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“I have a dysctional family. There is no fun whatsoever.”

🙂 today's wisdom quote:

“You know how to tell when someone is miserable with their own life? When they look for ways to destroy someone else’s.”

flying monkeys are people the narcs/toxic people recruit to do their dirty work against you. if you have an abuser in your life, it's very likely you have flying monkeys circling you. protect yourself from these people. keep them out. don't give them information; it'll be used against you.

today's wisdom quote:

"Don't feed the flying monkeys."

🙂 today's wisdom quote #2

"I am convinced that the hardest language to speak for some is the 'truth'."

today's wisdom quote #3

"Beware the person who stabs you and then tells the world they're the one who's bleeding."

today’s final wisdom quote:

"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."

Just saw someone on reddit write this GREAT comment:

“One of the best lines in the movie ‘9 to 5’, which should be told to every Narc on a pity party (‘Honey, get off the cross, we need the wood.’)”

My family still hates me. They still think I roped Stanford, UCSF and CoH in on my "fake cancer" diagnosis.

My father wants me try and reconcile with them, but honestly at this point, I can go either way with them. You don't need a lot of hatred at my level of cancer, you need support.

Hi some guy, sometimes we regret reconciliation, sometimes we don't.

Follow your gut, do what's best for you!

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