
Thank God for this site and all of you. The truth is that articles on "caregiver burnout" or "compassion fatigue" really don't help me get through. Each and every one of you do. There's no solution to the endless life sucking process of caregiving. No one's going to come and save us, who would sign up for this? We can't walk away even though there's nothing we'd rather do. Some of us are taking care of someone who never take care of us and that makes the journey even harder. We may bi**h and complain and have thoughts that make us feel horrible but the truth is, our compassionate hearts are the reason we are in this boat (with a little ignorance going in). When I think I can't do it anymore (and I'm there today) the only thing that keeps me going is each and every one of you on this same miserable journey, day and days, year after year. Here we support each other. Just knowing we are not alone makes it a little more tolerable. If you're in my boat, think of me as you change a messy diaper, listen to the endless whining, demands and unrealistic expectations. Don't expect your recipient to say "this is too much for you, it's time more me to to to a nursing home". That won't happen. I will be thinking of you my friends with hopes that our lives will someday be ours again. Let's remember to be kind and considerate as we age, with whatever physical and mental health remains. I stopped praying a long time ago, out of hopelessness but today I will say a prayer for all of us to find peace and joy again someday.

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AgingYogi - beautiful sentiment you have here. I couldn't agree more. I am so glad I found this site and the supportive people here. We are here for each other and keep each other going. (((Hugs)))

Thanks AY, I too am so thankful for this site. Even though I gripe and complain sometimes, I am still grateful there are others that "get it" and understand what I'm going through and that there's a place I can vent. I'm saying a prayer for you as well, for your health, strength to get through this, and for peace and joy, even in the valley. Big hugs to you!


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