
Mil is 68 years old and guilted us to let her live in and since there is not really any family we got stuck with her or maybe we're not strong enough to say NO.

Mil doe nothing to be helpful. She sleeps till 11am-2pm. She washes the dishes half-a$$, wheels out trash and recycle. She does not work, won't make friends, has no interest or hobbies. We are suppose to be her source of entertainment and we have our own lives with our 7 year old daughter. Mil does nothing w my daughter like most grandparents will do.

This weekend I reached my breakpoint of disrespect. We are renting and I had renewal and inspection, I wanted the house clean. I told mil Saturday that she had between sat - sun to clean her room and bathroom (she is not disabled). I asked her on Sunday when she planned to shower and clean and her response was idk. I said you need to clean we are all cleaning. Then she pitifully walked around the house cause I told her to clean and went into her room. We checked on her 1.5 later and she's in bed w the dusting rag telling us she's working on dusting. We left and instructed her to change her sheets (again she is perfectly capable of this task just does not want too). We were gone 2 hours, she pulled off her sheets that's it. When we got home then she proceeded to put sheets on. Fast forward to Monday I came home and it's 245 and she's in her too small nightshirt and pants and I asked if she planned to put a tshirt on and she was like yeeeeaaaaahh. Then I told her I will be vacuuming (I like to vacume before ppl come over because I like that fresh air scent. I got to her room and nothing is picked up, she was like idk what to do with it. I just stood there waiting. She had some clothes and shoes it was 4 pick up piles. I was like do you want carpet powder all over your stuff? No. I think she thought I would just pick up her stuff - um no she does nothing. Then as I vacume her room I find grey and black streaks on the carpet - I am guessing cause she does not pick up her feet. I am just so fed up.

Previously before this Thursday she got mad that my daughter ate and I asked if she wanted me to heat up dinner for her as my husband and I were going to eat later on our he'd; I had a stressful day at work and just wanted to lay in bed and eat dinner like we use to before she moved in. Keep in mind we eat w her 98% of the time and it's not like she would eat alone she would eat with her granddaughter. Then Friday I went to a school function and we were being served good so my daughter and I were stuffed. My husband said he would make a sandwich and mil was what am I suppose to eat after I said there are a bunch of left overs. She was expecting me to cook just her dinner as my husband already made himself a sandwich since we were full. I told her to eat the left overs I am not cooking a full meal for just her - left overs in fridge are all homemade by me anyways.

So as you see this keeps snow balling. Am I alone? I do not know how much I can take of her living with us.

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I agree with everything that CM is saying, but you also need to have her seen by someone who can do a neuropsych work up; a couple of hours of paper and pencil testing, and to a psychiatrist. She certainly sounds depressed. She may be mentally ill. She may have a personality disorder. You need to know what you are dealing with so you can help find the right treatment. And the right living arrangements.
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Why does she have to live with someone? What led her to "have" to move in? How much rent is she paying? What is the agreement that you made about meals, housekeeping and the like before she moved in? What is your husband's position with regard to her behavior? Has she always been this helpless? Has she been evaluated for depression? Is she cognitively impaired?

I'm sorry for all the questions, but more information will get you better answers on how to proceed.
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Well, she's your husband's mom. Your husband should be honoring his marriage and his family as a whole ahead of honoring mom. I think I would tell hubby, she's your mom. I'm tired of dealing with her and our daughter experiencing her verbal abuse. So for the sake of my peace of mind and the peace our home, please do something with your mom other than her living here.

Sorry, but very often mom and daughter in law can't survive under the same roof because the husband finds himself triangulated between his mother and his wife while asking who is number one in his life?
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Always dangerous to diagnose via Internet, so I'd consider some possibilities. One is depression and/or dementia and at least the depression part would be treatable - hey you already got her on thyroid Rx, that has to help some, no? - one is negative interaction cycle that might be amenable to family counseling, and the other is just you are not temperamentally suited to get along together under one roof. It is awfully hard to tell won't from can't sometimes, and sad either way that normal gramma stuff just isn't happening for your family. My kids had a wonderful nanny who did a lot of that for them, they missed out some too.
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Well, this is going to sound very mean, but it sounds like your husband is being too nice to mom. In my opinion, he needs to man up to mom and tell her that she came here as a guest with the knowledge that she was not going to live here forever because you have your own lives. It sounds like she's big spoiled old brat who has never had to take responsibility for herself. Now is a time to learn. Tell her she has some time limit to figure out where she's moving to, but she's to be moved by a certain date. If she's alright otherwise other than being lazy and selfish, then it's time to light a fire under her to get her in action. It will make her angry, but she's already made ya'll angry and worn out her welcome. It;'s your house. If she can't live by your rules, then she needs to find another place to live.
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It may be easier to move her than to go through all the hassles of the doc stuff. Sounds like she needs to go regardless of any medical diagnosis. You've known her a long time I assume. Is this her personality? I don't mean to dismiss medical advice, it sure can't hurt, I'm just trying to put myself in your shoes.
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She needs to leave your house.

Medical evaluation can help determine where she needs to go.

This may seem odd to you, but in order to force someone to leave YOUR house, you may need to go through eviction process. Look up what that would be for your municipality. For example, how much notice is required? Let us hope that she cooperates and this official route is not needed, but be aware of what would be necessary and be prepared to do it as a last resort.

It is for you and your husband to decide who will live with you. I hope you can find suitable arrangements for her, after a medical evaluation to help determine what those arrangements might be. And I hope she cooperates. But whether she cooperates or not, it is still your decision who lives in your home.
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Also, ya'll are being emotionally blackmailed via her guilt trips. Look up emotional blackmail on this site and get out of the emotional dance!
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I agree to all postings. She is a selfish spoiled brat too.

If I google Drs in my state would that be 2 or 2 separate Drs? What types of Drs would I google?
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Google neurologists in your area. That's where I'd start if I was you. They look at how people's brains are functioning and can diagnose dementia and/or personality disorders. Good luck - you've got your hands full.

But better to find out whether MIL is just being stubborn/selfish or has some medical/brain condition that is causing her behavior. What you find can help you determine your course of action in the future.
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