
my mom was slighted out of her hs diploma years ago by various circumstances. had 2 fingers cut off with a chopping axe, lost PT credit, became pregnant and was marrying, and didnt have clothing fittin for a prom so she gave it up 3 credits short. i wrote the school board last nite and asked about getting her a belated diploma and an admission of oversight. she had extra credits for library work and principals student secretary. got a call this am that they would see what they could do about it. i just had to tell her it was being considered cause she has so little to look forward to day to day. she asked me what prompted the board to look at it and i told her she earned it and id written to the super and told him to send the diploma or id drive up there and knock him right out of his f- in chair. that got the laugh i was hoping for and that is increasingly rare. i got this closure idea from one of ms bursacks articles.

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ms bursack is pretty hot and smart too..

You are a Prince, cap'n:) So very thoughtful and generous. You make me laugh and cry. Bless your heart, xo

Aw cap'n - yet again you are an amazing guy and such a caring, loving son...what an AWESOME thing to do!! It brought tears to my eyes. Good Karma....VERY good Karma!! The universe is smiling.:-). (((Hugs)))

the universe blows, im off to the az seminar to check out the *() () *
Report was nice of you to acknowledge ms bursack's contribution too....
think you got a little somethin' on your nose there.....?

its sweat but we guys like to think of it as nectar..
Report's funny cuz it's gross.
Enjoy the seminar - hope you're able to glean some valuable information. If not, you still got the *()()*!

damn yaya, your little figurine has cleavage. wonder if ive been doing other things wrong too?

Nah....push up bra.

That's the sweetest thing I've heard in a long, long, time. Your mom is very lucky to have you. You are a good son and a good guy. Now go get you some of those (*) (*)!

AMEN to all the comments. I love your humor. That was the best way to handle my father, with disrespectful and mildly obscene sass. I love it when people laugh. Honestly, none of us are getting out of here alive, so why not at least laugh!

none of us are getting out of here alive? can i use that? i learned to laugh as a young soldier camped in the bavarian forest. it wasnt funny, we were freezing our bags off but we found something to laugh at.. it was a neccessity..
picture: inverse sack, 3 k miles from home, frozen mustache, dilligaf, dilligaf again, snafu, hurry up and wait.. in the 70's army vehicles didnt have heaters in them. can you imagine how cold those shits would get sloughing down the autobahn at 60 mph? suck diddly uck to quote ned flanders..

Very sweet , Cap'n!!! Your Mom made a good choice in choosing her caregiver!

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