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Are you asking if dementia is associated with brain injury? Please clarify for us.
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Caretaker29 Jan 2023
Here is an article from the alz website that might be helpful.

My FIL fell and hit his head on cement steps. He suffered a head injury. He was in the hospital for several months. He seemed to recover completely but several years later he had dementia. We always thought it was a result of the fall.
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You might get better answers if you give more details as to what is going on in your situation.
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Caretaker29, welcome to the forum. I think it all depends on what type of brain injury. And the age of the person. Some people, such as football players can receive brain concussions but it isn't until they are much older that they could develop memory issues.

My Mom was in her late 90's and was fairly sharp until she fell and had head trauma. That fall accelerated her into late stage dementia where she could no longer stand/walk, or understand what was going on around her.
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Fawnby Jan 2023
Same thing with my MIL.
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