
Perhaps this site can provide a simple list of resources for those placed in "caregiver" role. After reading pages /comments/pleas on this site I see that so many are placed in this role not by choice but by circumstances. Many cannot afford assistance or alternatives for this 24/7 role. Perhaps there needs to be a documentary and or representation for this group.

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Good idea. Not to be critical, but I think many of us weren't "placed", unless by those for whom we're caring. Some of us just "fell" into it because no on else in the family would do it. And some of us are just trapped!

You're right that circumstance plays a role in being a caregiver.

What did you specifically have in mind? Online resources, group resources, agencies? I'm interested, and have thought of trying to start a support group in my area, but again, there's that pesky issue of taking time to do get a group started.

I did learn earlier this year that the VA offers Caregiver Support. I received some information on it from the VA. If I recall, it was primarily podcasts, or some type of interactive podcast, which didn't really appeal to me.

I'd like to read more about your own experiences and suggestions. I think time and mobility would be key factors for any type of get-together to share experiences and console other caregivers. That's probably why forums work well; we can stop by at our convenience, w/o getting dressed, going out (especially in inclement weather).
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I don't think the resources we need really lend themselves to a "list" format. That's why we have forums like this covering a variety of issues and topics for people in different situations.
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I think a lot of people who use the site miss all the content that is available through the links at the bottom of the page. One thing that I wish was available is a simple comprehensive list of all the articles, they contain some good information it can be a challenge to find the ones you are looking for.
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Just found the VA site for caregiver support:

Note in the second paragraph that the VA assists with health care for eligible primary caregivers, in the absence of other health care plans the caregiver might have.
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In response: I agree that most seem to either fall into or get trapped.... What is also difficult to understand is that if the caregiver is a spouse or family member it is 24/7 and free of any compensation or very costly if one pays for the same three meals , giving medications, doing laundry, changing beds, taking to appointments sitting waiting giving up ones own life
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