
All weekend, hospice and facility have told us our mom was going to go anytime. She had started what I thought was Cheney stokes breathing, but was pre Cheney Stokes. Agonal. Apneruistic. All of these things have a stage and term for them. So we got call today she will pass today. Hah. No. Our mom is stubborn and unpredictable. Always.

Her hands have curled. She is mottling. We removed oxygen because she is mouth breathing. We started it. Hospice stopped it. We restarted and stopped again. It is not helping at all. We were there for 9 hours today. No change in breathing with stopping oxygen. Our mom's respiration on oxygen fluctuated between 9 and 12.

On morphine. Which was increased in dosage and frequency, her respiration is at 16! It makes easier to breathe, she is getting cooler to touch. But thank goodness not doing involuntary muscle contractions and twitching. Which she was doing this weekend. Her eyes are fully closed instead of half open with the muscular contractions.

Her oxygen absorption level at 54 percent now. That's poor. They could not get a blood pressure reading with an auto cuff this evening. They won't do manual because invasive.

Earlier today her BP was best in 15 years. Because is falling.

Most of end of life sign are visually and graphically disturbing. But this is the circle of life. And we need to get more comfortable with death.

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We got the call.,our mom passed away at about 12:45 . we are sad of course, but happy she is relieved of this burden. Godspeed mama.

So sorry for the loss of your mother, but relieved she is now at peace. Those last days are so rough. Much love to you and your family.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family comfort now that your mother is at peace.

My condolences to you, Sego, on the passing of your mother. Yes those last days are hard, but her journey is complete. She’s in God’s hands now.

(((((Sego)))). Glad for mom that she is at peace.

Sorry for your loss Segoline.

My condolences on the loss of your mother. It's hard to understand how and why things happen this way. We may never know. I hope you can take comfort in her passing to a better place.

Thanks so much all of you for kind words here, and in private messages. On behalf of my family we appreciate it.

(It's unnatural for anyone normal to 'get comfortable with death'). But we endure much suffering in a lifetime. I recall that in the 1940s, my grandma held the 'wake' (viewing), for her dead husband right in their own living room. Of course, they were too poor for any funeral home. Anyway, sorry for your suffering with the passing of your mom. I'm going thru that process now with my LO, (probably a few days left to her life here). I'm actually glad that my mother needs this palliative care (comfort-only), cuz it gives me time to tell her how sorry I am for many things. I hope it helps her to cross-over peacefully.

Deepest sympathies on the loss of your mum. Know that you did a great job caring for her right up to the end. She is at peace now.

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