
Dad in memory care facility in Florida, facility cannot care for him due to violent behavior. He lives in The Villages, Lady Lake, there are no other memory care facilities that will take in violent patients, need help, guidance... who to call, where to go.....

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Can you get him admitted to a psychiatric facility for a workup to see if meds will help?
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So sorry you are going thru this. My understanding is that there are few facilities that can handle these patients. First talk with current facility director for a referral, second ask his physician for a full medical and mental work up including reassessment of all meds. Also contact your local center for aging and they can make some calls and help you find facility willing to take him. Be prepared, there may be only a couple in your state and I hear these are not the most pleasant places...lots of sedation, sometimes isolation to keep the elder and other residents safe.

Sad you are having to go thru this.
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