
My Mother had to move back into my house because of her age and health where my wife and I can watch her because of our different shifts. My wife works first shife from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and I third shift work from 9:00 PM to 7:30 AM.

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If your Mom has the funds you can set up a caregiver agreement.. I would seek an Attorney who specializes in Elder Law to set this up...
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Your mom already gets 2 entitlements- her SS check and Medicare. She can use her income (& all her savings as well) to pay you all for caregiving. & you have to do this as assabdache7 has suggested.

If she is low income enough and can show medical need she possibly could get Medicaid as an "at need" entitlement and then get onto whatever medicaid program that your state is doing within your area. If your state does PACE, then that would be her first program to go into. If your state does IHHS, then that could be another possibility.

These programs pay the service provider for whatever caregiving is done. If its IHHS, it could be family but the wage will be pretty close to minimumwage in your state at whatever hours is determined to be " needed". Based on what some have posted on this site, maybe $ 10 hr & 18 hrs a week & it's taxable income.

Basically in the US, caregiving is done first & foremost by family & for free.
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Probably not from the government, but you should be getting some of her SS check for room and board. It looks like it all falls on you unless she is on Medicaid, who would pay for a nursing home if she needs one.
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