
My ALZ dad has seemed to have lower blood pressure readings for a while now. He is now in MC and yesterday the hospice nurse happened to stop by in the AM and measured it at 90 over something, low, but the was not concerned, saying that is not abnormal with some older people in general, and we also felt he was dehydrated. Later, the facility physician came in and it measured 85 over something, and she seemed quite alarmed, saying based on pulse, whatever it was, this was not something related to dehydration but a sign the body is shutting down. That will happen at some point of course but that put me into a panic. I read up on Dr. Google and some sound like low blood pressure is often typical amongst ALZ patients. Medicine seems like Law where if you ask ten different experts you get eleven different opinions. Any insights from those who have been there?

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cwillie, interesting you ask that. My dad had ben on a med to treat congestive heart failure. The MD took him off that yesterday as it says that particular med, I cant remember all the names, has BP lowering properties as well. Thanks for your response. I often get the feeling when a new medical professional looks at my dad they think the worse. (Perhaps not the worse, my dad is not really living now). But that has happened a few times as well A couple months ago the hospice nurse told me my dad is wanting to die, and it will probably happen in a couple of days.
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My mom had Alzheimer’s and low blood pressure too. The doctor on staff told me that low blood pressure contributes to the progression of Alzheimer’s because it affects circulation to the brain. No one ever told me it was a sign of her body shutting down, though. Although I suppose since Alzheimer’s is terminal, there are little signs of this happening for years.
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Thanks Ahmijoy, that supported what I had read. I guess there is no absolute truth in any of this, and I do have to accept at some point my dad will not be here, and he is 93 and has a good run so I cannot complain. But I am not ready. I guess we are never ready.
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They had me convinced my mother was dying 5 years ago because of her sudden decline and her alarmingly low BP (80/40 ish), however while decreased BP is a symptom at end of life it should be accompanied by  other signs. By the way, is he on any medication that lowers BP?
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When the doctor talked about oxygen he/she was talking about "pulse ox". This is where they put that little clip at the end of your pointer finger. It measures how much oxygen is in the arterial blood. Under 90 is not good, 95 is good. Oxygen can be given to bring it up, it doesn't always help in certain conditions. Your Dad is on Hospice so you know the outcome. I would try not to panic. The doctor is getting you ready. Just be there for Dad. Talk to him, hold his hand. Believe me, they may not respond but they hear.
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Thanks JoAnn.  I think that is wise advice to hold his hand  His ox was 95.  It was his BP that was under 90.  (top number)
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