
My dad has a stage 4 expanded sacral wound. Will be needing rotation and I am the sole caregiver so I thought this could help me get more sleep and let the bed shift his body weight gently and on a timer automatically. Sounds great but do they work at all? Hospital suggested simply a low air loss mattress. Not even a pressure alternating one which he has had during hospital stay.
Social worker said that low air loss mattress and hiring a night shift caregiver would work.
Unable to afford that set up unfortunately. Thus considering the automatic rotational air mattress. Any insights?
Not looking at the top of the line. More like midrange price wise.

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I had one of these for my Husband.
Hospice ordered it for him.
It was adjustable as to how often it would inflate and deflate and how firm or soft it could be made.
It was a bit noisy but I got used to it. (as a matter of fact the day he died when I got back to the house the house seemed so quiet I had to turn the bed back on.)
I will say he NEVER got a pressure sore. He/we had that bed about 6 months prior to that he had an air flow mattress.
This is something that Hospice can order or I am sure if it is "prescribed" Medicare would cover.
There are "tricks" to moving someone in the bed. Lower the head, raise the feet and pull the draw sheet to pull someone back up to the head of the bed. This way you use gravity to help move him.
You could check with Hospice to see if he would qualify for Hospice that way you would get the bed, possibly a Hoyer Lift if necessary as well as other equipment and help you might need.
Helpful Answer (1)
SuperHawk Jun 2020
Thanks!!! I did it! I was able to prop him up on the bed by myself without stretching his pressure injury nor straining myself just by following your instructions.

Gravity was fast! 2 clicks on bed then I pulled draw sheet! Voila!
He even was surprised. "That's it"? he said.
Great satisfaction to say YES!

As far as the bed question. I am not sure if the bed you had, rotated the body physically at intervals?
Or were you the official rotator ?
I think the body was not made to lie down on one's back. At least not while sleeping for hours.

Maybe all beds have the wrong design. I am trying to think back in prehistoric times. Maybe no one suffered any pressure injuries sleeping on a mound of grass or coiling among branches.
Yesterday I felt my sacral bone uncomfortably while lying on my bed. Never even gave it a thought! Now I am very aware of its importance. It is an axis.
Maybe sleeping on a hammock every other day? Switching beds often.
For bed bound people maybe good to change also every other day.
If possible.
Just a thought outside the box.
My BIL had a hired alternating mattress for about 3 months before he died. He had broken his leg in a fall, and was bed bound. It worked well. The noise was minor, less than the morphine driver my mother had at the end. See if you can hire one, unless you expect it to be needed long term.
Helpful Answer (1)
SuperHawk Jun 2020
Was this bed with lateral rotation or only alternating pressure? Dad is already on a low air loss alternating pressure matress.
Unfortunately he just stays comfortably lying on his sacral. I do position manually laterally to relieve pressure on all his back as well. If the bed inflated and deflated laterally I think may even improve his circulation.
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