
Says the eggs are a week old, won't eat them, but will eat them when they bring another order.Mom lives in a wonderful Assisted Living Center. She does have dementia (not Alzheimer's). I think she's just not happy with the way the eggs are prepared. But she's very vocal about the eggs being old. I'm afraid they will evict her if she causes trouble.

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Oh, I don't think they will evict her just because she complains about the eggs! They have had much worse than that, I'll bet!
My mom had non - Alz dementia too, and they get confused. It is par for the course. No one know what to do.
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My mom was in an AL for two years - I saw her and others at her table send things back that weren't to their liking. It wasn't a problem. I think the staff at AL facilities are accustomed to this - grumbling about the food was a main topic of conversation among the residents.
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As long as she didn't throw them at the kitchen, she's OK.
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She should be fine as long as she did not send a note questioning the cook's ethnicity or parentage. they probably just put the same ones on a different plate
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Yeah, I wouldn't worry. As long as your mom is a paying customer, sending back a few meals here and there won't get her kicked out. My mother who lives in independent living used to worry about not letting the cleaning girl in when she'd come every week. She figured it would be reported and she'd get in trouble. I said, "Mom, that girl is thrilled you don't want her to clean your room! Less work for her." And if there was a problem, I'm sure they'd give you warning/notice to change the behavior before they'd ever kick her out.
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My mom always sends watermelon back because it's too ripe! They haven't thrown her out yet. They just don't serve her watermelon any more. I think complaining gives them the feeling of having some sort of control, which is now very minimal.
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My Mom was in an ALF and she was a nightmare for them, but they didn't kick her out for her behavior.They have mood altering drugs to combat aggressive behaviors in patients with dementia (my Mom is on them). So don't worry, you will not get her back at home (LOL) if anything, they will probably transfer her to a facility that can better deal with her behavior if not controllable.
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You know those assisted living facilities should think of the residents as their customers and guests. If she were staying at the Hilton, the cook would graciously prepare another plate for her. AND I'll bet it's not any more expensive to stay at the Hilton than at the assisted living facility. It's a shame to have to worry about being evicted for being a troublemaker because of something that trivial, but I understand that these facilities are often hard to find and to get into. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with that yet with my mother. My heart goes out to you.
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I agree with Linda22 above, the facilities are probably pretty use to this behavior. And it's probably the same eggs being brought back to the table, just warmed up a bit.

I would thrilled to have someone cook for me, I wouldn't care how the eggs are prepared :)
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