
Blind neighbor needs things to do. Has specific recorder and is listening to books for the sight impaired. My neighbor lives at home with his wife. They have been married over 50 years. He is blind and also has medical issues with his legs and ankles. He needs something to do while he is at home. He is a veteran, so I will check to see if they have any suggestions. We do go to each others house for dinner about 2 times a month. We (my daughter and I) really would like to come up with some suggestions to take away some of the boredom he is experiencing. I welcome all suggestions!

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Jeanne, you and I must be on the same wave length!

Susan, you can also search on this web site for similar questions and more answers. Here are some other posts you can check out: for the blind

CWillie makes a good point. Other than within specific segments, our society generally isn't that well prepared to offer activity suggestions for blind people.

It seems this man is social, so perhaps you could try to introduce subjects of conversation that don't require vision. What are his specific interests? E.g., if he's interested in science or history, one of you might research the latest scientific discoveries, or study NatGeo articles, tell him the high points, and discuss them with him.

Besides his military service, what did he do for a living?

Since he's a Vet, I would have his wife contact his VA primary care doctor and ask to speak with the social worker associated with that tem. She/he might have some ideas, including perhaps interacting with other Vets (if he's up to that - depending on his service experience, he may not be.)

Also contact national and local associations for the blind.

Chinese checkers might be a game he could play as he can feel the marbles and the holes in the board to make decisions on moves.
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My only other suggestion would be leave the radio or TV on for them.

Good of you to look out for them and find activities for them.
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I play Yahtzee with my senior friend who is legally blind. She rolls the dice and I tell her what she rolled and she makes the choice on what to keep and what to toss back in the cup. It's great for keeping her mind sharp! She also has books on tape, but enjoys the social interaction she gets from playing Yahtzee with me and any visitors. She enjoys it so much that she usually plays 2 games after each meal and then 2 more before going to bed. By the way, she just turned 94 yrs young!
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Its hard being a blind senior, and I haven't found any of the threads on the site or suggestions on the web to be particularly helpful. The talking books are wonderful, my mom enjoyed them.
My grandmother was able to continue with many of the crafts she had enjoyed throughout her life by feel and with the help of strong magnification, but her sight was never as impaired as my mom's. What kind of things did he used to enjoy? Finding ways to modify those interests would be a good start.
I would also encourage him/them to get out of the house as much as possible. A stroll around the block or at the local rec centre is good for the body and soul. (I realize this could be a challenge if he can't walk well, it's not likely his dear wife could push him far in a wheelchair, and he obviously can't drive a scooter). A volunteer or even a paid companion could help here.
If he is into self improvement exercising those legs (as advised by PT) can occupy a portion of his day.
Going to adult day care or the local seniors centre, even if it is just a daily cup of coffee with some man friends.
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Here is a thread from a few years ago that may have some ideas for you:

And I hope people with current experience will answer now, too.
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