
He had been diagnosed with cancer 7 months earlier, had surgery to remove the cancer and came home. By the end of July he was showing signs again. He refused to see his doctor and by the end of August he was admitted for another surgery. Keep in mind he was 89 years old and had been in declining health for 18 months. We didn’t have stairs. Any advice is appreciated

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I'm surprised at some of the responses here, some of which are pretty irresponsible.

APS has a difficult job. As a mandated reporter (paramedic), I have called for APS to follow up for a number of patients who were being neglected or who were harming themselves or others. It happens...a lot. In this case, the moment they see that there are no stairs then it should be clear that the allegations were false.

What APS will often do in a situation like this is help connect families with resources or help the family find a better living situation for their loved ones. When I go into a hoarding situation, for example, and report the situation to APS in our county, I usually end up working with APS to make the home safer. One recent patient, whose house had to be condemned as unlivable, was housed by APS and is now much healthier (and happier).

It's better that we investigate allegations than let our elderly suffer abuse or neglect.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to MedicinNC
AlvaDeer Sep 11, 2024
I couldn't agree more with you.
And am SOOO glad to see a paramedic on this page. I hope against hope you stick around, check in here a few times a week, a help others with your knowledge. We for instance have a woman writing us today about constipation, and I just now after a few days of her communication learn that her elder has a huge bloated abdomen. I referred her to EMS and transport to hospital so this lady can be examined to r/o bowel obstruction.

You could save lives here with the right questions, and welcome to the forum.
Someone called APS. They don't have to tell you who. Hospital records should show any bruises or breaks that could have been caused by a fall down the stairs because upon admitting him they do a body ckeck from head to toe. I would say if it was husband, the anesthesia he received could have made him have Dementia like symptoms making him not in his right mind.

Well, APS saw you did not have stairs. They have to investigate any claim received. Now you wait for a report. If your accused, then you get that lawyer.

Please come back and tell us what happens.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to JoAnn29

If this is your late husband, wouldn't pushing him down the stairs be a criminal case rather than an APS accusation? And, if you have no stairs, how can such a thing be possible?

What kind of advice are you seeking? Hopefully you've called an attorney for guidance.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to lealonnie1
BurntCaregiver Sep 9, 2024

It would go over to APS first to be investigated then they decide of it goes to the police for further action.
Hi Zenlady,
I am afraid, because you're new here and have no filled in a profile nor given us much of a history her, we are as lost as you are.

Did your husband say you pushed him down stairs?
Did you get reported by husband?
Did you get reported by medical personnel?

You say that APS showed up at your door.
Is your husband competent or is he suffering from confusion and dementia.
If you have no stairs exactly which stairs is APS speaking of?

As you can imagine, your brief note without much information has simply brought more questions.
I would be open and honest with APS.
That's the best you can do.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

You don't have to let these people harass you or even let them in your house. I've had plenty of dealings with APS over the years because I was an in-home caregiver for so many years to many people.

This is what you tell nosey APS people if they want to come into your house just to look around or talk.

Get a warrant.

Then you call a lawyer.

You don't have to let anyone in your home without a court-order. It's a disgrace the cases APS gets all hot under the collar about. Cases where there is no abuse going on. Then others where a person is being seriously abused they just blow off. You don't have to take their crap of intimidation.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
AlvaDeer Sep 9, 2024
I am quite amazed that your experience with APS was so bad. Mine as a mandated reporter/RN was the opposite both in terms of APS and CPS (child protective). As was their coordination with our social workers. I must have just lucked out in a good system.
See 2 more replies
So your husband, when he was still alive and in the hospital for his 2nd cancer occurance, accused you of pushing him down non-existent stairs in your home? And he passed away before the APS investigation was completed?

I would wait to see what their report says, if it gets turned over as a criminal investigation. Then you will need a lawyer.

Medical staff are mandated reporters. Even if they suspected he was telling a tale they are still obligated to report it.

More info would help us help you better.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

Who made the accusation? You have no steps in your home.

So, what exactly is APS after?

I've dealt with APS twice before. It is more of a nuisance than anything else with people poking around your home and just being nosy due to false accusations. Did he have any broken bones or injuries because of the fall?

So, they are still being an annoyance after you husband's demise. If it was your husband who made these accusations and refused to see his doctor until his second hospitalization, makes me wonder why APS was called in.

Get a lawyer.

Cooperate with APS.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Scampie1

I hope against hope that our correspondent, Zenlady, will return to answer a few questions. After reading a few of our responses it occurs to me that I don't even know if husband is dead or alive, demented or not.

And this whole thing of being accused of pushing someone down stairs that don't exist doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I also agree with the observations of Lea that this would ordinarily be a police case.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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