
Mention something today. Tomorrow absolutely no recall. Any suggestions?

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There are many days where I have the same questions within 5 minutes. Initially I found myself saying, "as I said..." and then realized that just made Mom feel like she goofed up. Now I just answer the questions like it's the first time they were asked - sometimes she'll say "oh, that's right - you just told me" and other times it's like new information again. I just go with it - I figure, at least I don't need to come up with a lot of subjects to talk about when we're together!
Helpful Answer (17)

I just answer them again. It does no good to tell them you already told them something, it just frustrates them and makes them feel bad. It may drive you nuts but put yourself in their place. They wouldn't be asking if they knew the answer. So have a heart and tell them, again, over and over and over. Just think of it as one more thing to do for someone you love and it won't kill you in the process.
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I'm 74. For years and years I have had a memory issue. Especially with people's names (that one from childhood). I'm also hyperactive and my minds go 100 mile an area which makes remembering even harder as it jumps from one thing to another. I had a LOT of friends that I see a lot. I'm very active with my church, ukulele playing, and the people I live with in my apartment building as well as other friends. So it makes it hard to remember who I told what. My sister in law has a very bad habit of interrupting me when I go to tell her something. (and she wonders why I don't visit a lot) But it's not necessary because I'm telling her something I've told her before, it's usually because I'm giving her a snippet of something I know I told her before but after a few sentences it's going to lead to something new. When she does that it completely wipes out of my mind the new stuff I was going to tell her. I've learned to start out with, "I know I told you such and such but..." and then hope I can keep in my mind what I wanted to add before it's gone. With my friends I just ask.... "did I tell you about?" (that doesn't work with my sister in law) From personal experience I can tell you how horrible it can be to so badly want to interact with someone and have almost every conversation be interrupted by someone so you can't even have a conversation. I did get on her about it and she's getting better at not interrupting me. I'm not so bad I'm asking the same questions or telling the same story every five minutes but if and when that time comes I hope that someone I'm talking to will have enough love in their heart to hear me out or maybe wait and maybe gently interrupted me with, "Oh yeah, I remember you telling me that..." and then go on with the conversation making me feel like a valued friend.
Helpful Answer (12)
Harpcat Jun 2019
When someone interrupts me I find that saying "let me finish" helps. It shocks them into realizing they are being rude to interrupt and usually works. Listening is a skill and sadly so many especially women do not have it.
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2 things that have helped us:
1. We got both sets of parents an American Lifetime clock. It tells the day, the time and even morning, afternoon, evening. It’s in large black and white to make it easier to see. We got ours at Amazon.
2. We got an 11x14 white board (dry erase) and we update it with the answers to the things they obsess about the most. Like when we moved my MIL to MC we wrote on dad’s board: “
Mom is in a different building 2 houses down so they can help her more and you can get more rest.
2. you can go see her in a few days when she gets settled in.
3. yes, you can afford this. Blair is taking care of all the bills and accounts and he said you are fine financially.
4. She will not be moving back. This is a permanent situation.
5. There is no cure for what she has. She will have good days and bad days.
6. If she says unkind things, it’s not really her, it’s her condition and how it has affected her brain.
7. If you can’t find something, go ask the staff to help you first. They are there, we are not. If you still can’t find it with their help. Write it down on your notepad and we’ll take care of it on Saturday if it’s not an emergency.
8. We know this is hard and we are praying for you and for mom.

we keep it in his room on the wall by his chair so he can refer to it often. We update it as needed depending on the loop 10”. It really has helped.
Helpful Answer (12)
caringdil Jun 2019
I love the white board idea! Going to try it w my mil.
I bet it will help.
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Unfortunately, what you describe is part of having dementia. It takes the patience of a saint to deal with them. I found this aspect of Alzheimer’s especially wearing. I decided to count how many times the same things were said.
She said, “There’s itching powder in my clothes.” 35 times in one day and “I have a terrible headache.” 27 times. Sometimes the same sentence was said a couple of times within a minute.
*It didn’t seem to matter if anyone made a comment or explanation or not, she was still going to say it.
*Distraction (talking about something else or walking around) did not work. She was focused on those two subjects.
*Getting mad did not work. They don’t understand that they are repetitive, so they don’t understand WHY you’re mad.
*IF the dementia isn’t very advanced you may be able to give an answer and they will be satisfied. It helps writing it down where they can see it. This doesn’t work in advanced (late stage 5 and 6) dementia. The mind has lost most comprehension ability.

Could you make a little video on your phone and play it every time the same questions/subjects come up? At least you wouldn’t have to be saying it each time.

Remember, their brains are broken. They can’t help how things are processed and what comes out of their mouths. We aren’t used to communicating with them on this level and it is beyond frustrating.
Don’t get mad at them, just like you wouldn’t get mad at an autistic child for not being able to understand.

Go take your frustrations out somewhere else (sports, walking, reading, yoga, meditation, talking with friends (but watch that you don’t over-do with that), etc.)

There is no answer or solution to this. You can’t avoid it, you must go through it. How you handle it will be for YOUR benefit, not his/hers.

If you have a connection with a higher power, I’d suggest prayer. That helped me.
Possibly join a support group for families of dementia victims. Come back here and vent anytime you need to. We’ve been there and done that.

I’m sorry for you both. You will get through this because you have to. And, this too shall pass.

Blessings to you.
Helpful Answer (11)

Oh yes, that’s very frustrating to listen to, isn’t it? All you can do is answer the question again, and again, and pray for patience. Eventually you may find that your LO may not remember from one minute to the next. Try very hard not to lose your patience. If it’s something that really needs to be recalled, like appointments, upcoming events, etc make sure they are written down on a calendar or posted on a wall. Does their doctor know about the forgetfulness?
Helpful Answer (10)
Joeyrenee Jun 2019
Thank you. I really appreciate your response. Patience and kindness seem the way to go. Maybe just play the game.
I will not even tell you how often I tell my dad what day it is in the space of a one hour visit. Just put your brain into neutral and go with it.
Helpful Answer (9)

My mother does the same thing. I'll say "oh, yes, I remember you telling me about that" if she repeats a story (and she does, often!) When she asks a question repeatedly I just "go with the flow". It's kind of like having a toddler around sometimes, it feels like to me anyway. She lives with us so it's an every day occurrence. Really, just let it go and don't get frustrated. It's so much easier that way.
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Even though it is very frustrating to continually repeat a response try to do so with patience, easier said than done. I over saw my mother's care for about 3 years between AL and MC. In the end seeing her just staring off into space, I'd rather hear the repeated questions. She is gone now, 6 months this week and I'd give anything to hear her voice again. Cherish the time, it is a blessing to be able to care for our loved ones. Patience and prayers got me through.
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