and tornadoes. Wild! At least it wasn't here to destroy my new landscape.


You are so fortunate that you come from a family that works together.
My sister and I are the eldest then my two brothers.

I wasn't entrusted at all throughout anything having to do with our parents, only a bit of caregiving, but my sister has made all decisions since she was POA, and now trustee. Our youngest brother (the more responsible between our brothers has been working with my sister managing mothers rentals for some time now.
He is the next trustee after my sister.

I understand that my sister wants to get things going, but I do feel that she's in such a rush about the whole matter she's missing some huge elements so that we can all know/understand what the heck is at stake here. First of all I for one have never ever had a copy of the trust in front of me, so that I could read it, before we talk to an attorney. It's very hard for at least to try to understand these documents without having read anything. I know I can request a copy being one of the named persons on the trust, but I'm somewhat reluctant to ask my sister since she has never ever shared the way she's managed mother's accounts, etc. up to now. I can tell by the way she's behaving right now, it does feel as if my sister is a bit full of herself.

The last two weeks, for example we went round and round about when it would be convenient for all of us to meet w/an attorney. My brothers and I live somewhat far from my sister, and the attorney is in her neighborhood.

Then my sister appeared to be giving my two brother greater consideration as to what day we would meet, so they wouldn't have to skip work. I found myself being grilled by my sister when I told her I wouldn't be able to make a certain date. Oh well!!! I didn't I've stated what's the effin rush all about???
We'll see but I fear that my sister is going to show and exert her power game via all of this.

Anyway, thank you so much for you input,

Much Love & Light! Margeaux


Oh I do remember when you were having to deal with the twisteds.

I know some people want to get on with it regarding inheritance. I'm aware it can take some time, its just that my sister doesn't know how to just chill. I personally thought that 3 weeks into mom being gone, was too damn soon, that's my opinion.
But then again I am talking about my sister. When it comes to other's feelings or being just a bit more gracious or sensitive about matters this is where one can feel her exerting her dominion & control. THAT'S what bothers me the most, it's the dysfunction.

Our parents had all this property, (several houses & and apartment bldg.)
They've indicated according to my sister that it is to be divided four ways equally.
However, of course the properties are all different values. It's been left to the total discretion of trustee (sister) to decide what will be done to that end.

I'm really wondering about my sister and she brought up a situation that I thought was super weird! O.K., so my parents owned the house we grew up in when we were very young. Last 9 yrs. or so it's been rented by the same family, a middle aged couple. This house is located about 17 miles away from my sister's residence. The other day she told my brother and myself that it appears the tenant brings my sister the rent sometimes in person, I guess when he's late. Where my sister lives it's one of these track home situations. So right around the block there's a house identical to sis's residence. Tenant left an envelope w/cash in it the rent and slipped it onto a porch under a mat by the door at the wrong house. Later, when tenant called my sister to make sure she'd received the rent, my sister told him she hadn't. Well, he had to return to my sis', and luckily my sister knows the neighbors where tenant left his rent and they recovered it.

My question in my head was.....oh brother is his this how my sister manages rents??? Now even if this tennant wishes to send my sister $$ like this,
why hasn't she set it up a P.O. box and have the tennant buy a money order.
IDK, it just seems weird to me managing rentals in this manner!!

Another thing that the financial advisor. told my siblings was the fact that they've been renting most of mom's rentals way, way below mkt. value. Later, my sister mentioned to me that the reason she doesn't raise rents, is because that way they keep tenants. It's stuff like this that raises questions to myself as to really how savvy my sister is when it comes to business. She was always credited in the family especially by my dad, as being really good at math. That's all fine & dandy, but I don't think that gives anyone a great business sense.

Yesterday I went to the library and was reading a book, "Beyond the Grave," by
Jeffrey Condon, Esq. In this book he gives different examples how people leave their inheritances to loved ones. The do's & don'ts. He's an estate planning attorney.

Thanks Glad, I do understand about moving on also.
I'm trying to do that, it's been a month now since mom's passing. IDK where this last month went.

Much Love & Light!

Like the rest of you, I could write a novel about this. Even as an only child, I still have to deal with dysfunction with family dynamics. Basically, I am coping okay with caring for my mother and holding down my job, especially now that she is in a SNF. I visit her daily at night after work.

My father does not like my mother's sisters for his own various reasons, valid and imagined. So I try to play peacekeeper and make sure they do not run into each other when they visit my mother. And it comes from a place of love but one of my mother's sisters in particular is very opinionated about how I care for my mother. She really does mean well and I was only hurt once she she criticized me for taking a week vacation. But to keep the peace, I just let it roll off my shoulders. Not worth correcting any incorrect statements she may say.

I'd love to say to this aunt - when her husband, my uncle, was sick with cancer, their youngest daughter (who was an adult in her 30s at the time) basically said she would not care for her father full time and that she had to work, etc. Granted, my cousin was right to have her feelings. And my aunt was my uncle's primary caregiver. But my cousin had the luxury of flitting in and out briefly once a day to see her dad yet carry on with her life as normal. Luckily my aunt had another sister who really helped her as well as an older daughter.

I do not have that luxury at all and am doing a lot to care for my sick parent. For a year and a half before my mother needed to go to SNF, I lived with her, cooked, cleaned, and held down my job as best as I could. I am mentally, physically exhausted and have sacrificed a lot for this. Kind of dysfunctional that strangers praise me more than my own family. But I guess no one sees it within themselves or their children.

Dixiedoodle, you are right, that family Caregivers very often aren't given the credit they deserve, and sometimes family are over critical and think they know best, but you are the boots on the ground, and no doubt you know best about what your Mom needs are and you are doing everything within your power to care for her because you Love her. Yes, it is exhausting, especially when you don't have family that you can rely on.

I think its great that you still work and that your Mom is being cared for in a SNF. So many times we hear where the primary Caregiver has given up their jobs, their homes and their complete independence in order to care for their parent (s), and it just isn't fair. I know that sometimes it is nessasary, but they often end up with no way to support themselves now and in their retirement, and they lose Everything! Please don't do that, it sounds like your Mom is in the best place possible, and I'm sure that you still end up doing an incredible amount of Care taking, which is like having 2 full time jobs. Remember, that this is a season in your life, that there are lessons to be learned, and that you are an Angel for all you do in the care of your Mom. Don't listen to others who have no clue how hard you work to care for your Mom, and continue to do all you can within your means both physically and mentally. Be especially careful of Caregiver Burnout!

Take Care and Welcome to the forum!

So, I have the CAT Scan and cystoscopy scheduled August 30th. Odds in our favor, for women with blood in urine, for it to not be serious. Not so for men. Still has to be investigated.
I called and left detailed voicemail for pain management doctor, explaining the side effects, and stopping the meds. Told her I wanted her to know so that she can change to different meds, prior to my September appointment, should she decide to do so. That way when I go in for follow-up she won’t be thinking I should have Lyrica and Tramadol in the urine sample. I’m always transparent, very cautious with meds.
I spoke with internist’s nurse, about the very bad low heart rate symptoms. This is very unlike me. She scheduled me to see the internist tomorrow. While I don’t know if it’s necessary, I see an EKG looming on the horizon, and maybe a cardio consult in the near future. Still hoping I will be having the hip replacement in September.
Sending healing thoughts to all here, and for me too.

Bock bock bock bock bock

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