
Every 4-5 weeks since June 2020 I have been bleeding. Heavy bleeding for first half day on toilet paper, then tapering off over the next few days. Went to ER when bleeding, who said blood was definitely coming from vagina. Had CT scan and pelvic ultrasound. No sign of masses. Saw ob/gyn when not bleeding. She said vagina intact and no sign of atrophy or cancer. Skin outside vagina looked slightly atrophied. Gave me estrogen cream 4 weeks ago. Began bleeding again. How do I get a diagnosis? Have had breast and lung cancer.

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You need to follow up with the Gyn and push to get a proper diagnosis.

My Step Mother in Law just died of endometrial cancer, she fought it for 5 years. First she had a hysterectomy, then it was discovered in her Vagina and she had another surgery, when it came back the third time there was nothing more the doctors could do.

The sign of it being in her vagina was starting to have a cycle again.

If you can see if you can get an internal exam as soon as the bleeding starts again. That will make it easier to pin point what the cause is.
Helpful Answer (2)
Nonickname Jan 2021
Thank you. Had a pelvic exam in ER when bleeding. Dr believed blood was coming from vagina. Later, ob/gyn said it didn’t appear it was vaginal. Blood did not appear on tip of tampon last night, used to see where blood was coming from. Will try for 2nd opinion from gyn when bleeding again, but it’s very difficult to get a last minute appointment.

Keep following up with doctors. You have had the tests and the results should have been comforting. If this continues they may do a small biopsy. We get this question quite often, so apparently this condition is not all that unusual with atrophy of tissue. Just keep following up with your MDs.
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Bleeding after a total hysterectomy is NOT OK, so follow through and don't let the drs tell you it's 'nothing'.

Sounds like this dr may be a bit checked out. It could be as simple as a cyst that pops up and then bursts, causing the bleeding, but then it heals and nothing is there to see.

Mother had serious bleeding that she thought was vaginal--and taking her to the ER and demanding they figure it out--it was a cyst in her BLADDER that kept rearing up and bursting. B/C she was so adamant it was vaginal they didn't LOOK at bladder issues. I had to tell them she was VERY prone to UTI's and well, that was the problem.
Helpful Answer (3)
Nonickname Jan 2021
Thank you! I did see a urologist for cystoscopy and bladder was fine.
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