
I’ve lost all my siblings due to addiction and I’m taking care of my parents who are in their 90s by myself. Both have dementia as well as other physical medical issues. I myself am disabled and have medical conditions. I don’t know where to begin! I’m overwhelmed, worn down I’m no longer an effective caregiver. Any advice would be greatly appreciated that doesn’t cost any money

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First of all, I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time right now. Dementia is a very difficult thing to deal with. I would definitely try the suggestions others have made. An evaluation might help you significantly. I hope you can get some relief and be able to take care of yourself too. As someone with chronic illness and pain myself, I know that the stress can make your health issues worse.

Also, as someone who is relatively new to the forum myself, I have found it helpful sometimes to read through other people's questions that seem similar to mine. I have found so much useful information this way. Sending my warmest thoughts to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Ntrlvr34 Mar 2019
Thanks for your kind words. It’s been this way for a long time. I don’t know how much longer I can hang on. I’m the one really struggling not my parents. I just don’t seem to care anymore
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I am so sorry, I take care of my parents who have Alzheimer's. I'm fortunate I have no health issues and pray that God gives me the strength to continue taking care of Mom and Dad.

Not sure where you are but hope these services are available to you.
1. Most counties have elderly care services who may pay for in home care or volunteers for a few hours.
2. If your parents qualify for hospice. Not that they are near death, they can qualify by meeting certain criteria. They can qualify for a provider and respite care so you can take a break. Check with their doctor. Doctors offices also employ social workers that handle volunteers.
3. Apply for Medicaid and get some help.
4. Call the Alzheimer's Assoc in your area for a volunteer network.

Hope this helps, stay strong. Prayers.
Helpful Answer (2)
Ntrlvr34 Mar 2019
Thank you so very much for your information. I’ve received one other response in addition to yours and I greatly appreciate it! I hope to become a little more active on this forum with positive information next time. 🥰.

Good luck to you as well and stay strong 🙏🏻
Call your Area Agency on Aging. Ask them to come for a visit to evaluate your family and see what services might be available.
Helpful Answer (5)
Ntrlvr34 Mar 2019
❤️Thanks sooo very much!
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