
Can Medicaid cover senior apartments?

In a question I had asked two days ago about what to do about my very very toxic grandmother, many had suggested that I talk to my parents about applying for medicaid so that it can cover the costs of sending my grandmother to a nursing home. That would be great, seeing as how we can't afford the $3000 a month bill. BUT the thing is my grandmother can function independently on her own. She needs very little assistance to go about her day, and when I had called a nursing home they told me I would be better off searching for a senior apartment because those are much cheaper. Ive talked to my parents about applying for medicaid, but it would be really helpful to have some guidance. Does Medicaid cover senior apartments? I took a glance at pricing the other day, and one apartment was about $900, not sure if my family can afford that. Also, how would we get my grandmother to leave our house and not come back? She knows how to drive, even if we do kick her out to an apartment I fear that she may just drive back to our house and also complain about us to our family members (she can work a phone too). Are restraining orders an option for us?

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Badgrandma, each State has their own rules, regulations, and programs. So one would need to contact their own State to see what is offered. Hopefully there will be a program to help out your Grandmother.... some States offer waivers to help pay for Assisted Living.

I read your previous posting about your Grandmother.... oh good heavens, I hate to say this but she sounds like a spoil brat and quite the busybody by some of the things she does. I wonder if her own mother acted that way, and that is where your Grandmother had learned to do the same. How exhausting for everyone around her. She would make an interesting segment for the Dr. Phil show.
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In Delaware, the average cost of a nursing home is $323 per day, or close to $10,000 per month. It doesn't sound like she is ready for that.
Before you kick her out, can you afford to live without her and her SS check?
Talk it over with mom.
Medicaid does not pay for apartments.
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