
Is anyone here dealing with a bedbound loved one in their home and bathing them in bed? If I can lift my Mom into her wheelchair and onto the toilet she will do her bm's there each morning. She cannot walk or talk and sleeps alot now. Although incontinent she seems to hold her bm's and if I were to bed bathe her how do I deal with that. I seriously know she wont go in bed. I have burnt out my arm and now my morning caretaker has burnt out hers and told me today she needs time off. I don't blame her and I understand but of course I am just so upset. Is there any way to hoyer them onto the toilet and get the hoyer sling off, the u-slings dont work for her, as she will fall through it. Any suggestions please?

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Hoyer seems to be a 2 person thing from what I've read. Others may have additional info for you. As far as bed bathing, not a problem. Like sponge bathing a baby. Use a bowl (or one of those spray bath products that do not need rinsing) with soapy water wipe Mom down, then use warm clean water to wipe off soapy water. Cloth does not have to be soaking wet to get the job done. Then towel dry. You can place a big towel under her arm, leg, whatever is being cleaned to keep bedding dry....a big waterproof pad works just as well.

If you have hospice or other inhome providers, they will usually send someone twice a week to bathe their patients.

Good luck!
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Thanks Littletonway, my mom wont roll. She doesnt understand whats going on but resists against me and I cant get her on her side once I pull her up finally, she goes right back down, its impossible with her. BW gave me a lot of advice on bathing and rolling too but my Mom is so difficult and large. I had Hospice many months ago and they couldnt do it either and said she is a 2 person assist and they cannot bathe her. They said they are only supplemental caregivers and in cases like my Mom are rare, they are in NH's, so needless to say I canceled them. I was hoping someone had experience with resistant patients also. I ended up picking her up this afternoon again and putting her on the toilet and she did her bm's, she holds them until on the toilet yet she cant express it to me. Oh the difficulties of caregiving when they cant walk, Calgon, take me away!
Thank you
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I am having the same problem. My bedbound MIL is very large...........and absolutely resists rolling side to side. My back is killing me. Did you ever find a solution?
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Hi Marialake, this has been my hardest issue over the course of my caregiving! I hoyer or lift Mom out of bed into her wheelchair. I then lift her onto the toilet and bathe her there.(she cant walk) Just her movement from that and she does her bms on the toilet each morning.(I do give1.5 teaspoons miralax 2 hours before also) Its so hard I hired morning help for her and for myself. The only woman I have (who is fantastic) is on vacation now, always something. Anyway here is another way. Take a long sheet and fold it up to about 3' and lay it across the bed so each end is basically almost on the floor. Once your Mom is on the bed this is what you do. Take the sheet ( think its called a draw sheet) (shoulder to below bum) area, and pull her towards you (sheet over her body arm tucked in if can) Once you get her rolled towards you grab the sheet with one hand keeping her up and shove a bolster pillow or anything you can behind her so she cant roll back. Once you have her up on her side, throw the draw sheet back and bedpads, whatever you have, to expose her bum. Then remove half her diaper by rolling it down towards bed. (wash if you need to) Go to the other side of the bed, remove the pillow and do a "bump" they call it. This is taking the draw sheet and basically pullng it little by little quickly as her body rolls a little and it pulls her across the other side of the bed so you can roll her again, the same way on the other side of the bed. Is this too confusing? I had someone come over 2 weeks ago to show me because I couldnt figure it out on the phone. Also keep the bed a little below your own hip level so you have leverage to lift, roll, etc. I had the bed all the way up and that hurt my back more. A little lower gives you leverage. If all else fails, hire someone to help. I just thought to myself last night, for goodness sakes I am doing all of this and keeping her out of a nursing home, the least you'ld think medicare would do is send morning help free, but nope. Even hopsice couldnt send someone strong enough, told me she is a two person assist and that they all of a sudden didnt have morning help available for me so I quit them. I am finishing up year 6 here, how about you? If my Mom dd bm in bed, I think I would be screwed, its so hard just to change a wet one. (I bought a big john toilet seat, its huge) Can she stand even for 2 seconds to move her? Does she understand anything? Is she on medication making her more tired or does she need medication for agressiveness? That may sound funny but it makes a big diference. Feel free to ask any questions.
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Please search for shower chair that rolls over the toilet. Bathroom wheelchair or shower chair. Some are for commode only, some shower only and some are dual purpose. Then you could maybe hoyer lift your mom into the chair and roll the chair over the toilet. Best wishes to you. I can only imagine your struggle by yourself.
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Why is your mother not in a nursing home where professionals can give her the care she needs?
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Thank you precious, doing good here, still lifting her but bathing in bed now and in toet just to poop.
Nursing home professionals, never!
I have seen way too much in nhomes. My moms never even had a rash or an illness or uti in 8 years with me. They are aides, not professionals. My friends husband is in a private one now and has had 2 uti' s, diarrhea, pukes, fell twice, and a cold in only 5 months. He sits 45 mins in feces waiting for an aide to clean him. He is sharp as a tack and in his 60's . I have tried to train aides for my home and have 1 great one out of probably 100 i tried. My moms too good for thst, she was a and staying here until the end, dying a natural death at home. Even her doctor says no one gets better care than a petson at home. He said they go downhill in nh's and theres usually 1 aide to 8-12 patients. I have to feed my mom too which takes 2 hours pureed food. Sorry but when i hear professionals i choke up inside. My neice works at one also, ong no way. Thank you
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A wedge works good for holding patients on their sides. Ask Dr. Where you can get one.
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