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((((((Hugs))))) Sharyn. Deepest condolences on the loss of your sis. Such a difficult time of year for this to happen. Please take care of yourself.

I'm so sorry, Sharyn.

My deepest condolences.

Dear Sharyn, deep condolences.

Sharyn, so sorry. God Bless.

Sharyn, thinking of you.
Thinking that now peace can start.

Philippians 4:7 brings me comfort right now.

thank you everyone. I am so proud of my niece because she did not feel she could handle bringing her mama back to her home. She did it and right now it is overwhelming to her but I know in coming months she will be comforted that she did. I am so happy my sis was surrounded by her family inKentucky. I am very grateful for the happy memories I made with my sis while in Kentucky. We had great laughs as she was getting better. Thank you again.

Sharyn, May The Lord give you and your family grieving mercies and comfort during this time.


So happy that you are able to find comfort in scriptures that are meaningful to you.

It’s difficult to lose siblings. Our families reduce in size as we age. Even though we don’t want to see them suffering anymore, we still miss them in our lives.

Thinking of you and sending hugs your way.

Sharyn my deepest condolences. So sorry for your loss.

Just stopping by to wish everyone a happy or a happier new year!

Happy New Year, Yoda!

Happy New Year Yoda! Long time, no hear. Hope you are well.

Hi Yoda! Happiest of years to you!

Happy New Year Yoda!

Getting the Whoops Cat on some people/posts.

See y'all later.
Very very busy here today.

I'm reading a really good book on boundaries. It's called Lifeskills for Adult Children. Excellent step by step instructions and realistic scenarios.

So sorry for your loss Sharyn.

Good to her from you Yoda.

Thanks for the positive responses. At the end of this month, I will have a test for Narcolepsy, which was wrongly diagnosed as bipolar depression, which led to me being put on antipsychotics, which are used for bipolar depression, with terrible side effects that have changed my life forever. I am getting a brain scan this month because of my balance problems.

Oh my gosh, Yoda. That’s interesting.

I’m glad you are doing further testing to see what’s going on.

Have missed reading your posts. Keep us updated. Take care.

Yods this is very interesting considering what you have been dx with in the past. I send my prayers that the process brings answers to your questions.

Thank you all for the condolences regarding my sis. It has been painful as I still can eat much since my stomach takes my stress and the same with my niece. My heart aches for her because she is having to jump thru legal hoops. My sis had a dpoa and exeutorship written in California. Unfortunately it is not accepted in the state of Kentucky. My sisters “estate” is smalll. It includes her home and 401k. It will have to go thru probate before my niece can have access to her mom’s accounts to pay off any outstanding medical bills. It can be up to 3 months. This is not bad as people with large estates can be a year or longer. My niece is the only heir.

My sis passed in the early evening of December 28th. My daughter brought her boys over on the 29th so she could go to work. She brought me flowers and gave me a hug. My daughter was not feeling herself for a couple days. On December 30th Saturday she a sore throat and a fever. She home tested for Covid it was positive. She has been out of work all week but is feeling much better now. Her hubs and boys have it now. It’s been a week since I had contact with her so far I’m good. I think I may be in the clear of having contracted it from her. My hubs is also fine.

happy new year everyone! Yoda I will follow up on your situation.

send my best and may God bless everyone in 2024!



When I told my dentist today about my upcoming narcolepsy test, she said it may be related to my teeth grinding which became 24 hours a day now and knocked off the crown off of my tooth twice.

Today, I learned online that weight gain and narcolepsy are related because the poor sleep you experience leads to a lower metabolism which means you gain weight without eating more.

The reason that I'm not commenting anymore is that frankly, I've run out of things to say. I have pulled out of school and now live one day at a time. I don't even have any plans in mind for Valentine's. My sister-in-law told me over Christmas that she's noticed that I'm no longer as talkative or extroverted as I once was. True.

Since losing my sister I feel very along. I’m not posting this attention. My sis in law lost her S/o after 3o years together. I talk with my niece regularly. I feel guilt in making the decision to put my sis on comfort care and so does my niece. We both know in our hearts we did everything possibly for her but we search our brains to understand if there was something more

more problems with my hubs. We can’t afford to divorce after almost 47 years of marriage. We don’t get along plus money is a big ussuse. I have found out that he apparently does not like anything I cook. I, tired of eating canned chili and hot dogs. We are splitting up on food issues. He cooks for himself and I buy my own food snd cook it. I think we BOTH will be surprised I tired of giving up food I like that he won’t eat. May die as taught wrong, I ever that that being married meant I had to give up everything I enjoy to accommodate him. He believes that is what marriage is about.

my appetite is very small since losing my sister snd I’ve lost about 12 lb. I know that zGod will give me the peace transends all understanding.

May we All have a healthy new year.

I’m so sorry, Sharyn. You deserve better from your husband.

I am like you are. If I am upset I can’t eat either. Just continue to buy what you like and don’t worry about what your husband eats.

Why should he expect you to compromise if he isn’t willing to do the same.

I hope that you will somehow find peace in this situation.

Sharyn, I'm sorry you are going through all that. May God shine his loving grace upon you.

Hey, everyone, I’m nut sure how to feel. My great niece who is my sisters granddaughter wants my sis’s graveside service in March so she can combine it into a travel trip renting sn RV. I can’t go to California in March becauce I’d have to fly, rent a car p,us a hotel. I’d rather do it later so I can drive out. Rent just a hotel. I don’t have the money to go out in March with paying all those expenses. I realize my niece has to to do what is best for her family, yet Imguess I’m selfish as a sister, and feel I’ve been slapped in the face.
i won’t be able to go. How do you all feel about this. Be honest.

I don't think you are being selfish Sharyn. How close to your sister was this niece? Were you closer? Not that it's a contest but still........

If she just wants it then so it fits in with her RV trip then that's kind of selfish especially if it's inconvenient to others who would like to attend but can't due to finances etc.

Those are my thoughts on this.


I know that you’re disappointed to hear this news.

What does the rest of the family want? What was the original date scheduled for the service? Why does the niece want it to coincide with her RV trip?

Your sister’s service shouldn’t be an afterthought or a side trip. It’s a day set aside specifically to remember her.

Are you the only one who is disappointed or are others bothered by this schedule too?

Is it possible for the family to voice their concerns and possibly take a vote and then go with majority rules?

You’re not selfish. You want to be there. I hope that your family will understand this. It’s a tough situation to be in.

Everyone, I am the only one disappointed because I live in Idaho. My great niece lives in Florida. She loves to travel. May won’t work because she is going to Norway in May. My great niece was close to my sister when she lived in California and under the age of 5. I know what my relationship is/was with my sister and that won’t change whether it’s March or June.

I will be getting a necksce with my sisters ashes in it, I will go up in the Sierra Nevadas where my sis wants some of he ashes spread and put the ashes in my necklace by myself in June. It will be a time between me and my sister. It still hurts being slighted. Life’ is what life is.

I can’t drive in March because of the snow between idsho and going over Donner Pass. We have 17 inches in our yard now which is much more than we have received in the 7; years years we have lived her. I I guess I will suck it up so it’s not about me. My neice, her daughter and my nieces son can go in March and have a family trip. I don’t want to be the problem relative even though I feel slighted.

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