
I am mom's full-time caregiver and need help with anger management medicine for her. Mom is 77, has MS, is not ambulatory and has been on bed rest for pressure sores from her wheelchair. I asked her Dr. for medicinal help with her anger and severe mood swings so she put her on Depakote. Sadly, the medicine caused severe hand tremors and hallucinating. We weened mom off but now she is back to being angry and verbally not nice. Does anyone have experience with the 24 hour Xanax??

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Just let it be in the hands of the docs. To tell the truth there is no magic in this and any doctor will admit to a nurse that this is "anything but an exact science". It all depends on what drugs or what drug cocktails work for each individual. It is like a finger print, that individual, what will work and what will not. Give it a try and keep a diary of what works and what doesn't. Wishing you good luck. What works for one won't for another. What doesn't work for another might for your loved one.
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Xanax will relax her and make her kind of zone out. I think it is meant for anxiety. Did you give the Dr the feedback about the Depakote? Sometimes it takes experimenting to find the right med. Or look for another psychiatrist or geriatric Dr.
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Please ask her doctor for help. The doctor will have to manage her meds with trying different medication and weaning off one med and adding a different one. Have the Psychiatrist help her with all medications. The Psychiatrist is the expert in this field!!
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