
On a lighter note, for those who do have photos, just curious what is the photo? Are the people in the photos of you or your parents or your pet? Some photos I just can't figure out due to size, one looks like a apple pie :)

The photo I have with my screen name is the U.S. Capital Building in Washington D.C. since I live out in the burbs, and my hobby was politics until my parents decided my hobby should be them.

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Mine is me and Momma. (I'm on the right). I had one on here for a long time, of the two of us in party hats. Someone complimented me on our matching Multicolored Mohawks, so I changed it. :)

Me and mom :)

mine is me and my g son ff junior , junior . na , it dont mean frequent flyer either . if the pic were opened up there are two more kids on the trike . im in love with the g girl but little junior junior is sure working his way into g pa's heart ..

It is me honest.

junior junior tickled me this summer . hes young and exitable . we took the trike on a two hour ride on a beautiful summer day but i wasnt carrying helmets so we sneaked to the country and i warned him firmly that we had to keep a low profile -- calm , mellow was what we wanted . junior junior sat directly behind me and never so much as batted an eye lid . lol . he was not going to have that ride shortened up for any reason . the other two kids laughed , jabbered , and carried on , not junior junior ..

I put in a new U.S. Capital building but it doesn't show up any better than the other photo I had. When this website made some changes recently the photos got distorted :(

MomsGirl12, I think it would be so cool to have an old card catalog or even one of those old inside post office mailbox sets with the little windows on the mailbox and the spin dials :)

Freqflyer, I hate to tell you this, but our little post offices here in WNY are still using those little window boxes with the brass star dial on them, installed in 1964. I'll have to check the library.

FF, I checked the library. Both books are out, including one that the Mayor has not finished coloring.

Pam, thanks for the laugh about the town library :)

junior junior in twice removed yet still YOU! Love i!

Good grampa goes bad grampa with no helmet!

I changed back. Love this pic, it was my Grand daughters Birthday.

party hats / dunce caps -- hard to tell from the small pic ..

Me and my husband, dancing at my son's wedding last year.

This is my grandson Laric, who is almost two. I'm going to have to update this photo soon!!!

I live in an island but I never got to see the sun setting by the beach with the coconut trees as part of the view. (After work, I must go home to take over the night shift.) I heard from so many people how beautiful the sunset over the ocean-line can be at certain times of the year. One day........

Mine is a photo of my beloved dog, Josh. We just recently had to put him down. He was 13 years old . . . old for a shepherd. We got him from a breeder/shower when he was six years old. The lady raised German Shepherds, had 28 of them. And showed them all over the country with professional handlers. That's a photo of him receiving his Grand Champion Award.

He's the 4th shepherd I've owned...all males. They are a wonderful breed. One of my shepherds saved my life by alerting me to a carbon monoxide leak leak in my home. As I tried to go to bed, he'd have NONE of it...pawing at me, barking, a regular Lassie Moment. The furnace exhaust (in the cellar) had broken away from the wall and the furnace was exhausting into the house.

When we first got Josh (she gave him to us, by the way), he'd never heard a TV, a door bell, a dishwasher, etc., etc. He'd lived in a beautiful outbuilding with 27 other shepherds all his six years. He was scared to DEATH when we brought him into our home. He'd never set foot in one before.

But GSD's being the noble creatures they are, he soon adapted...made friends with feral cats Tom fed every night, and soon we had two playmates for him. He was a gentle soul.

I have four beautiful, wonderful, loyal GSDs waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge. It makes the coming journey we're all going to take almost a reward.

It's a photo of me and my Mom, taken two New Year's Eves ago (which, in retirement home lingo is something like December 27 between 7 and 9 pm!).

During this last year? Just to get her to LOOK in the right direction is a feat. ("No, Mom! Look over HERE! THIS way! You're looking at something off in the distance! Look at my nose!")

This is my castle, it's double wide mobile home and perfect small backyard!! When I read post from ladee who is getting mobile home... so I'm using this photo. Do we miss her?, I do!!!!

Pic is me and my father. The back story to the picture is that it was taken after a particularly rough day at Jesse Brown VA in Chicago's Medical District just west of downtown. We arrived at 9am, didn't leave until 5pm, so I stopped off at Millennium Park in Chicago to let the rush hour traffic die down before we made our journey 40 minutes south to where we live. You can't tell in the pic but I had been crying. I didn't know how many more trips to VA, how many more doctors changing course, how many more merry-go-round go-nowhere appointments I could handle from the VA. That was a hard day for me. The medical issue that was being treated has been mostly resolved AND I have a nice pic that remains, the only pic like this, of me and my father. One day at a time. :-)

Freq, I love these threads. Thank you!

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