
My husband has moved his mother into our house, (I owned the house before we got married), she is a paranoid schizophrenic, (also she is just generally not a nice person)and she stays up all night with her TV and radio on not to mention her light and thr bathroom light all night long. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since she moved in, she will slam the cabinet doors when ahe cant find what shes looking for (which is right in front of her) she's VERY demanding and will confront me at 10:30 pm on Saturday about going to the bank which I tried ALL day Friday to take her to yet she refused to go to. Now he says he wants a divorce because he can't live like this, he quit his job to take care of her and I pay all the bills plus he wants me to do all the housework as well which I think is unfair. He says if I make her move out with him I'm cold hearted but she's not my mom, I don't think I should have to care for her if he chooses to move out. Am I in the wrong?

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Run, don't walk to the divorce attorney. You cannot fix this. I'm sorry for your MIL, but she is not your responsibility. Get them both out of YOUR house.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Hothouseflower

You’re not wrong, you married a mama’s boy, and unfortunately those never change. In your shoes, I’d welcome them moving out and a divorce. This is no way to live. We have neighbors whose son, in his late 30’s, has schizophrenia. They are wonderful caregivers to him, but have undeniably sacrificed their social lives, alienated their other adult children, and messed up their own health in the process. If you don’t want this life, you’re not to blame
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Daughterof1930

I would tell him that you will call APS and have her dealt with by the state if he abandons her in your home.

He calls you cold-hearted and he is the one running from the situation he created? Yikes! Get yourself a a good divorce attorney or you may be paying him spousal support.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

I really hope he signed a prenup.

They both need to go.

You're 100% in the right. Call a divorce attorney TODAY.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to ZippyZee

Wow! Just wow. Is your husband on the deed? Has he filed for divorce? He's freakin crazy if he thinks MIL should stay with YOU! Ummm, hard no on that one.

For your sleep, are you doing things like a white noise machine, ear plugs, eye mask, etc etc.? Is she on meds? Doesn't sound like it or they need some tweaking.

What a mess. Sorry.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to againx100
AngieS42 Jun 10, 2024
No he's not on the deed,it's solely in my name. I've tried it all but she keeps turning both TV and radio up. She has meds but she doesn't want to take them and I can't force her to. I am a caregiver by trade, it's what I do and I love my job but I've never encountered someone like her. Nothing is her fault (she's had 5 Duis and was a former drug addict) I didn't grown up like that at all so this type of behavior is new to me.
See 1 more reply
You are 100 percent right! Your husband married you not his mom. Let them live alone see how much fun you husband has .

Get rid of both of them. This is not fair to you.

Best of luck, keep us posted
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Anxietynacy Jun 10, 2024
Oh Angie, an addiction to boot. Yeah get rid of them!!!!!
Nope not in the wrong. Your soon to be ex-husband is an idiot if he thinks you would be foolish enough to allow his mother to continue living with you after he moves out. I really hope you are going to dump him and his mother and get on with your life. You deserve better than this.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to anonymous1768885
Anxietynacy Jun 10, 2024
See 3 more replies
Your husband does not want to be married to you anymore. It has nothing to do with his mother. You not wanting his rude, pushy, entitled, schitzophrenic mother living in your house and ruining your homelife is not an unreasonable demand. He is taking your very valid reasons for wanting her out and using them as the excuse to break up the marriage.

You DO NOT have to financially support his a$$ because he quit working and wants to stay home with "mommy" like a little kid. Then on top of that still expects you to maintain the home? I don't think so.

Sister, please. Have some respect for yourself because you deserve better than this. Every woman does. Visit a divorce lawyer. First consultations are usually free so it won't cost you anything. If the house was yours before the two of you married it is not joint or communal property. If his name was never put on the deed, it is not a marital asset. A divorce lawyer will explain all of this to you. Please see one.

In the meantime, you do absolutely NOTHING for your husband or his mother. You DO NOT cook for them, grocery shop for them, run errands, wash clothes, no rides, nothing. Take your meals elsewhere too. Don't even eat with them.

If your MIL refuses to turn the bathroom light off, take the bulbs out. If she refuses to turn off the tv and radio in her room, take the tv and radio away. If neither your man or his mother are contributing financially to the household, they don't get a say. If you're the one paying for everything and everyone and it sure sounds like you are, YOU ARE the king in your castle and it was your castle to begin with. Start acting like one.

Visit that divorce lawyer and your life back. It's hard when a marriage ends. I am twice divorced myself. It's not easy, but you'll be all right. Let your husband and his mommy walk off into the sunset together and good luck to them. Take your life back.

