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bob - why did you do it the second time? There comes a point to say "No" to unreasonable demands. So she gets mad. So what? Walk away so you can't hear her. Some things have to be on your terms, not always on hers.


The room she's stuck in is the room with the office supplies and box of blank envelopes and she watched me do everything. I didn't have too much of a choice. I did put my foot down regarding the 2nd envelope and she let it go.

I should also note she doesn't like how I staple things or how I'll paperclip things. I opt to have the staples going horizontal and she wants them going on the diagonal. I mean, does it make THAT much of a difference?

Hi Blickbob,

"I should also note she doesn't like how I staple things or how I'll paperclip things. I opt to have the staples going horizontal and she wants them going on the diagonal. I mean, does it make THAT much of a difference?"

You realize you two sound like an old, bickering couple?...
It's like you're married to your mom.

As Bundle of Joy 🙂 recently wrote, when will your life belong to YOU?
That is up to you.
Until then, the two of you will continue to be like an old, bickering married couple...

She'll continue sucking years out of your life. She's not thinking about what is best for YOU.

Bob - have you given up on your dreams? I agree with venting and will add to "She's not thinking about what is best for YOU" that you are not thinking what is best for you either,


Move the office supplies out of the room .
When Mom balks , too bad . Look at it as an exercise for you , to stand up to her .

You can leave her some writing paper if she uses it . But don’t bring her envelopes . You take whatever she writes that she wants mailed out of the room and you take care of the envelope without her input .

Ignore her ranting .

Blick, I agree with others her, my mom is a horrible micro manager.

When my father died , my sister was doing the deep cleaning, I was doing the errands, appointments, and the everyday thing, like garbage.

My sister, disappeared ( now completely understandable) mom thought I was going to do the deeper cleaning. I told her straight up I'll clean what ever you want if you want to go watch Hallmark, and I'll happily "have at it" she did not like that one tiny bit! And that solved that issue, she never asked again.

But that didn't change her other manipulative control ways. Just the one issue. I thought I was setting boundaries and I was but they just find other ways to manage you. So watch out for the sneaky covert games

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