
I laboriously tried to fill out the application with being delayed for two mos as I didn't understand the extra money in Dads account which was for his funeral...10,000 the social workers in the NH being quite bothered with the application not that complicated with a computor to print docs, anyway the NH is trying to get the full pay which is 7.5 thousand for the 2 mos pending, where the app was at a standstill, then Medicaid wants reimbursement for 13,000 WHY APPLY?????...…………………...I now have after dads funeral, a supposed 20,000, bill, in addition to his social and va pension for 1850.00 which paid 10,000 =30,000 payback for a mediocre NH which roughly comes to 7.2 thousand per month...…………..sorry its not worth it. Keep him home like a puppy...……………………..Dad was a low income senior paying a rip off rate of 7000 for this place when it took so much thought to QUALIFY, HIM FOR MEDICAID???? LOOKS LIKE ENTRAPMENT...…………..WHY QUALIFY IF YOU STILL GET A HEFTY BILL... JUST GO TO THE NH OF YOUR CHOICE... THE MEDICAID ONES ARE NOT AS HIGH RATED AS THE OTHERS...……... MAYBE THEY DEMAND Long Term Health Care Ins. before being admitted...get home health care aides...…………………….. by the way this is for 4 2/3 mos. until death admitted by Hospital for rehab March - July 21 2018 readmitted for Toxic Shock from a UTI ...…….back and forth.... if u dont pay the bill at the NH does the quality or care go down????? I mean I was 2 months delayed until the Medicaid office mentioned I had to buy a Funeral Trust with the $10,000 in dads account.... no one told me.... but they got full Aid And Attendance money from the VA plus the soc. not bad for a low income senior....I think...u can get a lovely apt for 1800.00 per month here in Charlottesville he would have been better off in a NEW apt. rather that being babysat with bad food, no hydration, old bed, hands on from many people, confused nurses at night giving meds and I do think they treated the insurance LTC patients better...…... now they would not be in this facility anyway it was know for Medicaid …..also they have an excellent REHAB...for only 20 days ….looks like the NH gets payday when someone like me comes in with out the application stuff.... being delayed I mean full pay when you are applying for Medicaid.. is this an oxymoron...

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It sounds like you are being billed by both the NH and Medicaid? Maybe your dad had enough money in his name when he filed the Medicaid application to be required to have a "spend down" period. Once his money was spent, Medicaid should have picked up the bill.

If you ended up spending the money on his funeral, have receipts to show Medicaid that that is where his money went.

I'm not completely following the story but it is required for Medicaid to file for reimbursement of any money spent. They want the money from the estate of any deceased Medicaid recipient. Most of the time, there isn't any money left to reimburse them but they still have to ask for reimbursement.

Don't panic. Maybe you can find someone more versed in your state's Medicaid program to help you fill out the request for reimbursement. They just want to make sure your dad didn't leave any money that they might be entitled to.

As long as you don't live in one of those states where the children are required to pay the parent's nursing home bills -if your dad left no money, creditors (like the nursing home) are just out of luck.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thankyou sorry for the confusing reply its just quite interesting how the system works without a family who was low income and did not plan..ok I should have been told to take the 10,000 to create a funeral trust immediately...thats it..
then Medicaid would have immidieatly kicked in right? he way this is not about being an ill-informed daughter ..Iam from NYC and should have followed all the rules and regulations but how do you do it in an emergency...with Dad as his caretaker son my brother died in the room with him at 69 yrs mind was on the Funeral of my brother...and getting dad in the NH...and I have some understanding that Medicaid is sort of poor....and it looks like one is left to their individual honor system as to how to pay...Iam still wondering why the cost of NH is so high for a Medicaid entry home..........7.5 thousand for a shared room small dorm bed, i went everyday....dont they pay their help.....this is not a well skilled nursing home professing to be one SNH..........and Dad just dissipated here...I also would like to add I paid my deceased brothers credit card debt, and without a lawyer he has a death benefit on his Heloc that I have paid down and the bank \
refuses to return my money at 17,500.00 after eight mos of you tell me
am i stupid or do institutions take advantage of poor people with out protection..
the Bank is being informed now by a professional but i have lost use of my money for with months.............

They knew he had 10,000 .also that it would go to the Funeral Trust got it.....this is all Dad ever had other than the social and pension A&A going in never had any other retirement,insurance original question is why do I have to payback the Medicaid money??thats it i would never have gone there to begin with

You do not have to pay back Medicaid. All you have to do is fill out the form stating your dad left no estate.

The whole Medicaid program is very, very confusing. I don't blame you for being upset!

Never pay bills that aren't yours. I'm glad you have a professional helping you going forward. I agree. It shouldn't be so confusing.

It's okay. Just don't use any more of your own money on anything else unless the professional helping you says you have to. I promise, you don't have to pay back Medicaid unless your dad gave you money before he applied for Medicaid (that's called gifting) or left a big bank account. I

I do not *know* if this is true of the Medicaid effect, but I do know that here in the UK nursing homes which have both self-funding and state-funded residents often charge them at different rates, more or less openly. The thing is, you can inquire about what fees you will be expected to pay; but you can't very well ask what fees other residents are paying, and if the residents' bills are being settled through a bulk contract with a public body the whole charging structure becomes more opaque. There is a further complication with self-funding residents who do or do not have insurance.

It all becomes a bit of a subsidy pickle, and Athena I share your dissatisfaction and sense of injustice about it.

But for you it's raw and painful, too. What do you want to do, now?

Sorry to everybody on the forum...Medicaid just let me know that they only want the receipts for the funeral and cemetary plot opening which I paid for...they were very nice and I am just confused and was trying to help my Dad from injuring himself after my brother died...its all sad...and I think the Coorporate part of NH
is perhaps overrated and priced and they should pay their people more than ten
dollars per hour...…………….

I'm just so relieved for you, Athena, and glad that Medicaid have at last got their communication ducks in a row.

I think everybody realises that having to deal with all this stuff at one of the most stressful times in your life doesn't exactly make it easy to keep a sweet temper :) Hugs to you, hope things get better from here.

All done learning the hard way...Medicaid is waiting for receipts, there was never any cash assets in Mom,Brother,or Dads under the 50,000 rule for probate I being only heir..only need a Doc from court for transfer of property...
then hopefully the Bank will reimburse the Heloc money that I the bank had Death Cert. for brother immidiatly..last Feb but I guess they need proper documentation for me...who inherits but the unknown would have been solved by an elder attorney...but I was so busy doing Medicaid application with recovering
from Brother Caretakers death I felt it not important to do a deed change..Dad took up all my time at the NH and Im glad I went everyday....I was paying the bills...………….good for me I had some money...

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