God luck to you and please keep us updated. I'm interested in your story.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
AngieS42 Jun 10, 2024
He said he wants a divorce, then he said that I couldnt kick his mother out of the house if he left, that I would be cold hearted. Ive never said anything about not wanting her in the house until he threatened divorce, even after I don't say anything he threw the cold hearted business in when he said she would be staying with me, because I can't just throw her out on the street.
See 2 more replies
Consider yourself lucky that he wants a divorce.
Consider yourself lucky that you owned the house before you got married.
Get yourself to a good divorce lawyer.
I do hope the two of them are happy living together....someplace else.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Grandma1954

How long have you been married? This is one selfish husband. Why should u be taking Mom to the bank, is he not capable? He brought her into the house, she is his responsibility. And as a stay at home husband, he should be doing the housework, cooking and caring for Mom. This is one lazy man.

If he leaves without Mom, you call Adult Protection Services. Tell them you will not care for her. See that lawyer ASAP. If you have kept your finances separate, that is good. If you have not been married long, thats good.

If you supported yourself before, and now supporting 3 people, you can support yourself again. Talk to a lawyer about divorcing this man and his Mom. Mom is his responsibility not yours.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to JoAnn29
AngieS42 Jun 10, 2024
Thats another sore spot I do keep the finances separate, we have been married for 2 years and he's been threatening divorce the entire time. He is jealous of my relationship with my 26 year old son, he thinks it's odd my son calls me at least once a day sometimes multiple times a day, however I'm the only parent my son has he has no siblings or grandparents ( they're deceased since I was in my 20's) so we are close. He doesn't speak to his children so he thinks it's strange I speak to mine so often. I feel that I'm very lucky to have a son who is close to me.
Your husband isn't suddenly going to turn into a really nice considerate human being. He's going to be who he is from now on.

Your MIL has upended your life, and your husband doesn't care. Even worse, he threatens you with divorce.

I'd see a divorce lawyer right away. Find out your rights. I hope your husband isn't part owner of the house now, did you put his name on the deed? Take all important papers to the lawyer appointment.

If you want a divorce, you can do it, and moreover, you could have the papers served to husband while you're gone on a vacation. Surprise, surprise, HE threatened divorce, but you got to it first! That will send him into a tizzy for sure! This could be accompanied by a notice that he is to move both himself and his mother out by such-and-such a date.

Then you're rid of him, you're rid of her, and you get your life back. Whatever your single life turns out to be, you'll be better off than you are now. I see NO advantage to continuing on this miserable course, which will only get worse.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Fawnby
AngieS42 Jun 10, 2024
I can barely pay attention much less a vacation but that's sounds like a good idea! 😂❤️
See 1 more reply
Nope. You are absolutely right if what you are saying is that either he leaves with her, or she leaves.

Your house. Your rules.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Beatty Jun 11, 2024
"he leaves with her"
I vote for that
I don’t see any reason why you would want to stay married to this man .

1) He’s in your house
2) He doesn’t work or do any housework
3) He has you taking care of HIS Mom .
4) He wants to leave , get his freedom and leave his Mom with you .

Your husband is a lazy parasite. like a tick . He fed off you and now is looking to leave for greener pastures AND leaving his unfinished business behind .

Go to a divorce lawyer , get him and Mom out .
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to waytomisery

Cold as ice. Show him just HOW cold and kick him AND the old lady out immediately, wishing then the Best of Luck.

The end. Thank God.

Dh must've inherited some of mother's mental illness traits if he thinks for ONE SECOND you'd be willing to keep her once he divorces you! 🤣😂😃😆. Really, that's rich. Best I've heard in awhile.

Of course you're not wrong. You're well rid of both of them. Now go spend some of your $$$$ on YOURSELF!
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to lealonnie1
ZippyZee Jun 11, 2024
Nah, don’t bother wishing them good luck
I'm so sorry - but I read your post three times to make sure I read it right.

Did you just say that your H (I'm not even giving him the D) moved his paranoid schizophrenic mother into your home, he quit his job to take care of her, expected you to work full time and take care of the entire home alone, now he has decided that HIS mother had caused too many problems in your marriage and he wants a divorce.

But he wants YOU to keep HIS mother???

Your reward for all of this time of hell, the dissolution of your marriage and family at the hands of your H, and the impacts to YOUR mental health and he has the absolute audacity to think he is going to leave her with you?

I want to believe this is some kind of bait joke post but there are really people out there like this.

I don't usually jump to this but what the heck - find yourself the best divorce lawyer in town, lock them down, and get them BOTH out of your house. He didn't leave and cleave and now he just wants to leave and make you cleave to his family.

If he leaves, you call the Police or APS and tell them that he abandoned his mother. That you cannot care for her and that you did not agree to do so. That he walked away knowing this. And that you need them to ensure that he picks his mother up from YOUR home, or you will take her to the nearest hospital and check her in and leave his name as the NOK.

