
If you see the few posts I have made you'll see my father lives with me and my mom still lives in their home. I am dads caregiver, help mom when I can, but my mom has some real mental issues along w/huge gambling problem. She is late on bills, nor paying some. My brother lives there, but w/dysfunctional family he really pays next to none! I know if I apply to be rep payee it'll be hell to pay-but my dad w/his issues is having hard time w/this as I am. Either way, I know that if my dad goes to a home or when he passes I will definitely have to try be payee, otherwise she will ultimately come to me to cover her. I know I could just leave it and she can struggle but #1 dad in the end always saves her and #2 years ago folks had me become POA and I am disabled so then they set up a Supplemental Needs Trust for me. I wonder how much extra work I'd be doing to make sure things w/mom are financial taken care of before she burns through everything? Any advice would be appreciated? Hopefully I posted in right spot as well? Thank you, Valery

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I am rep payee and caregiver from my special needs adult daughter who lives with me. I don't remember much about the process! Memory issues! I do remember it didn't take long. I'd Google this question and/or talk with an attorney, usually a consultation is free or a small fee, and if she has a caseworker and the agency that she gets money from talk with them. The internet has a lot of info, just be careful and look at where the information comes from. Your mother would have to have a mental work up so you could also look into any mental health programs for info how to do this. Good luck and report back with how this goes for you, you have your hands full, say a prayer and try to relax, take one step at a time. Does she get money for her disability? Start with that program first if she does. Hope this has helped any!!
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Becoming rep payee is fairly easy - I believe I filled out paperwork for Social Security and at the bank. No lawyer involvement. Once a year you submit a fairly simple report to SS on how the money was spent. It is important to know bring rep payee only gives you authority over their SS income - and that must always be spent on their needs - there are limits as to how much you can spend on their personal needs and some big ticket items need SS approval. Being rep payee is NOT the same as being POA.
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On aging Care, this question was discussed: " I am representative payee. What legal rights do I have?"
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Valery, the parents would have to sign/notarize forms making you representative payee. If they refuse to do that, you pursue Guardianship through Surrogate's Court.
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