
I know Hospice has 100s of patients but is it too much to ask that if they are going to completely changed that at least one of them is someone who has been here before? Then you try to tell them how other aides have done things they don't want to hear it. They work in a hospital therefore they know everything. Any suggestions on how to tactfully ask that they send people who have at least been here one time.

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It sounds as though you are using a very large "for profit" hospice and if your mom is a Medicare or Medicaid patient she is not very profitable for them there for unfortunately they will tend to send their best people to their private pay patients.
Not right and not fair but unfortunately it happens.
Try not to suggest to the new aide things that other aides have done differently. this immediately puts them on the defensive. Instead take the approach that "Mom really likes it when you do it this way" or " please don't pull on her right arm ,she won't say anything but that really hurts" if you are completely disatisfied with a certain aide waste no time in complaining to the office and requesting a replacement. if there is an alternative you are free to change at any time but make sure you are not jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Everyone should be working to the same standards but in a large organization this is very difficult to enforce. you are your mother's advocate so forget about tact and make your wishes known.

I left the room when the aide gave my daughter a bath. They chatted quietly and enjoyed the privacy. Let the patient talk to someone who is not emotionally entangled in the care. Go outside and pull some weeds, drink an ice tea and have a brief respite. Hovering and smothering is almost a guarantee they won't come back.

Very wise Pam that is exactly what is supposed to happen

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