Not your your monkeys, not your circus. Not your problem.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to BlueEyedGirl94
AngieS42 Jun 10, 2024
Yes ma'am you read that correctly.
See 5 more replies
Evict her. Divorce him. Today.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to 97yroldmom
97yroldmom Jun 10, 2024
I have a loved one who I worry about each and every day. She is bipolar with schizophrenic effective disorder or whatever the DSM label is right now. I will not allow her to even know where I live.

I would sell my home before I would stay in this situation.

Please don’t continue this. Get help today. Nothing good will come of it for any of you.

If the MIL is over 65 then APS can help place her. Although she probably won’t stay.
See 1 more reply
Hi Angie - Fortunately, this has been a short marriage....and you can begin a brand, new life - He and his mother are weighing you down. I am sure you're going to feel a whole lot better when this situation is behind you. It's better to be on your own than be saddled with these freeloaders. They both should leave as a package deal. Of course, he's going to try to "guilt" you into keeping his mother would have to be tremendously naive and gullible not to see that.

You deserve someone who treats you well and appreciates you - he's not the one. It will feel liberating without either one of them! You asked "if you are in the wrong" - you will be "in the wrong" if you keep either of them in the picture - focus on taking care of yourself with a better life!
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Hopeforhelp22

I was told once by a someone working in mental health, that people with Sz require supervised or assisted living. That living truly independantly can be too hard a challenge for them. I don't know people's experience to that..

In my experience I can see how someone needing daily help in the 'executive functioning' area of life needs a 'parent' type person. A 'Caretaker' person to help them.

A close relative often becomes this person. I've seen this a few times now with a sibling. Like they are living the same life. Alternatively, can be the opposite & siblings become estranged.

I guess there is only so much one can do if the close relative with Sz is so heavily leaning on you all the time - dependant on you for everything!

So here.. the husband could be taking on that is Caretaker role for his Mother. It ate up his life. Then in turn, he wants a Caretaker to provide for them both! Like a never ending snowball UNLESS spmeone has STRONG boundaries.

Which Anglie will.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Beatty
waytomisery Jun 11, 2024
I can see it eating up his life but I can’t understand why he thinks leaving his mother with his wife is acceptable or why he can’t see that it would eat up his wife’s life as well and calls her cold if she kicked the Mom out . With that logic why doesn’t he see that it’s cold for him to leave , and stick his wife with this ?
The obvious answer would be to place the mother , if that’s possible , which sounds like it’s not finacially , idk.
See 8 more replies
Wow!!! I've been reading everything and I'm awed!! This is not a marriage, its a manipulative B-terd that only cares for himself. He obviously has had enough of his mother but couldn't find a way to place her? Where's her money at? Did she have property that he sold and refused to use it for her care? My first thought.....OK, my second thought is does he have POA over her? Did he take her finances and disregard his duties for her welfare? If he did and I wouldn't put it past him to do it to you. He's going to suck you mentally, physically and financially dry! When someone accuses you of being something you're not, it's usually the other way around, he's the cold-hearted one! Just how does he think he can support himself when he quit his job, where's he going to go? He's been learning manipulative behavior from his mother, people who have dependencies get very manipulative! They learn these "tricks" to get what they want without remorse,they're professionals at that. It's not you, it's him! Don't let him take your power/energy/home! In fact, kick him out of the bedroom and he can "bunk" with mom in hers. If he did indeed squander his mothers finances where's her SS/ maybe disability check at/going? Is it going into his account? Is this the money he's living on besides yours? His care for her seems pretty unlawful and he could face charges if he leaves her with you. Whoever has guardianship over her is in deep doo doo and it's NOT YOU!!! You entered a commitment between the both of you, it didn't say for better or worse or Mom! I feel really bad for you and your heart ♥, what you're going through must be tearing you apart. Chalk it up as another life experience that you need for future use, what doesn't kill us,makes us stronger! Be strong and let his behavior wash off of you, don't play his game! You got this!!!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JuliaH
AngieS42 Jun 11, 2024
She has no money she lived in a government apartment, apparently she's only worked odd jobs so she gets a small check which she keeps hidden on her person at ALL times. She held out $100 to me last night as to give it to me for bills or something then she put it back behind her, she's not a good person, it makes me sad to know there are such hateful people out there who just seem to want to make people miserable. I e honestly never encountered such a person as her in my life. I was very sheltered growing up, I see that now. My son even tells me that I've been sheltered and that's why I guess I have the sympathy and attitude that I do.
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He is counting on you being too nice of a person to throw his mom out. I say you own the cold hearted label.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to lkdrymom
AlvaDeer Jun 11, 2024
Wow, Ikdry, do I ever agree with you. I say embrace that label. I have been called a "mean girl" and I find I love it. When you simply say, "yup, cold to the BONE" they've got nowhere to go. I just tell them I wasn't born nice, and at 81, too late to fix it! Hee hee.
Update: My husband has just taken his mom to the ER and now she's saying he's been threatening to hit her which he hasn't. He's seen the light and is now saying she's no longer welcome at our house after catering to her EVERY whim. What in the world am I to do? Those are EXTREMELY serious charges. I'm so upset by all this, I'm physically shaking. She has not been taking her medications either. Which I'm sure can only hurt her mental well being.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AngieS42
Isthisrealyreal Jun 13, 2024
Angie, her documented mental illness should be enough to cast doubt on her word.

If she was never touched you guys have nothing to worry about, tell the cops what the heck is and has been going on with her.

Ps, this doesn't change the truth of where he was at before; Threatening you and running away. Personally, I would never trust him again. Like I say, he has shown you who he is, believe him.
See 4 more replies
Welllll so far none of his cousins will take her apparently they know of her ways. Wish me luck on where she may go.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AngieS42
Beatty Jun 15, 2024
Yes I wish you luck & strength but not to convince other family members to take MIL in.
That is NOT your responsibility.

I wish you luck that the light that went on for your DH stays on.

I wish you strength to keep to your boundaries.

You can work with your DH & Social Worker to find alternative living for MIL - if you CHOOSE to.

Alternatively, be a broken record of "MIL cannot return to our home" without any further input.
Do not worry about her accusations.

The police will run a check on her and see her long lovely documented law enforcement history.

Remember she will be discharged and job one is --- DO NOT TAKE HER BACK.

Go in her room and put all her belongings in a bag -NOW. Put them outside the front door or in the garage.

He needs to understand this and tell them at the hospital - he cant take her and bring her back to "find a solution". Let the hospital do it.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to CourageousKid

Hi Angie:
Thanks for your update that hubby's mom is now taken to ER where she is claiming hubby hit her. You sound very frightened and want to know what you can do.
Do first of all know when an elder or ANYONE else in ER makes an accusation, no matter how outlandish or confuse it may "seem", those in ER are "mandated reporters" who HAVE to report to APS, to the authorities for investigation.

Be cooperative and open your house willingly, and ALSO--here's a REALLY GOOD IDEA--show them your posts here on AC. Let them know that things at home have not been good and no one knows any more how to care for "mom". Tell them you do not want her back in your home with these accusations. And insist she have placement in care. This not only insures her own safety, but it insures you against further accusations. I agree with CourageousKid. This is your opportunity to get mom placement.

You have a few ways to look at this, and for me, I would WELCOME the authorities and tell them "Thank god she made these false accusations, because she has finally let her son know we absolutely cannot go on attempting to care for her for our own safety and well being."
This could be a gift.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
AngieS42 Jun 13, 2024
Thats what I'm hoping for,this may be the way it needed to work itself out. Once I spoke about what was happening God, the universe or whatever may have set the wheels in motion. My mom was our church secretary so I've been in church my whole life and think God does all things in his time. This may be the time.
IMHO, i too would welcome the authorities stepping in and I would not allow mom back home. ALSO, as for your husband... Id have to have a serious talk with him. He threatened you with divorce now he's back stepping. Hmmm . I don't like that,but that's me. May be a good time to live alone again. Best of luck!
Ps. Never feel bad for protecting yourself...never.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Lwayne
anonymous1768885 Jun 13, 2024
Agree the husband is also a big problem here.
Why would you guys try to hoist this woman on anyone else? That is, quite frankly, as messed up as it gets.

She can go to a shelter if she has no place else to go. Or better yet, a group home for the mentally ill.

I will guarantee you that you will end up in serious trouble if you don't handle this to a DONE now. She will move back in, because your spouse has no backbone to let her suffer the consequences of her actions, she will make more accusations to cause you guys untold misery or she will injure herself and cry abuse.

I, strongly, encourage you and your husband to let the authorities get her placed, whatever that looks like but, DON'T do this to anyone else.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal
AngieS42 Jun 13, 2024
The cousin has a life insurance policy on her and the aunt is who is her contact person on all her government forms, and my mil specifically asked about living with them so we're trying to honor her wishes. She has never been happy in any place she has lived. Edit: I was also incorrect it's not her cousin but her sister.
See 9 more replies
They are admitting her to the hospital and she will not be coming back to my house she will be placed somewhere, where I'm not sure but I will be speaking with her caseworker at the hospital and informing her of EVERYTHING
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AngieS42
Anxietynacy Jun 13, 2024
That's good, Angie, now I would say first things first, work on you. Your anxiety is high I'm sure, after dealing with mil , treat yourself, have some fun, and get some much needed R&R . Therapy wouldn't be a bad idea either.

After when you are in a better head space, figure out the path you want to take on your marriage.

Best of luck to you!!
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Make an appointment with a divorce lawyer. The consult is usually free. You want a lot of documentation here.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Southernwaver

Move them both out.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JeanLouise

Of course you’re not wrong.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Beethoven13

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